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Another "I quit because..."

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I started playing this game because I loved the idea of it. A zombie survival game in an open sandbox environment, it all seemed very nice. The game itself is a great idea, and implements most of what it is trying to do very well.

Unfortunately, the community is awful. I have played many games and been part of many more online boards, yet I find this one to be the most immature and disrespectful. Nearly every post is flamed and every opinion is shot down. No one feels welcome here and this carries over into the game. The players have taken what could be a fun game and turned it into complete shit. I have watched nearly all of Rocket's interviews and from what I can gather he invests heavily in what the community wants. However, within the community, anyone who disagrees with a part of the game is immediately shot down.

For example, I think this game is far to PvP heavy. I just love all of those snipers camping outside of Elektro calling themselves bandits while shooting anything that moves. This does not add to the game in any way. Those players never loot the bodies and gain nothing by killing a starting player. If your argument for this is "Once you get to endgame there is nothing else to do," allow me to break it down for you. You could 1: attempt to add something to the game by being a character of sorts; take people hostage, scare people, loot people at gunpoint. 2: If you don't wish to add anything to the gameplay you can always... go outside, or play something else.

I know this will be shot down by the usual active members of the forum (closed minded individuals with little of value to say) but think of what this mod was designed to be. Now realize what it has actually become. DayZ is a deathmatch with an extra long loading screen.

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i agree with op, i shoot every because everyone i have trusted (before i was more experienced) betrayed me, even though they said differently.

WTB new community.

bye op, i would join you but theres no other similar games.

Edited by SandStormer

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Play Lingor Island :) Same game but different map and people are far more friendly.

Also has no graphics glitching and vehicles work plus the buildings are better designed.

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You will be trolled because you simply dont understand that this game is under development ... so dont compare this game with your IDEAL IMAGINATION of a zombie apocalypse game ... it will never meet your expectations ... everything you said has been discussed several times on this forum and even the snipers in elektro know what you are talking about ...

quitting now is the dumbest thing ever because this game will evolve heavily over the next year , even several years ...

with that said


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I understand your frustration yet I feel like such things can be dealt with in a reasonable manner.

Change your tactics, find another way in, go to a different less populated server, scope out snipers before you go in and kill them, and most importantly think of some things to counter such acts on your own because no matter what you do people like this will be there and they will piss you off, its gonna happen you just have to learn to cope and combat it.

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You will be trolled because you simply dont understand that this game is under development ... so dont compare this game with your IDEAL IMAGINATION of a zombie apocalypse game ... it will never meet your expectations

No my friend, I completely understand that the game is under development. Perhaps i should have prefaced my argument with that. Simply because you use the word "alpha" does not excuse the communities attitude and behavior. The game can progress in whatever way it wants and I will check in on it. However the point of my post was to address the playerbase, the fact that you replied in the way you did only shows that it has gone completely over your head. Please at least support your points.

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If the community disagrees with something, then they disagree. You can't exactly say 'your an idiot because you disagreed', can you? It's their opinion, and you'll forgive us if we're a little harsh because the op feels the need to create his own little thread about it rather than making a reply to the multitudes of other threads about the same thing.

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You will be trolled because you simply dont understand that this game is under development ... so dont compare this game with your IDEAL IMAGINATION of a zombie apocalypse game ... it will never meet your expectations ... everything you said has been discussed several times on this forum and even the snipers in elektro know what you are talking about ...

quitting now is the dumbest thing ever because this game will evolve heavily over the next year , even several years ...

with that said


>Implying that a developing a game further will change the community.

Also, nice engrish bro.

Edited by SandStormer
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I understand your frustration yet I feel like such things can be dealt with in a reasonable manner.

Change your tactics, find another way in, go to a different less populated server, scope out snipers before you go in and kill them, and most importantly think of some things to counter such acts on your own because no matter what you do people like this will be there and they will piss you off, its gonna happen you just have to learn to cope and combat it.

I understand what you're saying, I only wish I had to avoid the minority not the majority.

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While I feel that there are a few more bandits out there than friendlies please bear in mind that the gameplay is determined by the players. I would suggest you try the survivors forum and find people who have a similar play style. We aren't all evil baddies looking to snipe people. Some of us like myself enjoy trying to survive and the occasional firefight with a bandit squad prowling. Instead of quitting why not make it a point to form your own Cherno/Electro policing squad and secure the perimeter for the fresh spawns. I do what I can to help players when I can just bear in mind that anyone can turn on you even people you help as its just the nature of the beast. Best of luck in whatever you decide but remember the game is what you choose it to be so maybe you can choose to stay and champion the cause of the survivors. The surprising encounters you run across when you actually get to interact with another player are fantastic even if it ends badly. Sorry for repost from your other thread but I wanted to make sure you see it

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I got shot by a sniper in Elektro and came to the forum to cry - thread #42938749238743894792398479

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If the community disagrees with something, then they disagree. You can't exactly say 'your an idiot because you disagreed', can you? It's their opinion, and you'll forgive us if we're a little harsh because the op feels the need to create his own little thread about it rather than making a reply to the multitudes of other threads about the same thing.

I made my own thread for 2 reasons: I want to open up with my own opinions rather than tag onto someone else's. I feel having multiple threads about the same issue is more effective than one thread with multiple issues. If, as Rocket says, this forum is looked over, having multiple threads will be more visible.

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I got shot by a sniper in Elektro and came to the forum to cry - thread #42938749238743894792398479

Its people like you that degrade the community I'm sure your exactly like one of the people this man is talking about, if you don't have something constructive to say don't say anything at all.

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>Implying that a developing a game further will change the community.

Also, nice engrish bro.

Since engrish is not my first language i dont care ... lolol ... further development of the game will obviously change player behaviour ... community will be affected by it ...


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The title says it all. ANOTHER "I quit because" thread. You knew there were many other topics like this, yet you felt complied to make another one. ​ Because those threads weren't about you were they? No, you're SPECIAL and MORE IMPORTANT then they are!

News flash: You're not. You're just another fucking nobody on the internet just like all the other wastes of carbon that make these shit posts.I won't give a shit if you got run over by a bus today, so why would I care if you've stopped playing a computer game?

Edited by PoisonedAl

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I got shot by a sniper in Elektro and came to the forum to cry - thread #42938749238743894792398479

I have 104 posts and they all contain the words QQ, cry or tears because I'm such a badass and definitely not a virgin.

A community full of sheep, oh joy...

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I got shot by a sniper in Elektro and came to the forum to cry - thread #42938749238743894792398479

Did you think up that catch phrase on your own? Thank you for adding to the discussion. Calibre, if you do not have the mental capacity to add to the thread and can only repeat what you have read elsewhere, kindly fuck off. :)

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I made my own thread for 2 reasons: I want to open up with my own opinions rather than tag onto someone else's. I feel having multiple threads about the same issue is more effective than one thread with multiple issues. If, as Rocket says, this forum is looked over, having multiple threads will be more visible.

1. Fair enough. However that's the point of a thread. You read some opinions, you state your own, then you hover around the thread for more opinions if you wish.

2. I may sound harsh here, but multiple threads on the same thing just annoys everyone and buries the threads that others may be interested in reading. I also dont see how multiple threads that hit 2 pages are more effectived to get noticed than 1 huge thread with 40 pages

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Its people like you that degrade the community I'm sure your exactly like one of the people this man is talking about, if you don't have something constructive to say don't say anything at all.

we'll you'd be wrong.. i've played the game enough to know, it's a cruel and punishing world in Chernarus, you're going to die - i've died more times than I care to remember to sniper bullets , but i've learned to take my death - even those by hackers & the millions of different glitches... do you see me crying? all the OP can do is learn the Dayz mantra "death is inevitable.. don't become attached to your gear."

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i recently reached the "end game" simply by stumbling across a body of a hacker. spent the next 10 in game days surviving off the land. I hadn't even fired a shot from my illegal AS50 TWS. Until yesterday i decided i needed to pop my cherry. So decided im too noob to take on the cherno/elektro bro's, so though i'd camp Komaravo and balota instead. True enough my first kill came within the hour, the second and third shortly after. Actually the most rewarding experience one-shotting someone 650m away, only bettered when you find your first weapon when you play for the first time. It doesn't matter that he's running in a straight line, with his flashlight out across the open plains. Or ghilli'd up, proning his way through the underbush, they all die the same.

This cool story was bought to you by Bro corp.

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The title says it all. ANOTHER "I quit because" thread. You knew there were many other topics like this, yet you felt complied to make another one. ​ Because those threads weren't about you were they? No, you're SPECIAL and MORE IMPORTANT then they are!

News flash: You're not. You're just another fucking nobody on the internet just like all the other wastes of carbon that make these shit posts.I won't give a shit if you got run over by a bus today, so why would I care if you've stopped playing a computer game?

Ah, Poisoned AI, I was hoping you would attend. I have read many of your replies in a multitude of post and this has to be one of your best. Your overly aggressive attitude only emphasized my post, you are case in point. Your posts are violent to the point where I can actually feel that you have issues in real life that you are unable to deal with them, You come here talking shit, because in real life, you don't have the balls.

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lol, its online dude everyone here is a internet warrior. flaming trolling is funny. ive been trolled and flammed.

the game community on DayZ is a shoot on site fest. i admit i do the same i shoot nubs players etc, i dont hang in cherno i love the north in the game.

however, all gaming communitys are like this, you just gotta find the right group, you dont realise but your post will piss someone off so they want to flame you vice versa

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lol, its online dude everyone here is a internet warrior. flaming trolling is funny. ive been trolled and flammed.

the game community on DayZ is a shoot on site fest. i admit i do the same i shoot nubs players etc, i dont hang in cherno i love the north in the game.

however, all gaming communitys are like this, you just gotta find the right group, you dont realise but your post will piss someone off so they want to flame you vice versa

However it is not 100% the communities fault that its a shoot on site fest when the way dayz works is that it is also the most rewarding and safest way to play.(i'm not talking about those who go out of there way to PVP.) So really its partly the communities fault for being weak willed and going down the path of least resistance as well as the games fault for rewarding the killing of other random players much more so than working with them.

However you still have those who don't wish to take the easy route and don't kill on sight and get called noobs,carebears,etc. , when we ask for more content outside of killing each other, or would hold little to no value in PVP.

Now there is no reason for the community to be as hostile as it is on the forums, since we are real people trying to hopefully discuss ways to boarded dayz into more than what it is currently.

Edited by Orthus

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