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n_nikez Spawning on the beach?

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Hey I've been having this problem for about a week now and was wondering if anyone knew of a quick fix or something I could do to avoid this happening again.

EVERYTIME I go to the northwest airfield log out then back in the game is spawning me on the shore somewhere. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening and is it happening to anyone else?

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500th thread on this topic, when you are loading, the game places you in debug forest (probably so you aren't killed before you are even loaded into the game)

Once you finish loading, the game moves you to your last location. If you get stuck on loading (almost always because you joined a server running the wrong version) then join a different server, the server see's your last location as debug forest and spawns you back on the coast.

Edited by smasht_AU

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"EVERYTIME I go to the northwest airfield" Or maybe you are server hopping for good loot and you are getting punished.

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i'm diffidently not server hopping I just like to join big pop servers and have it out at the airfield.but i'll try to avoid joining servers with the wrong version thanks for the tips

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