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Solution to Alt+F4 cowards.

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After barely surviving a zombe horde and trying to orientate myself using the coast, i get shot several times by a bandit with a makarov, since the makarov is weak i managed to survive and pull out my AKS-74 Kobra, i got the luck of nailing a few shots into him, then he runs off into a pile of bushes and when i reach him he randomly disappears. He Alt+F4'ed. :dodgy:

I ended up having 800 blood, wasted alot of ammo and food and din't get the chance to take his loot and bandages which i really needed, not fair.

Solution: After someone disconnects or uses the Alt+F4 tactic, the player's character will remain in the Battlefield for atleast 10 seconds, after those 10 seconds are over the character will disappear.

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sod 30' date=' it should be a minute. encouraging you to scout your surroundings before resting. just as you would irl


30 secs would be enough to stop the alt-f4 d/c and not punish players who are not in combat.

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30 seconds to 1 minute would be perfect

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don't forget about people who may be legitimately disconnected from servers. i have lagged out several times and had client crashes (one time i am pretty sure it was the server that ran out of memory and crashed everyone).

also, i don't know what the desync timeout is right now, but it is very large. i have experienced the full use of it many times (saving me from being completely disconnected). connection in general to the game servers is pretty... loose, which at this point i consider a good thing.

the point im trying to make is if it is easy to differentiate between people who hit the 'exit' button, and people crash/lagging out, then by all means, fuck a server jumpers day up. 15 to 30 seconds gets my vote.

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don't forget about people who may be legitimately disconnected from servers. i have lagged out several times and had client crashes (one time i am pretty sure it was the server that ran out of memory and crashed everyone).

also' date=' i don't know what the desync timeout is right now, but it is very large. i have experienced the full use of it many times (saving me from being completely disconnected). connection in general to the game servers is pretty... loose, which at this point i consider a good thing.

the point im trying to make is if it is easy to differentiate between people who hit the 'exit' button, and people crash/lagging out, then by all means, fuck a server jumpers day up. 15 to 30 seconds gets my vote.


Idk, if you're lucky (unlucky?) enough to DC like that in a fight (happened once to me) then I think you should still be killed. Granted you didn't do it on purpose, but I expected to spawn back in dead and I wasn't. I just kinda accepted it.

It would suck, but if there's no way to differentiate, I'd rather punish the ALTF4'ers than make room for for the DC'ers.

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It's been suggested many times already and I agree.

A log off timer for people disconnecting legitimately.. ie you find somewhere safe and hit disconnect, your character remains in game for 15 seconds but you are unable to move or do anything other than abort the disconnect and return to the game.

Regarding distinguishing between people lagging and people who close their clients, Alt+F4 sends a terminate command to the program and the program closes it's self, I expect that part of the Arma2 shutdown function sends something to the server to the effect of 'I'm disconnecting'.

Whereas if the client times out, the server will receive no notification.. it will just not hear from the client. The effect will be the same however if the process is just terminated eg via task manager.

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After barely surviving a zombe horde and trying to orientate myself using the coast' date=' i get shot several times by a bandit with a makarov, since the makarov is weak i managed to survive and pull out my AKS-74 Kobra, i got the luck of nailing a few shots into him, then he runs off into a pile of bushes and when i reach him he randomly disappears. He Alt+F4'ed. :dodgy:

I ended up having 800 blood, wasted alot of ammo and food and din't get the chance to take his loot and bandages which i really needed, not fair.

Solution: After someone disconnects or uses the Alt+F4 tactic, the player's character will remain in the Battlefield for atleast 10 seconds, after those 10 seconds are over the character will disappear.


Was looting 1 of the northern markets alone.

Someone jumped on me and cleared whole mag of makarov on me hitting me couple times.

I ran behind the counter and started aiming at him just to see him disappear right as he realised that i didn't die and was able to shoot back....

Ended up with 2k blood and big ass zombie horde on ME

Please make system that deletes EVERY item from you and drops you to 1blood if you fire shots and abort or alt+f4 right after that!

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Solution: "Logout Block" is indicated by the "logout block" icon. As long as you have "logout block", you are unable to log off.

When you attack or get attacked by Zombies or Players, the icon will appear. It will disappear when you have not been fighting for 60 seconds.

If you Alt+F4 your character will stay in the game until the "log out block" end.

-MMO System

Sorry by google translation.

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i think (too much) for all forms of logging out your in-game body needs to remain on the field for like 1 to 5 minutes in a sort of sleep mode (kill-able or not ?)

so you need to think of an exit strategy prior to any disconnect making sure you were not followed etc.

the player might disconnect directly but the body remains

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i think (too much) for all forms of logging out your in-game body needs to remain on the field for like 1 to 5 minutes in a sort of sleep mode (kill-able or not ?)

so you need to think of an exit strategy prior to any disconnect making sure you were not followed etc.

the player might disconnect directly but the body remains

5 minutes is too long, 1 minute is pushing it. The only reason people are proposing this is to combat the people who log on only to kill someone and logout immediately afterward. This gives the person being fired at a chance to find and immediately kill their aggressor. I say 30 seconds, tops. I mean, lets face it... The only reason people log in the middle of the fight is because they lost the upper hand. Since the upper hand is lost and they are exposed, you shouldn't need more than 30 seconds to find and kill him.

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it is not just cowards, it is general survival tactics, you just don't go to sleep in a zombie world, you plan it. maybe i am pushing it ?

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I've had it happen where when i log back in, I'm out cold for like 3 mins! if you hit them they will be bleeding and most possibly die when they re-log even if they alt-f4 their body should stay for 20 secs... totally agree! [was going to post this on my thread ^.^]

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I've had it happen where when i log back in' date=' I'm out cold for like 3 mins! if you hit them they will be bleeding and most possibly die when they re-log even if they alt-f4 their body should stay for 20 secs... totally agree! [was going to post this on my thread ^.^']

if you're in shock and log out, when you log back in you will pass out like this.

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