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Advanced Navigation without Tools

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So i think im getting good at navigating I'll try write this tutorial

for advanced navigation. (You'll need it if you miss the short

position thing at the start)

1. No Tools:

This Tutorial requires no tools whatsoever.

Only thing you need a (mostly) clear sight to the sun.

2. Getting your basic position:

Look for the sun. If the sun is in the direction of...

...the Land: it's morning. You're on the south side of the map.

...the Ocean: it's evening. You're on the south side of the map.

...both: its morning or evening. You're on the east side of the map.

(You need to find a road for the following)

Next you should precise your position by searching a village.

When you are south look at the ocean and go left. You will get to one of these villages/positions:

- Kamenka

- Komarovo

- Balota

- Chernogorsk

- Prigorodki

- Cap Golova (Lighthouse on a halfisland)

- Elektrozavodsk

- Kamyshovo

- Krutoy Cap (Lighthouse on the cap)

If the sun starts going between ocean and land for miles you walked wrong (this will happen very very rare). Look at the ocean and go right.

If your on the east side of the map try to get to one of these villages:

- Solnichny

- Nizhnoye

- Berezino


Try to stay near the road until you know your exact location.

3. Navigate on the map and hints

-To navigate look at this: http://teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/

-It will help you keeping your location in mind.

-Use landmarks and signs in villages (churches, the small white signs at the start of a village) to navigate.

-Don't get distracted by good loot. Get the loot and go on.

-In small villages, don't go in houses until you need to. You'll get easily surounded.

-Avoid encounters with Zeds and Players

Hoped i helped you


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Nice guide!

You do need to know a basic or have a rough drawing of the lands in your head for this though :P

Or use a map, eighter ingame or out of game, but that is still a tool ;)

For finding my way, I use treelines and hills. I am mostly in the wilderness, and it requires that you know how to find out which way is north, and a map, preferably quite high res, since seeing treelines, and shapes of hills is key. And most out of game maps are just a quick screencap, so for zooming in it gets low res. Ingame map is awesome though, but a little too rare compared to the amount of maps that exist in the real world :P

Donno anyone without some sort of map about their country.

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When you first spawn, you can often tell where you are by looking at the coast road and railroad. If you're on the south coast and the railroad is closer to the water than the road, you're west of Cherno. If the road is closer to the ocean, you're east of Cherno.

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This was an interesting read, but I think, ultimately not very practical if you don't already know the layout of Chernarus.

Navigating without tools or a map is probably going to be a rather fruitless exercise unless you are looking for generalized locations.

You should learn the idiosyncrasies of geography.

If you need a city, follow draws (the gouges in mountain slopes) down and you will typically come to roads. Roads connect cities. If you find a fire-road, follow it down-hill and it will connect with major road.

Powerlines traverse terrain directly, following them will connect you to cities.

Mountain peaks typically house ancient castles and radio relay towers, which are good common landmarks to orient by.

If you need directionality:

From high ground, you can see the horizon and locate inland (mountains) from coast (straight ocean horizon.)

You can deduce north by observing shadows. The closer to noon, the more the shadows point off axis, but they point west-ish in the morning, and east-ish in the evening. Or, just look at the sun, and inverse these instructions... it's in the east during morning, west in the evening. You can use the watch trick without a watch if you can estimate the time of day-- http://www.learn-orienteering.org/old/nocompass1.html You just have to imagine the watch... which isn't too hard to do.

At night, you can spot the north star (not sure if it is actually visible in Arma II) normally, being that Chernarus (fictionally) is in the northern hemisphere, you spot the big dipper, then follow the two stars that make up the end of the cup about five spans "upwards" from the big dipper, and that is roughly north.

That's all I can think of right now. there are a lot of other good ways to navigate, but they require some form of tool... like a watch.

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When you load in it tells you where you are at the bottom right you only need the 2nd line that is the city. If your at Kamenka Kamarovo Balota or air field put the water on your right and run till you see cranes, any other location (unless you ran north of Berezino) and you will find them no matter what direction you run as long as you follow the coast. Cranes mean big city which means grocery store which is where you will find a compass and map. Look for the kinda small rectangle building with lots of glass in the front and yellow doors in the back.

Also, I need those beans, give em up and I'll let you live.

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If you are in a local server, the time is your time. So you can use your own watch, right?

At night' date=' you can spot the north star (not sure if it is actually visible in Arma II)




also see


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