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0.19% or Why I stoped playing

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You expected to find the best loot in 12 hours

Some have sunk in more than 400 hours, and only have high tier loot, while you expect the highest in a few hours. Good luck with that

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Sounds like you just need a community that can increase your chances. It's easier to find loot when more people are looking!

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This game needs lower chances of good weapons dropping not more lol.

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I think the OP would've been better off actually listing some suggestions for improving gameplay beyond increasing rare loot percentages, but based on your replies I'll offer you a suggestion or two that may help you enjoy the mod a bit more.

First, stop playing with 7 other guys on teamspeak. I can't imagine your crew is going to find much challenge running around with 15% of the server population in one group. Ditch your friends, start a new character, and try solo mode. You'll find looting a bit more of a challenge without a platoon backing you up.

Second, and this goes along with the first, but stop looking at this as nothing but a loot gathering mod. Again, if you are running around with a team of 7-8 players there really isn't much else to do but look for good loot (besides rebuild vehicles) because a group that large isn't going to face many other challenges.

Finally, take a few days off, play another game, then try Day Z again. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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its just the luck of the draw. i found 3 crossbows and an enfield in the same milking shed at the same time lastnight.

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If you ask me it is the other way around actually.

Too much good gear and too much ammunition. If you find a rusty rifle' date=' you should be so damn excited about it, as if you've just found a treasure chest full of gold. Even more if it still shoots straight!

This game ain't about farming the best gear, it is about surviving in my eyes.

Boring? By far not. Try the role play approach the next time you get in game. You may be surprised what this game can offer. (And especially when you find like minded people)



Exactly, surviving and exploring is the main strenght of this game. I really hope to see random loot in future patches, all these loot maps, loot camping and a hunt for the best items....this game should not change into an mmorpg type where you follow a guide for farming items. Thousands of such games out there already and most of them are plain boring.

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>complaining about chance

Wow. Guns are literally everywhere in-game' date=' it's like Chernarus was a [i']war-zone or something before the outbreak...

Technically, it was. Lol

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I'll keep it simple

Char very old' date=' visited NW airfield over 15 times, easily 30+ deer towers, several trips to devils castle, EVEN the NE airfield, 3x Balmora, 9 "Murders" + some self defence & 3 bugged heli crash sites.

So after checking like 300 possible military spawnpoints (and a lot of player corpses who also checked spawnpoints), I have never found anything but unscoped ak/m4s (no cqc version, m203 version, only a1/a2) & shotguns.

Never did a item with the ridiculously low spawn chance show up - expecting a player to continue searching for this crap after over 12 rl-playing hours invested is just boring... and I noticed that the game bored me, yes.

and wow really 12 playing hours? you shouldnt have been able to hit nw that many times unless it was right after another and that would explain shit loot.......... haa anywho try 250 hours and youll find stuff. XD

PvP you say, might as well play the modes made for pvp I say.

(Also PvP is silly nowadays, you can kill 89% of people by simply watching the airport for 10 minutes. I died to a guy who managed to clip under/into the aircontrol tower (as in, he walked out of the wall after i was dead) - no scoped/maschinegun/real weapon on him either).

Bye DayZ, may your future updates be more wise.

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First off everytime i have got NVG's .11 spawn, off a player not found.

As for scoped weapons, did you check the barracks in NW? and did you loot cycle or just walk through and get leftovers? Also did you even try stary?

BTW i am not sure why i complain, AKM or CZ is all you need, anything past that is just convenience and prettys and may give you a 5-10% advantage in a fight.

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I'll keep it simple

Char very old' date=' visited NW airfield over 15 times, easily 30+ deer towers, several trips to devils castle, EVEN the NE airfield, 3x Balmora, 9 "Murders" + some self defence & 3 bugged heli crash sites.

So after checking like 300 possible military spawnpoints (and a lot of player corpses who also checked spawnpoints), I have never found anything but unscoped ak/m4s (no cqc version, m203 version, only a1/a2) & shotguns.

Never did a item with the ridiculously low spawn chance show up - expecting a player to continue searching for this crap after over 12 rl-playing hours invested is just boring... and I noticed that the game bored me, yes.

PvP you say, might as well play the modes made for pvp I say.

(Also PvP is silly nowadays, you can kill 89% of people by simply watching the airport for 10 minutes. I died to a guy who managed to clip under/into the aircontrol tower (as in, he walked out of the wall after i was dead) - no scoped/maschinegun/real weapon on him either).

Bye DayZ, may your future updates be more wise.

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You might of been on a server where the loot bugs and doesnt respawn, move onto a new one yes its very common.

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Found Ghuliie suit and DMR once in same building. Sucks to be you. You do know the % given is PER a respawn of an area, not the % of sites you have checked?

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