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Log in with bandit head and 0 humanity? = wtf

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I don't know if this is a bug or not, but either way it needs to be changed ASAP in the next hotfix.

Every single time I log in I have 0 humanity and a bandit mask. I'll build as much as 5000 humanity helping people, and not shooting everyone I see, only to log out and the next time I log in have it all lost and look like a bandit.

I just logged in to play some, and I got less than 20 feet from where I logged in before someone shot me. I almost gurentee this is because I have an M4A1 and a bandit mask. If I had a survivor/hero head they may not have shot. This is getting really annoying.

Is this a bug or what's going on? It needs to be changed. Measuring humanity isn't exactly accurate or the best, but it's a start, and it doesn't work worth crap right now. :(

I do take some solice in knowing that whoever shot me lost a crapload of humanity. Since it's a penatly per hit, minus their humanity. They shot me like 9 times (Weak gun?) and I have 0 humanity meaning they gained none, and lost 9xPenalty, however much that is.

EDIT: This also means that I spawn with the bandit mask on, so I'm screwed unless I hang out until it disappears after like 20 minutes.

Edited by Yatagan

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I think that it is most likely a bug, but a thing that I would like to see added, is that when you respawn after your character dies, is that you start of with 2500 humanity automatically, and not 0. That means it is halfway between becoming a Hero, or becoming a Bandit.

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My humanity seems to stay at zero for awhile and over playing time it returns to normal.

Someone suggested returning to the lobby and rentering the game. Not sure if this works though.

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My humanity seems to stay at zero for awhile and over playing time it returns to normal.

Someone suggested returning to the lobby and rentering the game. Not sure if this works though.

No it resets to 0, and every so often (10-15 mins?) you gain 150 humanity up to a limit. It used to be 150/5min up to 2000 humanity. But I think he's tweaked those numbers. That's all your seeing. It doesn't return to normal and it totally forgot your previous humanity.

The biggest one is being stuck with the damn bandit face at 0. It literally screws me constantly because people shoot because they think I'm a bandit.

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No it resets to 0, and every so often (10-15 mins?) you gain 150 humanity up to a limit. It used to be 150/5min up to 2000 humanity. But I think he's tweaked those numbers. That's all your seeing. It doesn't return to normal and it totally forgot your previous humanity.

The biggest one is being stuck with the damn bandit face at 0. It literally screws me constantly because people shoot because they think I'm a bandit.

Beg to differ as it doesn't forget my humanity 99% of the time.

The times it hasn't its starts at zero and returns to just under 5k which it has been for awhile because I haven't healed anyone in a few days.

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Beg to differ as it doesn't forget my humanity 99% of the time.

The times it hasn't its starts at zero and returns to just under 5k which it has been for awhile because I haven't healed anyone in a few days.

Then why the hell is it just happening to me?

I just respawned and immediately had a bandit mask and -17000 humanity. The first thing I looted had a silenced MP5. I think this game wants me to be a bandit... T.T

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Then why the hell is it just happening to me?

I just respawned and immediately had a bandit mask and -17000 humanity. The first thing I looted had a silenced MP5. I think this game wants me to be a bandit... T.T

Don't think your alone with the problem. I have a bandage and blood but I don't think that will help.. sorry.

Hopefully its a merely a glitch in the dayz matrix. Perhaps play as you would and it will resolve itself. *shrug*

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A few days ago I got a kill in self-defence, losing 4k humanity (down to about -500). So I took my ghillie off to see myself as a bandit for the first time... And I still had the survivor skin. Lol wut?

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