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To the group who ambushed the Huey @ Balota on US 100

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Lol, nice teamwork you attempted, your ambush was a nice strategy. You managed to remain entirely unseen and shot me down to 2k blood, and forced my group to make an emergency landing. Unluckily for you I was fully healed by my group and you barely affected us at all. I really admire the team effort though, even though you could have just stayed hidden and we'd have left a few seconds after the time you attacked. We just took one silenced stanag, lol. I simply MUST know where your group was hiding, we didn't catch a single glimpse of you guys! :D. Not mad about it, but if you felt threatened, you should have attacked us as we ran IN, not as we were going OUT.

Still, for the 3rd time, admire the effort, but loosen up next time, it's not always a crush, kill, destroy situation.

Edited by Audiobat7

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Dude, we dont want to hear your brag, especially not when your text is 50% fake.

Video or it didnt happen

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"" Either you saw us as a threat or you're a group of dicks who wanted to steal our Huey""

Isn't this how the game should be played?

Why would someone be a dick for trying a little banditry?

Sounds like a gloat and a whinge if you ask me. Which nobody did. ;)

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Dude, we dont want to hear your brag, especially not when your text is 50% fake.

Video or it didnt happen

Was being positive, not bragging, I felt if I typed angrly people like you would just go "lololol umad" so I acted POSITIVE. Also, why would I record every second of DayZ I play with software I don't even have just to please the douchebags like you who have to whine when there isn't a video and call it fake.

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"" Either you saw us as a threat or you're a group of dicks who wanted to steal our Huey""

Isn't this how the game should be played?

Why would someone be a dick for trying a little banditry?

Sounds like a gloat and a whinge if you ask me. Which nobody did. ;)

2nd time, being positive, not gloating. And according to your logic the game is all about stealing vehicles or seeing everything as a threat and shooting it to hell? And "trying a little banditry" haha, yeah little. There was 5 of them attacking at once. That's organized ass hattery right there.

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Why would they not want your huey? Who in there right mind wouldn't take up on the opportunity of getting a helicopter?

Think, how often do you see helicopters in DayZ? Once every few days if you're lucky. How often do you see one on the ground where you actually get to kill them? Not often at all, and you'd be an idiot not to try and steal it.

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Leave it to a brony to not understand why someone would shoot at a huey.

It's not rocket appliances.

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Either you saw us as a threat or you're a group of dicks who wanted to steal our Huey.

wow really? lol welcome to dayz

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And this warranted a thread how? Seriously, no one gives a fuck.

Better then half the shit people complain about these days. :/

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Considering the Huey has two mounted machine guns, it could be seen as a threat.

Yeah, I know that, but it confused me that they waited until we were getting into the helicopter, instead of murdering us when we walked into the airfield. Which meant that they debated over killing us for quite a while

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Leave it to a brony to not understand why someone would shoot at a huey.

It's not rocket appliances.

The term is rocket science, not rocket appliances. If you're gonna go on a topic just to complain about a brony, do it right.

Edited by Audiobat7

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Dicks who wanted your huey?

Pretty sure any group, who doesn't have a huey would go all out if the opportunity presented itself to get one.

Well me and my 2-4 friends ( amount based on IRL factors) always stand in a massive salute when we see a helicopter, and haven't been shot for it a single time :3

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wow really? lol welcome to dayz

I've seen quite a few people just ask for fire support, thank us, and run away. So no, not welcome to DayZ, not everyone will maul a Heli whenever they see it, dick wheel.

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Why would they not want your huey? Who in there right mind wouldn't take up on the opportunity of getting a helicopter?

Think, how often do you see helicopters in DayZ? Once every few days if you're lucky. How often do you see one on the ground where you actually get to kill them? Not often at all, and you'd be an idiot not to try and steal it.

This coming from someone who probably has never joined a team and most likely shoots everything that moves on sight

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So what I understand from this thread:

Bronies (or whatever, they're stupid and i don't give two shits about the spelling) think 5 people with an organised attack on a heli is being an asshat - stupid its not asshattery its simple banditry. I would say (not real data) around 75% of players would shoot you and take the heli. They are so rare and valuble who wouldn't(besides the solo players who can't fly them).

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The term is rocket science, not rocket appliances. If you're gonna go on a topic just to complain about a brony, do it right.

Go jump off a cliff, and while you're falling, look around, enjoy your last moments, and think about all the f*cks nobody gives.

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