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unSeen 1

People in this game are just complete dicks.

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This is why you farm in near empty servers, before moving to the populated ones, no need to "trade" with people you don't know when a couple hours of farming gets you most of what you want.

As mentioned before trust no one except those you actually know.

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I get a good laugh out of the "realz worldz" posters, seriously? this Is a game thats easily exploited by power gamers , being a dick is still being a dick regardless of how you do it and reminds me about why I've pretty much given up on multiplayer games, ever since eve came out online multiplayer has had more dicks then chat roulette.

You tell em' Neo. Give em' what for...

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This game works on paranoia, and the idea that you will lose everything you possess, its a very smart ingame mechanic to build a intense atmosphere between players. However, its not really that fun for person who doesn't have the initiative to shoot. If your soft in DayZ, you will end up getting killed by other Paranoid players and groups who will kill you if you so much as point your gun their way.

The challenging part is to not be so paranoid as to shoot everyone on sight and look like a complete dick.

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