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WARNING This is pretty long WARNING

I know people are going to be like ''UMG UR SO WASTE OF SPACE THIS THREAD IS POINTLESS AND IS TROLLS OR KNOW SO MUCH'' it may be pointless but i just wanted to tell everyone of my luck today ,

Ok so being a guy who is foolhardy and does all the looting for the clan i was happy to find this is my 13th day of being alive , so we went looting in cherno , i looted the firestation and went to the lobby for about 5 mins came back on and got threw to the and almost died , already a sign of bad luck , later on a facebook page i have liked on of the admins was livestreaming i decided letsgo on kill him once to get the bandit skin i can never get cause i never see anyone and then find him again and give him some gear for an apology , this didnt go to plan , a hacker joined and fucking blew up mystical satchels and toppled a warehouse on my head (also constantly killing the livestreamer) this making me lose my soldier skin , nvg's rangefinder m4a3 etc , 13 days of work .....gone ,

about 20 minutes ago me and my mate where in cherno and we ran into a guy with as50 thermal , my mate is now bleeding and we left the server cause it was too dark ....... guess what more back luck we go on another server and i get spawned at the coast (just next to skalitsy island or whatever) so i decide to go over there , find a huey and i went afk to walk my dog , got kicked and i forgot the server name , now i have lost everything , not much ammo left , on skalitsy island , no huey , and extremely sad , anyone else had luck like this , considering i found all the shit , i always think im lucky but today ..... damn


Edited by SG Artyom

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