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Surely there can be more than PVP?

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Ok first off let me make a statement to get rid of the ignorant people: THIS IS NOT A POST FROM ME POO POOING BECAUSE SOME BANDIT KILLED ME! Phew now that that's done...

I am wondering if anyone else has this thought: "DayZ can be more fulfilling than shooting the crap out of people for their gear". How can this be?! You ask...Well I think that DayZ can be more than just surviving, recreating the elements of society. This is why I got my Hero skin and why I continually attempt to make conversation and peace with other players. I think it'd be neat to see more people work together than fight each other. Just sayin'

P.S. I suck at combat, so COMBAT ME BRO!!! I'll just run at you with arms wide open, wearing a pink shirt that says "Free hugs, one size fits all :)"

Is there anyone else out there that just wants to recreate the social and teamwork aspect of life?

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Yeah, I try to either avoid or make friends with everyone I see, unless they take a threatening stance to me. 2 murders in 40 hours of play, both in self defense.

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I like the idea of the freeside trading company yet I'm not convinced to go there due the hacker issue

But I hope there will be more groups like that

Edited by Magicool

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Until they fix the tents/vehicles not saving, there is NOTHING to do except PVP.

after you get a couple decent primaries there is no reason to look for more loot (can't be saved), and now that it's pointless to fix up vehicles or start a camp, there is nothing to do after finding a weapon/supplies except for PVP. Tents/vehicles are an important part of the game, it's retarded that it hasn't been fixed yet. DayZ is just a big game of TDM to most people without tents/vehicles.

Edit: I don't have a problem with PVP at all, but I don't want DayZ to be a big team deathmatch, which is exactly what is going to happen if they don't fix this broken game. Since the last patch its the only thing to do.

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This isn't a game, this is a mod. If you don't like it don't play it. Even if tents and vehicles are fixed, then what are you going to do once you have 50 of every different gun saved in a little campsite? Exactly.. You're going to go kill people.

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I never said I don't like this game. I said the tent/vehicle bugs are a problem. Are you disagreeing? do you think tents and vehicles not saving properly was intended or something? Of course people will start PVPing more once they are bored of collecting guns, which would happen much slower if they could actually save them.

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Yeah I understand the pain and agony with things not saving (I am playing the same game ;-) But I'm still going out and gathering supplies. Today I refilled all the water canteens, jerry cans and even found myself a can of mountain dew (the first one I've ever seen in game!!! After I've been playing for a few months now...) With my small group (3 other people and I), if they find survivors they'll ask me "Should I shoot them?!" (why they ask me I have no idea, I guess I'm the leader?), but I tell them to do what they want. I would like to see them shout out to people to see if they're friendly or not and give them a hand, but I know they'll most likely get shot at. There is also a group on my server that I've asked my guys to not get into contact with because I"d like to attempt to make friends with them (1st phase of initiating contact has begun, just gotta talk to them some more). I know where their base is about, but having powerful friends is always a good idea, instead of just shooting them, having them pissed at you and getting yourself killed by 'em later on lol.

Oh and the one guy in my group also found an ATV today, so we went and got that sombitch repaired!

Edited by TomCei

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The problem is with the game design direction. Rocket wants the game to not pidgeon hole players into playing roles, but to give the unlimited options. What this provides is absolutely no challenge whatsoever outside of PvP.

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Sure, you can make friends with everyone you meet. But after meeting 5 people, teaming up with them and then obtaining all the best lootz, THERE IS NOTHING TO DO. So, you kill people.

That's fair enough, but why do players kill other players that can't possibly be a threat to them. Where is the challenge in that? What is the challenge in sniping someone from a hidden position when they stand no chance of fighting back?

Saying that once you have gear killing zombies isn't a challenge anymore so I kill players that are even less of a challenge than killing zombies makes no sense.

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Saying that once you have gear killing zombies isn't a challenge anymore so I kill players that are even less of a challenge than killing zombies makes no sense.

Lol win...this is a very good question, what say you bandits? I already know "That wimp of a survivor is going to get a gun and shoot me in the future." Please...

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PVP is what makes this game.

I'm not talking about roaming along the South Coast either.

I love the high intensity, risk vs reward PVP up north. If that wasn't there, I probably wouldn't play

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You create things to do, make your own fun, etc. This concept is known as sandbox play. I'm quite in to armed robbery at this point, which is a blast. Sure you run the chance of the ALT+F4 douche bag and the surprising turn around that gets you killed, but it's all a part of the suspense. I suggest trying stick-ups for solo play and large scale firefights for groups. I know there are clans that peruse this forum that would gladly agree to a firefight.

The problem is with the game design direction. Rocket wants the game to not pidgeon hole players into playing roles, but to give the unlimited options. What this provides is absolutely no challenge whatsoever outside of PvP.

That design philosophy promotes many challenges and adds a sense morality to the game. You couldn't be more wrong honestly. What you are correct about though is the current implementation of it. It hasn't had enough time to become polished. We're still in an alpha stage. Six months from now will be a quite different story assuming the project has made enough progress.

Edited by PunchClockVillain

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Simply put, no.

Gamers and society in general, specifically American society, have grown up with a catered to golden rule: Gun is for shooting people.

When was the last time a gun in a movie was used sparingly as a form of self defense? It's always the bow, or a sword, or something else, but the guy with the gun always goes on the offensive in all the "macho man" movies unless there's some political backstory to it. In video games, when was the gun a defensive weapon and not a simple mechanic for watching points wrack up? I have yet to see them, yet people want to somehow insist that a gun is for self-defense in reality. DayZ proves them dead (pun intended) wrong.

The gun, as the gist of society knows it, is a tool of destruction, not a method of safety. It's an embedded psychological issue that would take a solid generation to repair. Ask anyone from the UK and they'll probably (mostly) say they don't "get" what it is with American's and their guns. Now, ask them about known personal defense weapons (you know, the "girly" pepper spray stuff) and they're likely to applaud it.

This is apparent in video games as well. For too long, the gun has been less of a symbol of defense and more a symbol of power. This harkens all the way back to before Contra, and FPS gaming has never matured past the "walk around, fire gun at noobs" stage. This is why DayZ is a total fallacy as a game, not because of its idea, but because of the society it was created in. It makes a good griefing ground though, given the total lack of morality in the internet. I dare say given a gun and the licence to kill, many people that act tough would go nuts just so they could hide their own insecurities. That's the core of the issue, nobody will man up and actually live in DayZ, they feel too insecure and hide behind the pathetic screen door of shooting everyone for lulz.

DayZ is a victim, and the KOS situation (and yes it exists, twisted statistics be damned) is a symptom of the larger cause: Gamers won't grow up. Guns are always for fragging noobs, and anyone that wants to mature and socialize is a big casual/carebear wuss. In gaming, manliness is equated with immaturity and killboards, whereas in the casual crowd, manliness is seen as having the ability to properly interact with others. The "hardcore" farmtown players are generally disregarded in the casual crowd, why? Because they take the game too far. In general gaming? The "hardcore" (laughable, all things considered) is praised and awarded with attention, in spite of them being not much more than a big dick. So what has the internet, and subsequently online multiplayer become? A dick comparing competition to help shield the insecurities of boys that won't grow up .

Edited by Virfortis

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That design philosophy promotes many challenges and adds a sense morality to the game. You couldn't be more wrong honestly. What you are correct about though is the current implementation of it. It hasn't had enough time to become polished. We're still in an alpha stage. Six months from now will be a quite different story assuming the project has made enough progress.

Tell me more about how the philosophy of allowing players to do whatever they want in the game without consequence adds to morality. All it does is ensure the lack of creativity that individuals have degenerates the game into a PvP deathmatch that COD players would be proud of.

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Virfortis - I hear EXACTLY where your coming from! That's why I was sick of console gaming (I don't get much of that crap on PC for some reason...), the crap that I'm talking about is all those users on 360/PS3 who just talk trash all day, but in real life wouldn't have the balls to do or say anything in person that they say in game. This is why I like DayZ mod - most of the people that I come into contact with shoot me and that's it, I'm dead - lesson learned. But after I try to offer them help and security and they pop me, I feel like the better person. That's where I was going with this post, Isn't there anyway we can come out of this fragnation and start rebuilding a civilization (like the freeside trading company)? Now I just read an article off of Reddit where Rocket said "I think my vision for where the players can go is, I want to see them building the world after the zombie apocalypse.", that's what I'm trying to do in the mod, just like how Rocket is using the mod as an experiment for the standalone game.

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Hey Prez, just to let you know, you don't have to be a person that just kills people for the lolz or entertainment. You could try rebuilding society, making a haven, have your own little town. Getting the top gear isn't the only point of the game.

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Well i shoot everyone i see, though i have no particular interest in killing survivors. The best fun is fightning for the chopper after server restart with other clans. Had a like 7 v 7ish fight today .. we were on the island defending while some ppl were looking for parts and like 8 people from another clan tried to attack.

It wasnt planned or anything like that, but it is a known fact that after every server restart eventually some action will take place there :) I believe we finally got the chopper off the ground after 6 hours.. lol.

Edited by Vipala

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Great post OP.

Someday i will like to be in your place. I'm currently looking still for campsites and decent PvP with geared players. But yeah, totally agree with you. It would be nice to lower the guns for a minute a work something out.

We will have to wait and see what Rocket is preparing in the standalone regarding this topic. I think that the line between bandits and heroes will be thicker and thicker. PvP is a very important part of the game but teaming up and working together is as equal or more important.

Edited by McLovinCR

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