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-ULB- Roman

Roman's Apocalyptic Warehouse

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Romans Apocalyptic Warehouse


Welcome to Roman's Apocalyptic Warehouse.

I am currently trying to make this a safe and easy way to trade to help everyone find all the items they may need now or in the future.

I am a member of a group called |ULB| and I am trying to find ways to help everyone get the items they need to survive in this dangerous

world. I created this warehouse because I have too much inventory to store in my camp so I am going to trade it off to my fellow survivors. This is a place where you survivors can both

trade with my group and with others.

You can arrange for Guarded Trades if my schedule allows for it, and if anyone is harmed during a setup through my Warehouse they will be unable

to trade with my group anymore!



Assault Rifles:

- L85 AWS


- M4A3 CCO

- M4A1 HWS M203

- M16A4 ACOG

Sub machine Guns:

- MP5A5

- MP5SD6

Light Machine Guns:

- M249

- Mk 48 Mod 0

- M240

Sniper Rifles:

- BAF AS50

- M107


- M24

- M14 AIM

- SVD Camo


- G17

- M9 SD



- Most feel free to ask



- Range Finder


- Entrenching Tool

- Matches

- Map

Mainly looking for barbed wire, satchel charges, m136 rocket launcher, m4a1 CCO SD, Sandbags, and tank traps

Edited by -ULB- Roman
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Nice idea, though I currently am not in need of anything. I shall keep this in mind for when I get domed next.

Cheers and beans.

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Hey nice job i would trade you the m4a1 cco sd for the m24 and maybe to m136 for the svd but i'v got to look if i still got the launcher in my camp

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you got skype? if so can i add you, i need rangefinders

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Are you willing to trade a sidearm/smg with ammo for an as 550? I found it off a dead bandit with no ammo or anything so it's useless to me.

Edited by hYsoka

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A bump? I sent you a PM days ago asking if you wanted to do a trade and you never even responded. I'm a bit offended.

Edited by Killer110
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