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=ANz= Zentile

need help im not a F*cking bandit...

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ok so on saturday(18th of august) i manned up and patched dayz... i dont kill players unless im being shot at by them im friendly i like to help noobies (give them guns and medical supplies) but yet i ghave -92000 humanity for no apparent reason.. what is the best way to regain my humanity its bullshit...

(my spelling is shit i know)

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I have the same problem mate I killed only in self defense apart from once and im a bandit apparntly then sometimes I have positive humanity and I loss my backpack as it changes my outift to a civie one and my bag changes to the coyotee one

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its such a broken system. A mate of mine who just kills on sight before we pathced he had around 15+ murders and he had positive humanity

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I know just from running around your humanity will slowly go up and stop at 2.5k. Unforunately the changes are bugged, although when I went from civilian to hero all my ammo replenished and I kept my backpack.

Also, blood bags give 250 humanity, bandages give 25, morphine gives somewhere from 50-100 not sure.

Edited by MuchHigher

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if you killed someone with pellets you're going to have a bad time.

try looking for clothes, camo or Ghillie Suit. there is a known bug that will reset your humanity when switching clothes.

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hmm does the glitch persist after relog? i got camo last night and it went to 0 but so did my zed kills so yeah il have to see

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if you killed someone with pellets you're going to have a bad time.

try looking for clothes, camo or Ghillie Suit. there is a known bug that will reset your humanity when switching clothes.

Interesting thing, I had the hero skin. So everytime I logged in my debug monitor would reset everything to zeros. However I could see my exact zombie kills on the leaderboard most of the time. Yesterday I found a ghillie suit and put it on, now my debug counts everything correctly and my humanity is over 17k. I have a feeling everytime it reset to zero and it would increase from me just running around added to my total.

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so if i put a ghille on will it reset my humanity? or am i going be considered a bandit forever in dayz

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You are a bandit. Accept your fate and wait for it to go away. Or heal people...who will probably shoot you. Or heal bandits...who will probably shoot you faster.

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weird. right after i read this my humanity went from 250 to -16k after switching servers

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