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Why are cars so rare?

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I'd love a vehicle, but between them resetting on server restart, and the vehicle hoarding, I'm resigned to never finding one.

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Don't fix vehicles; the save function is broken and all that will happen is the vehicle will go back to it's orignal spawn point since and be broken again. Don't bother wasting your time.

Does this apply to bicycles? Because I was given one yesterday and I'm wondering if it'll still be there when I log back on.

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Get in there and get yourself a vehicle! They are everywhere. Last patch brought them out of the woodwork's.

And yes, this new patch is broken. But, hey.. Go drive a vehicle. They are everywhere! Have fun with it.

Edited by Wallberot

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as of all vehicles respawn on a server restart

It sickens me that admins use this to get their helicopters and vehicles back on purpose.

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It's realistic IMO. At the first sign of infection, everyone with access to a vehicle hopped in and took off out of Chernarus quick smart. There are hardly any vehicles left now except for those which could not be started in a hurry due to being out of fuel or requiring mechanical work.

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The save not working for vehicles is pretty good IMO. Because the fact that everyone staches vehicles in the north is pretty lame... I doubt any of them use them anyway. This should allow more players to actually use vehicles. If only for a day...

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So we can expect to see much longer times before a server reset.

Not only that but much longer times "receiving data" - like 10 or 20 minutes then when u get in ur FPS will be 3 since the server is cluttered up with all kinds of shit.

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The game should really have more cars spawns in. This way fuel would be a resource people fight over.

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Rocket has said he likes the "more cars less fuel" idea and it makes sense. Carrying around a rare jerry can is more viable then finding and hiding server specific cars.

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I should be able to generate car-powering methane by eating beans.

It's my sandbox.. I'll play it how I like

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I lol'd inside, I think most cars get blown up after they're found or fixed cause there are so many who can't drive for shit.

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I used to play an RPG called Twilight 2000, set after 3rd world war. In that you could produce ethanol and methanol as fuel (this was table top rpg) - that element would be quite cool and easily done (see sahrani/takistani/chernarus life for an example)

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