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Worth getting?

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Hello I have a bit of extra money and I'm thinking of buying arma combined operations. Is it worth getting or should I just get Skyrim?

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Without knowing you personally, I don't see how we can judge which game you would like better.

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Well, Arma II by itself is a good buy, but Day Z is definately worth. It's not a game for everyone, steep learning curve, but oh so satifying.

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You're asking this question in a forum devoted to a game. You might try some place less biased. But as Montrio said, I don't know you, so I wouldn't know. That said, I've enjoyed this more than Skyrim for sheer multiplayer sake.

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naaah dont get this game as of yet if its just to play DayZ, right now its deffinetly not worth getting the game for this mod due to its current state. Wait it out untill the next patch or so and check the update thread for the new patch aswell to check out the response.

The mod is great though, as soon as one of the major graphical glitches have been fixed, you can ofc get the game and download other mods if you'd like and if that is so i would say that it is worth getting the game.

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Skyrim is an epic game.. no doubting that. It will eat away your life.

Dayz is an epic game that is also a work in progress, it will also eat away your life.

Save up a little longer and buy both is my advice :)

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I will be able to buy both in a month or so but which should I buy first and will last me till I get the other?

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I've played a lot of Skyrim. Loved it! It involves a lot of riding and walking, but less so than in DayZ.

However, in DayZ you cannot be safe anywhere, so it's still exciting. Also, in DayZ, you are rewarded for using real world tactics when traveling from A to B. If you mind your silhuette, and you know what to look for, you'll become a hunter, and soon every kilometre you travel in DayZ becomes an adventure - albeit a very different one than in Skyrim. Be prepared for a steep and remorseless period of learning in the beginning, though. It's worth taking a look at how to move among zeds, as to not aggro them, and also worth taking a look at real military field tactics, lest you get shot by griefers above Elektro.

I'd say, buy both! :D

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oh both will easily last a month, Dayz is in essence an endless game in that it has no end game, no actual story.. its a sandbox type game that you have ultimate freedom to decide what to do, its your story, each time you start a new life is like rewriting a whole new chapter of a story. If you die you start again from scratch, lose everything you worked hard to get and thats a huge part of its appeal, you actually strive to survive.

Skyrim of course has a main story, and many side quests that can easily chew hundreds of hours.

Like I said before both are truly, great games. I'll end on saying.. As a gamer I can seriously say you wont have lived until you have tried both. Its that hard of a decision for me to help you, I literally cant honestly tell you which to get first,

haha its an epic-ally hard to choose comparison!

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DayZ is very fun but it is also very incomplete. Filled with bugs, headaches, long walks, annoying deaths, cheaters etc. I still recommend to play it because it's fun even though all of this. But if you could only pick one game then I would pick the game that is "Finished".

Edited by Kraegan

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