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day 22 ?

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when i log in it says im on day 22 is that good or bad i dunno because i guess it could be good surviving 22 days :) just wondeering

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It's an arbitrary number that dates from the begining of the "life" of your specific survivor.

If you played everyday for 22 days and threw yourself against the hazards for 22 days congrats... but someone can accomplish the same thing by creating a character and not playing for a month.

That sounded more sarcastic then I wanted it too... but its the truth.

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You are probably 527 Hours better than the everage Life Expactency :D :beans:

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All it tells you is that you created this character 22 real life days ago. A friend of mine started a character in April, but he didn't like the game and went back to play normal Arma 2. When he logged back on months later to give it another try it said 78 days. He must have great survival skills. ;)

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when i log in it says im on day 22 is that good or bad i dunno because i guess it could be good surviving 22 days :) just wondeering

Day 22 is when I lost my 22 day chracter

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Day 22?! playing everyday? Dunno how some of you do it. I've made 7 days once playing everyday for about 4-6 hours in two sessions but my luck usually runs out sooner than that. I travel indirect routes to my objectives using forest and terrain elevation for cover too. 22 days of surviving while playing has me impressed.

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I'm on day 47 and I play actively almost every day. But I play very cautiously and survey hotspot areas for up to 10 minutes before entering.

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Nice , i got unlucky in cherno today , lost my soldier uniform on day 13 , nvgs rangefinder all gone even worse cause i died at the fact that i got threw out of the firestations after logging back in cause of having to do stuff .... anyway if you played for the majority of it great job , if not .... i dont give a shit still great job :D

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I'm on day 16 now. Only missed maybe 1 day total. 179 Zeds killed and 12 murders so far :)

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