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The player

'Dr. Steve Brule' needs banning he's a hacker that keeps spawning in the same exact location as me and my friend and keeps killing us. What makes me think he is a hacker is the fact that when we die and respawn he's always there and kills us. We had such a good game and he comes in and spoils the game by using his fucking hacks.

I hope he gets banned and also hope he dies.

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He get's banned, he buys a new Operation Arrowhead CD key for about 10-15$ and starts hacking again. There's your problem. Oh, and why didn't you just change server instead of continue to spawn knowing he'll kill you? That's just plain stupid. HEY THERE'S A CAR DRIVING TOWARDS ME, AND HE'S ABOUT TO HIT ME. LET'S JUST KEEP STANDING HERE!

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This is not the way to report hacking. Read stickies.


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