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Death by ROCK!

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I have survived for dayz, broken bones by zombies fixed, gun shot wounds by bandits healed, survived two hacking attempts in thunderdome, survived a fall at balota airfield, but I was killed by a rock finally while swimming. A ROCK! Rocks, more deadly then hackers and bullets!

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Shits getting serious, you need to keep a eye open for doors too last time i walked into a house the door fucked me up lol

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Random objects/events that have killed me.

Tents, rocks, doors, railings, stairs, trees, picking up a gun, getting in a bus, running over rail road tracks, falling off a bike, eating a can of sardines.....

My favorite was just running through an open field and just collapsing with every bone in my body breaking.. damn calcium deficiency...

Still, I have yet to die to a rabbit like my friend did. Got sideswiped by a bunny while running through a field, it broke his legs and took like 8k blood.

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I stepped into a rock crevice on the side of a mountain that was like 6" deep, and it instantly killed me. I have heard about the rabbits but have been nimble enough to not step on one. I imagine after one does i'm going to grab a double barrel and go absolutely Fud on all Wabbits.

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Hell yeah those bunnys are evil, tried squishing one on a bike, safe to say i did not come out the victor.

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ROCK AGAIN!!!! Noooooo..... this time I could not move backward so I moved forward and was mangled!!! TWICE now by the rocks.... I am the worst dayz player. I get killed by rocks more then bandits

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