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Please don't rid this game of Alt-F4'ing UNTIL you END ALL THE HACKING/CHEATS!

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That's right... you heard it from me.

Alt-F4'ing is the ONLY way we are able to defend ourselves (somewhat) from hackers/cheaters. Already three times tonight, I've spawned into hacked servers where the hacker teleported everyone to one spawn point and proceeded to kill them. If it weren't for Alt-F4'ing, I would have lost all that I had gained this week (during each of my playing sessions). As it stands now, I was badly wounded during one such hack and now I'm in need of blood. LOL!

Thus, Alt-F4'ing DOES have a valid purpose amidst the rampant cheating/hacking afflicting this game's play.

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Ctrl + P gets you kicked, which is even faster and better. Since ctrl + p is currently containing command of hacks.

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i agree, the game is only in its alpha and the hacking/cheating is pretty bad, but on the onther hand alt+f4 is being exploited by noobs, but yeah the games in alpha so i support your suggestion

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They've said that they cannot remove ALT-F4.

Can't get a quote on that, though. Lost it under the pile of whiners.

Same thing with adding a timer on how long your body stays in-game. The netcode of ARMA 2 prevents that.

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Unfortunately not even ALT + F4 does help anymore against the hacks.

I was just on a server where a guy hacked everyone into flying pigs... When you Alt+F4 the script just killed and respawned you (as a pig in debugforrest). Also a message appeared like: 'you dont try to Alt-F4 do you?' Only way to get out was to close Arma2 in the task manager.

It has reached a state where I cant log in anymore. I guess it is time to wait for the standalone to come out where hopefully those stupid security holes are fixed.

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Its Alpha... people should be able to quit, fix the player exploits after you've fixed the hackers etc.

It's just going to piss off and already largely agitated userbase when they've got nothing they can do because a hacker is teleporting behind them and executing them or nuking an entire server.

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Who cares, the smart hackers lock you out of Alt+F4ing. Yeah, they have a script for that.

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They aren't planning to fix this until standalone anyway.

(and even then they haven't said what their plan is)

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They can code out Alt-F4'ing in-game. It's been done before in MMO FPS games. Furthermore, they could code out the hacking/cheats too. I just don't think they want to invest the coding time to do so.

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