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What happens when you "save" a vehicle

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I just found 2 old bikes, and I thought I would take it, because a bike is nice to transport around, but what happens when I click "Save Vehicle"? Does it come with me on servers or how?

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yeah it stays were you saved it on that server... but at the moment vehicle saves and spawns are buggy as hell with the latest patch, ie sometimes they wont save even when you save them like 20 times before a server restart... but sometimes all is ok..

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Also, after you save it...save it about 3 more times, and make sure there are no Desync chains in the next couple of minutes...or risk it isn't around when you log in.

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With when you click save vehicle (or tent) it sends a save command to the hive. Currently those save commands are captured by a unicorn that piles them up in a big bucket after which it promptly takes a giant shit on them.

Yeah doesnt work very well...... >:(

Edited by Eatskittens
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Your vehicle location and type (ON THAT SERVER ONLY; THIS ALSO APPLIES TO TENTS) fly over to the server where all of the information is stored, and will remain there unti-..........

"No message recieved..."

And we're back, now here's where the fun begins, the server decides whether it wants to be nice and give your vehicle back with all of your previously stored items in it!

OR the server might decide you no longer deserve the items which you put in there, it may also decide that your TT650 would look better with a completely broken hull (Which is always fun), or my favorite one, when the server decides that it will cast your UAZ into the firey pits of oblivion and bring fourth a Bus with no items and a quater tank of fuel!

Roll that dice; son!

Edited by PhantomHunta

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Vehicles auto save location when you exit a vehicle, saving only has to do with any gear in it........when everything is working that is.

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>Not having a URAL full of end-game loot turn into a bus full of CZ's halfway through a tree


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. Currently those save commands are captured by a unicorn that piles them up in a big bucket after which it promptly takes a giant shit on them.

Awww man laughed sooo hard at this quote!! but yeah it is pretty spot on like, these "commands" just seem to get lost between your PC and the Hive... like the Hive is trolling every one of us...

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This mod is pure genius.

They solve one fuck up and create more.

Yes you have to break something before you perfect it..... and thats happening alot but keep faith..... all will fix itself... eventually!

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As I understand it ....

When the server is first started, all vehicles are spawned randomly within certain limits.

Only x number of vehicles will spawn over the entire map. Within that number there are also caps on the vehicle types. Only z number of helos, only y number of cars, bicycles etc...

Within those constraints, the vehicles spawn randomly and may or may not spawn in any given location.

When the server is re-stared, everything is wiped.

Unsaved vehicles disappear. Saved vehicles are respawned where they were. Hopefully with their inventory intact.

Then, if there are any slots left over, vehicles are randomly spawned up to the limits.

So to simplify, saving a vehicle simply tells the server to replace it where it was after a restart. Same with tents.

I believe the same 7 day death rule applies as with tents. When it's first saved it's attached to the user who saved it and will remain saved until 7 days after that user dies or seven days since anyone has interacted with it.

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This mod is pure genius.

They solve one fuck up and create more.

Um, welcome to game development. Welcome to software development in general, really. That's pretty much how everything gets made. Like, everything ever. EVER.

It's important to remember that the game/mod isn't finished yet. Didn't you know that when you installed the mod? Bugs (and fixes that create more bugs) are just the name of the game at this point.

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I was on and me and my friends had a bus, gaz and a boat, the military one.

The server decided i don't deserve any of that.

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You didn't happen find those bikes north of Cherno in some trees, did you?

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