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Jag (DayZ)

effing tents

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what in the heck is the deal with the FLAT area for a tent.............. I mean even the slightest incline and it wont let me put up a effing tent............


Edited by Jag

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Tents are a tricky thing. They can be put down on slight inclines sometimes, and sometimes they won't go down on flat surfaces. Here is my process:

1. Get into a position where you want to place your tent.

2. Go into First person and open your gear tab.

3. Activate the tent.

4. If it tells you it can't be setup, move slightly to your left, right, forward or backward without leaving your gear tab and try again.

5. Continue clicking the tent while you move around until it deploys.

Some areas just wont' let you put them down. Sometimes rotating the way the tent faces will help it deploy. Sometimes it goes down after a few tries and sometimes it takes 5 min. Oh, and keep them out of the trees. You wont' be able to get into your tent and if you manage to pack it back up you won't be able to pick the tent up. Good luck!

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Keep spamming the button 50 times while slowly moving around the area.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Damn slow forum making me double post.

Edited by smasht_AU

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make 1 small step back (with opened inventory) click pitch a tent and repeat untill tent is piched..

with around 5 steps back you can pitch it almost everywhere

pitched a lot of tents on every possible incline

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Only thing he doesn't mention is that you can accidentally pitch the tent on top of yourself, breaking your legs, knocking you out and maybe killing you. Good luck!

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why spend all that time pitching a tent when it wont stay the next time you spawn? i lost about 6 tents full of really nice gear and vehicle parts galore. logged onto a different server (same version), logged back in and BAM! everything was literally gone. such a waste.

its funny...we spend all this time trying to pitch a tent intentionally, but in highschool and middleschool i was doing it by accident and couldnt help it! ^_^

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