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ironman Tetsuo

Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

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EDIT: Reworded OP as it seems to be confusing some people

Ideas for items survivors would trade for in an apocolypse. At the moment we have Ammo and rare items like NVGs, but can you suggest any others that would make good apocolypse currency?

Things like, cigarettes, batteries etc..

obviously items with uses make more sense so you may need to suggest those as well, eg. Ciggies give you more stable aiming but your character runs out of breath quicker after long runs and you will also suffer withdrawal effects if you go too long without one.

------------------ Original Post below

Hello fellow survivors!

People have asked Rocket many times about adding in trade systems to the game but his reply to this and most other questions is that he'd rather add the ability for players to create these types of gameplay extensions themselves (like vigilante groups hunting bandits or the kinda thing Dr Wasteland does) which I totally agree with but I think for trade to work there has to be more items worth bartering for. At the moment we have ammo, guns and the rarer survival equipment, but that's not a great deal and I think we could add much much more. things like:

drugs (recreational, like cigarettes)

Batteries (dependant on other items actually using batteries i suppose)

and Seeds (for creating farms)

could make a good start but do you have any other suggestions you think could work in the setting?

Edited by ironman Tetsuo
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I think he really should just imlpement a trade system to trade between two survivors, no currency.

A system where you don't have to open someone's back pack or drop gear onto a loot pile on the floor, something where I can walk up to my friend scroll or select "trade" and then he can accept the trade with a keystroke (to prevent trade window spamming) and then the window opens. If I don't have the back pack space the trade can't happen... simples

A currency isn't necessary its up to us to gauge how valuable items it would also only encourage bandits to kill everyone they come across as they will drop their money, if it was to ever exist it should really be Human ears or something along those lines...

Edited by Mastiff

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I like the way it currently works.

Realistic, just as in real life, nobody can assure you that the guy that's in your backpack wont take more then he's allowed.

Unless you point a gun at his face, what you're basically doing.

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wtf, there is a trade system, you put stuff on the ground or in your backpack and trade it

why integrate a completely new system for stuff allready possible?

and currency? lol, you really think after an apocalypse there would be currency?

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why dont we just have an Auction House where you can post items and you select the item you wish as payment.. then someone can buy the item you posted only if they've got the item you want..

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I like the idea of having these items, with an alternate use as a currency. Ofcourse, it wouldn't be pushed as a currency, but it would be useful, and abundant enough to used as such.

wtf, there is a trade system, you put stuff on the ground or in your backpack and trade it

why integrate a completely new system for stuff allready possible?

and currency? lol, you really think after an apocalypse there would be currency?

Gee, because that's such a great system. Say, do you see much point in having various vehicles, because i mean, Sedan can do everything any other vehicle can do.

What about guns? Why have more than one of each type? the rest is just fluff.

I like the way it currently works.

Realistic, just as in real life, nobody can assure you that the guy that's in your backpack wont take more then he's allowed.

Unless you point a gun at his face, what you're basically doing.

Contrary to popular belief, this not actually realistic.

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wtf, there is a trade system, you put stuff on the ground or in your backpack and trade it

why integrate a completely new system for stuff allready possible?

and currency? lol, you really think after an apocalypse there would be currency?

I don't think you understand what i'm asking

I don't want a "system" I already explained in the OP that I agree with Rocket's stance on adding systems, and yes there will be currencies in the apocolypse, I'm not talking about adding Euros and Dollars, I'm talking about adding items survivors would need and could be traded and now i'm asking here for suggestions. Thanks for your input

Edited by ironman Tetsuo

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Although there have been thousands of topics about currency, I actually like your idea. The only problem is; you shouldn't call it currency ;)

DayZ needs more different items and items should be rarer, so an economy will grow by itself.

I don't think stuff like cigarets or other drugs (unless for health or boosts) should be added just so it can be used as a currency, but I'm sure it will be used as one when added.

By adding more different types of weapons, and thus ammo, you'll create an economy of weapons and ammo.

By adding more vehicles with unique parts (to repair), you'll create an economy of vehicles and parts.

By adding more clothing and visuals (hats, glasses, etc), you'll create... I think you'll see where I'm going.

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Trade should be kept as it is, random and fear of loosing everything...if you want safe trade go play Runescape or WoW :P

Nice thought but not for DayZ!

Sorry! :)


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I've edited the OP as it seems to be confusing people seeing as they're talking about actual trade systems which is not the point of this suggestions thread.

Edited by ironman Tetsuo

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Contrary to popular belief, this not actually realistic.

Oh, so an external sceen popping up showing you both what exatcly you're trading and having to click a button that says "accept trade" is realistic?

And from what I know, DayZ takes place in a zombie apocalypse that just happend.

It usually takes a few years before people create a currency other then food and medical supplies.

And they only start thinking about currency when they have created a civilisation, don't see that happening in DayZ any time soon...

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Oh, so an external sceen popping up showing you both what exatcly you're trading and having to click a button that says "accept trade" is realistic?

Yes, in fact. It actually emulates what would occur in reality quite well.

I would show an item to you, demonstrating my willingness to give it to you.

I would expect you to show me the item you agreed to give me in exchange.

Only then would I "agree" to make the exchange. Any attempt to acquire my item before presenting yours or making it available would result in physical resistance and possibly combat.

I assume the same is true for you.

Only once we both "accept" the terms of the trade as presented would we relinquish our physical grasp on the item.

So, again, yes, a trade window with accept buttons is quite a sufficient emulation of reality.

Far moreso than rifling through each others' backpacks and just taking whatever the fuck we want with no way for the person to resist or even really keep accurate track of what you're taking (or putting in).

Trade should be kept as it is, random and fear of loosing everything...if you want safe trade go play Runescape or WoW :P

Nice thought but not for DayZ!

Implementing a better trade mechanic has nothing to do with making it "safe."

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I think the game should at least tell you if someone opens your pack... it would be pretty hard to not notice someone stealing a rifle from you in real life.... unless of course all the empty whiskey bottles everywhere were yours...

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Yes, in fact. It actually emulates what would occur in reality quite well.

I would show an item to you, demonstrating my willingness to give it to you.

I would expect you to show me the item you agreed to give me in exchange.

Only then would I "agree" to make the exchange. Any attempt to acquire my item before presenting yours or making it available would result in physical resistance and possibly combat.

I assume the same is true for you.

Only once we both "accept" the terms of the trade as presented would we relinquish our physical grasp on the item.

So, again, yes, a trade window with accept buttons is quite a sufficient emulation of reality.

Far moreso than rifling through each others' backpacks and just taking whatever the fuck we want with no way for the person to resist or even really keep accurate track of what you're taking (or putting in).

Implementing a better trade mechanic has nothing to do with making it "safe."

No because in real life I would be able to yank it out of your hands and run away.

How can you not see that your idea is unrealistic?

Here's how it goes at the moment and how it should stay.

>I have this, what do you have?

>this, want to trade?


>Player 1 proceeds to take item out of player 2's backpack

>Player 2 then takes an item out of player 1's backpack



>I have this what do you have?

>this, want to trade?

>Player 1 takes item out of player 2's backpack and runs off or shoots him

With your whole trade window it would just make it stupid and make it look like an MMORPG

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It usually takes a few years before people create a currency other then food and medical supplies.

And they only start thinking about currency when they have created a civilisation, don't see that happening in DayZ any time soon...

What was the last apocalyptic environment you visited? I'm googling it, but i can't find anything about the development of currency in apocalyptic societies at all.

Now, all I was saying, is that there need to be items that are abundant, and useful enough to be used a potential currency in the game world. Various items of such, that we could see in different server populations, a different commonly used currency.

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No because in real life I would be able to yank it out of your hands and run away.

How can you not see that your idea is unrealistic?

Here's how it goes at the moment and how it should stay.

>I have this, what do you have?

>this, want to trade?


>Player 1 proceeds to take item out of player 2's backpack

>Player 2 then takes an item out of player 1's backpack



>I have this what do you have?

>this, want to trade?

>Player 1 takes item out of player 2's backpack and runs off or shoots him

With your whole trade window it would just make it stupid and make it look like an MMORPG

In real life, you would not actually yank it from the other guys hands as your go-to action when it comes to dealing with trade.

Please take your nihilism elsewhere, thanks!

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No because in real life I would be able to yank it out of your hands and run away.

Uhh, that's assuming a lot don't you think? I don't have it strapped to my body. I'm not stronger than you, prepared for your attempt to steal it? I allow you to get a grip on the item I'm holding when you haven't allowed me to do the same?

Why do you get to "yank" my item away when I have a grip on yours?

How can you not see that your idea is unrealistic?

Because it's not.

Here's how it goes at the moment and how it should stay.

>I have this, what do you have?

>this, want to trade?


>Player 1 proceeds to take item out of player 2's backpack

>Player 2 then takes an item out of player 1's backpack


Yeah, that's the hilariously stupid mechanic we're trying to improve on. Thanks for describing it in all it's horrid detail.

With your whole trade window it would just make it stupid and make it look like an MMORPG

Yes. So stupid. Unlike two grown man "trading" by rifling through each other's personal belongings completley unhindered.

Uh huh.


The inventory window "looks like" an MMORPG too. Should we take that out? You can just guess what you have, or have someone else tell you. 'cause nothing that looks like an MMORPG could possibly be useful to us right?

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What was the last apocalyptic environment you visited? I'm googling it, but i can't find anything about the development of currency in apocalyptic societies at all.

Now, all I was saying, is that there need to be items that are abundant, and useful enough to be used a potential currency in the game world. Various items of such, that we could see in different server populations, a different commonly used currency.

It's common knowledge dude, I don't have to explain that a currency isn't on the top of your priority list when doomsday hits earth.

Also I'm just comparing it what all the other apocalyptic games out there.

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In real life, you would not actually yank it from the other guys hands as your go-to action when it comes to dealing with trade.

Please take your nihilism elsewhere, thanks!

Yeah, sorry I don't know where you are from.

But where I am from we have these people called thieves...

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Thread has gone full retard with people arguing about something that has little to do with what the suggestion is. Then we have others who are unable to read the op. Bravo.

Anyway if you want my opinion, I think the items you mentioned should just come naturally instead of being added simply for bartering.

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