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Cyborg Ninja

I am the manhunter.

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"The manhunter gave their beans"

Why are you doing this to everyones comments?

some of them are insulting you and you still do it

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Hes just trolling and obviously wanting the sort of response he's got. I sincerely hope he's half as good as he makes out or I will get a lot of moans from our guys for picking an easy target!

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Normally I try not to make useless posts but this time I just can't resist.

OP, so what? I mean really? Each to their own style, I have my own self set mission in DayZ but I don't waste time here spouting off about it.

I honestly could not give a flying kitten how you play, or anyone else for that matter. Bandit? Good for you. Sniper? Happy camping. Medic? Tip o' the hat sir. Manhunter bromance? What ever floats your kayak pal.

So you've gained something normally called 'tactical awareness', fuck-a-doodle-do, well done. I'm off to something far more productive than wasting my time in here.

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Glad to see Manhunter (the OP) has a bit of a sense of humor and is happy to go along with the fun "Bounty Hunter" event we've set up @ The BSB Network to hunt and kill him. I think this may become a bit of a regular occourance over at our community....!

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Honestly, I couldn't agree more with OP.

I died alot, and from my deaths I learned.

Why can't other people understand that it's their fault if they die, not rocket's fault for adding .50cals.

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sorry cant resist: "I will learn you"? what the eff? Dude spend more time studying and a bit less bragging about how good you are in a GAME!

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Honestly, I couldn't agree more with OP.

I died alot, and from my deaths I learned.

Why can't other people understand that it's their fault if they die, not rocket's fault for adding .50cals.

Yes it's their fault that someone fired a rifle at them and killed them. It's also the fault of people that own shops to get robbed and kileld aat gun point and the fault of their families for not making them find another job. It's the environments fault we're polluting it and it a plane crashes into your house it's ur fault for living there.

What a fucking dumbass.

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"The manhunter gave their beans"

Why are you doing this to everyones comments?

some of them are insulting you and you still do it

Because he's SO HARDCORE!!!11

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OP is nothing special way more people are hostile with a shoot on site ROE (or stalk then kill) and act like their hardcore. so no need to try and brag about playing the game the easist way. some playing with a return fire ROE with like a video of them succesfuly surviving for ages doing it would be way more impresive.

check me out i can use a keyboard yay me... (see bragging out non impressive thingy is boring)

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Four members of our Alpha fireteam now online from BSB,.... maybe they are stalking you right now Manhunter.

Edited by Box
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Yes it's their fault that someone fired a rifle at them and killed them. It's also the fault of people that own shops to get robbed and kileld aat gun point and the fault of their families for not making them find another job. It's the environments fault we're polluting it and it a plane crashes into your house it's ur fault for living there.

What a fucking dumbass.

Okay first of all you're being the dumbass here.

You're comparing an APOCALYPSE with modern civilasation.

Different rules apply when society has fallen apart.

Also "your fault for living there when a plane hits your house"?

How can you even compare that?

1) It's the apocalypse and everyone's trying to survive. You see food and run towards it like a maniac. You let your cover down and died

2) You're minding your own buisness when suddenly a plane hits your house due to an error the pilot made.

Are you fucking retarded or did you just not understand me?

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you're being the dumbass here.

not everyone is retarded most are mocking OP for playing the game on easy mode because it's so much easeir when you shoot everyone you get a shot at and don't try and make friends.

it's the retards that feel it's unfair that some people play like this. also they don't seem to understand that it add so much to the game to have assholes like OP because when you meet someone you've both got guns point at eachother with the fear it could get ugly. but i do wish it was a lower percentage as 95% of players treating it like TDM or DM. and no-one does the betrayal thing because meeting people is way more dangerous so there is a up side.

Edited by C7hu1hu
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not everyone is retarded most are mocking OP for playing the game on easy mode because it's so much easeir when you shoot everyone you get a shot at and don't try and make friends.

it's the retards that feel it's unfair that some people play like this. also they don't seem to understand that it add so much to the game to have assholes like OP because when you meet someone you've both got guns point at eachother with the fear it could get ugly

The reason OP is playing "easy" mode is because you can't trust anyone.

Imagine if everyone were like the carebears on these forums just running around and doing basically nothing.

Nobody would ever die and everyone would have maxed out gear.

The game needs KoS because otherwise it would just be basically run around and collect stuff.

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The reason OP is playing "easy" mode is because you can't trust anyone.

Imagine if everyone were like the carebears on these forums just running around and doing basically nothing.

Nobody would ever die and everyone would have maxed out gear.

The game needs KoS because otherwise it would just be basically run around and collect stuff.

i agree hench i stated 2 way's it improve the game(the edge of a standoff and less traytures). but i do think too many people are KoS but i survived a day and a half with a return fire only RoE and met plenty of KoS guys but because i roll with 3 others who i trust i was avenged...

have some bean good sir

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Yes it's their fault that someone fired a rifle at them and killed them. It's also the fault of people that own shops to get robbed and kileld aat gun point and the fault of their families for not making them find another job. It's the environments fault we're polluting it and it a plane crashes into your house it's ur fault for living there.

What a fucking dumbass.

Hold on, I must've missed the part where we started comparing a videogame with real life.

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Hold on, I must've missed the part where we started comparing a videogame with real life.

Maybe you were too busy hunting men.

I feel dirty for having typed that.

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I think it's pretty cool that he's willing to put himself out there like this.

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theres a thread already opened and pinned called DayZ Stories for this stuff.

Hint - Please don't fill up the forum space. Hard enough navigating through the hacker/anti-pvp/exploits whining threads. If you feel like it, post this to intimidate survivors in the "Introduce yourselves" thread in Survivor HQ,

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