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As of now me and my friend will be recruiting new members into our Day Z team.

My Aim:

My real aim for creating this team is to exclude hackers from the game and to try and shift focuses for some who believe the game is losing to hackers. I want to re assure people that the game is a lot better with a team.

What players we are looking for.

- Any hardcore player, bandit or just normal survivor can join

- Will only be recruiting you if you are willing to kill any intruders or other survivors

- Need American, Australian and NZ players. But willing to make spots for others.

- Up to 10 players who are experienced enough to help out a few noobs.

- A person that is okay with playing later at night.

- Easy going and prepared to have fun and be serious.

What will we be doing?

- A series of missions, really whatever the team wants to do and there will be a few selected leaders who are very experienced.

- Raiding main citites, camps and the airstrips/airfields.

- Creating our own camp as well.

- And we will be on the hunt for any vehicles, including helicopters.

How to contact me or my team mates?

Firstly contact me on skype. Don't stress team speak is coming soon.


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|TRB| !The Relevant Bandidos! |TRB|

We're a rather organized group of people recording our gameplay, and we're having lots of fun. It's all about having fun, yet being prepared for intense situations. When-ever you get accepted in the group, you'll be able to get free gear within our group, aslong as you follow simple orders. We're looking for new well speaking english people. Feel free to contact us! Use any of the contact informations below.

Apply on this website followed by a short format. We're a very tactical clan. Need support with anything? Head on our TS server.


I'm sure we could settle a deal.

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theres another post you can look at if you cant take the formatting. Again not my fault.

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Duplicate thread locked. Please use the EDIT button to edit your post in the existing thread instead of spamming the forum with duplicate threads.

Edited by Wüstenfuchs

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