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SurvivalServers (DayZ)

Game Server Hosting by SurvivalServers.com *** INSTANT SETUP | CUSTOM CP | FTP | CUSTOM MODS | ANTI-HACK **

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You signed up for a server. You knew our policy. This is our policy very clearly stated throughout our website and terms:


* No refunds if you ask for one outside of our 48-hour policy (current policy, when this customer was a customer it was 72-hours)

* Immediate suspension while a PayPal dispute is ongoing


You agreed to our terms when you purchased the server. We are happy to return service to you when the PayPal dispute is closed.


Even outside of the 3 days it is totally unfair to charge and keep the entire 3 MONTHS that was paid to you once a customer requests a refund.

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Edited by cosacee
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Hey Guys,

   I been a customer of Survival Server, since Sept 21. Before I bought my server, I was shopping around and check different places. The main reason I went with Survial Servers, was the free custom admin tool/Anti-hack. Best thing every. Not only that, there rates are great. If you just get there stock server, it cost $25 dollors thats it. No hiden fees, no lag, no disappointment. The moment my payment was sent. I got the message that my server was up and running. Best feeling ever. I love there mod manger tool. With the simply click of a button, you can install the mod (Dayz 1.8, Dayz Epoch, Overwatch), install the admin tools, and install BEC Extend Control and many more. They also offer modding services. So if your the kind of guy, who know nothing about dayz scripting. Let them know what you want, work out a price and it will be up in a few secounds (times may vary for custom mods, but are done soon as possable). I personnally have sent more then 5 support tickets, just to ask question, Anything having to due with sale are like instant answered by Chad. Anything else is under an hour. They offer great deals, not just for Dayz. Also I like there 48 hour money back, but i never using it cause i did not need to. I currently play $33.50 (I have the Fully Managed server [so i pay an extra $8.50, just so if i need to, send them a support ticket saying i need something updated or free installed] and i have a 50 slot server and use there 5 dollor off coupon. So it a flat rate of $33.50 for me.


If you want to buy a server cause of this review, heres a link: http://www.survivalservers.com/aff.php?aff=154


If you want to test and see how there 50 slot Epoch servers are, here's mine:


Best Regards,


      Owner and Founder of "US 16140 Dayz Epoch"

         Survial Servers Customer

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Thanks for the positive review! Keep em coming :D


positive review from a guy with one post who is trying to get free server time from an affiliate link.. seems legit... on another note i have updated my review of your shoddy services, your tcadmin breaks randomly stopping you from starting your server it will take you 2-3 days to get a reply so you have a broken server for that time, your file permissions break stopping you from uninstalling and reinstalling certain "hosted 1 click mods" such as bec.. you lie in your paypal disputes and tell paypal that the customer aked for custom modding services when infact they do not remmember closed tickets by customers are exactly that. CLOSED, the servers also red link extremely often and are prone to sudden restarts while survival server staff mess around with your server constantly trying to fix thier bugs. Half of the time they dont even read your support tickets propperly and you get a reply which has nothing to do with your main issue. I cancelled 2 weeks into my plan because of these issues and asked for a partial refund i was offered 2 weeks "FREE" dayz standalone hosting when it comes out which i have no use for and the audacity to call it FREE? ID ALREADY PAID FOR A MONTH SERVICE! these guys are thieves crooks and obviously only do this part time for abit of extra cash, just take a look at thier site at any given time their "live support" is NEVER on and i mean never save your time and effort and go with a different service provider i have since switched and faced no issues at all. You can see from the countless posts by various other users who have had nothing but problems, dont even bother trying to get a refund off them too because you will be met with the "service is untangible goods" bullshit line and you wont get anywhere... if anyones interested at all i went with HFB servers who also offer a cheaper package with more slots and better support and fater access to files ect

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positive review from a guy with one post who is trying to get free server time from an affiliate link.. seems legit... on another note i have updated my review of your shoddy services, your tcadmin breaks randomly stopping you from starting your server it will take you 2-3 days to get a reply so you have a broken server for that time, your file permissions break stopping you from uninstalling and reinstalling certain "hosted 1 click mods" such as bec.. you lie in your paypal disputes and tell paypal that the customer aked for custom modding services when infact they do not remmember closed tickets by customers are exactly that. CLOSED, the servers also red link extremely often and are prone to sudden restarts while survival server staff mess around with your server constantly trying to fix thier bugs. Half of the time they dont even read your support tickets propperly and you get a reply which has nothing to do with your main issue. I cancelled 2 weeks into my plan because of these issues and asked for a partial refund i was offered 2 weeks "FREE" dayz standalone hosting when it comes out which i have no use for and the audacity to call it FREE? ID ALREADY PAID FOR A MONTH SERVICE! these guys are thieves crooks and obviously only do this part time for abit of extra cash, just take a look at thier site at any given time their "live support" is NEVER on and i mean never save your time and effort and go with a different service provider i have since switched and faced no issues at all. You can see from the countless posts by various other users who have had nothing but problems, dont even bother trying to get a refund off them too because you will be met with the "service is untangible goods" bullshit line and you wont get anywhere... if anyones interested at all i went with HFB servers who also offer a cheaper package with more slots and better support and fater access to files ect


Over-demanding customer not satisfied by the fact that we do not babysit them with everything on their server (custom programming).

All of the issues that the customer experienced were cause by himself, minus one minor issue where TC Admin was having a 1 hour window of time where the server was not communicating correctly with it (which we fixed, was a result of an update we did). Customer submitted a dispute on PayPal weeks after they ordered a server. We don't do prorated refunds, so I am a bit astonished by your surprise at this. There are no companies on this planet that prorate refunds for services rendered.

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over demanding? this is your response to people who pay for and request support? and your 2 days equal 1 hour in your imaginary world where everything is the customers fault? NO WONDER your support tickets take so long lol seriously... nothing was caused by my scripts that was not rectified myself and support tickets closed the issue i have are TCA admin not working and bec issues not reinstalling are beyond my control as i do not have permission to stop/start a service it can not be overwrote i asked for a partial refund as your services are rendered useless and your customer service skills dismal at least i hope prospective customers take note, quite funny how everything on my new server works like a charm your welcome to come see for yourself i also have 5 other people willing to vouch for everything iv said what have you got apart from a handful of blackmailed customers into giving good reviews so that you give them discounted services you know it i know it we know it your service is a shambles anyone clever enough will avoid you like the plague on that note i am sick of bumping your thread which is essentially what you want for free advertising. you also delete posts on your forum suggesting people avoid your service because you try to gloss over the facts. im just glad i posted my honest review on what myself and i can see from previous customers have endured and as for your "free" (lol) 2 weeks hosting for dayz standalone who said i had any interest in even buying standalone yet alone playing it and especially on a host with the customers service skills of a goldfish.... stick it up your arse mate thanks for nothing


edit:  http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105593-do-not-rent-from-survivalservers/page-1 this thread shows how long your antics have been going on maybe its time to quit the server hosting game if you cant do it propperly, i see your posts saying how much you have changed ect ect but you backup your lies with more lies and continue to rip off honest paying cutomers

Edited by cosacee

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I've got to say, but your sheer lack of pride for the things you guys do really aggrivates me. You have someone here who has payed for YOUR services, and the outcome they have had to deal with is beyond terrible. By the looks of things, he has dealt with terrible customer services, lousy techincal side issues.. And then shite responses on this forum page. Not in a million years would someone like me think for even a split second about buying a server off of you, you've had nothing but negative comments about your quite evidently terrible services, and then when finally demanded money back for something someone wasn't given correctly, you attempt to tell them that this is not possible. You need to get off the server hosting community, and get a new day job my friends, because believe me, this wont work out for you. And i hope to see your server hosting seize to exist within the next month, tarraa, dickheads.

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Forgive my crosspost from reddit, I wanted to make sure as many people could read this and contribute their own experiences as possible. This comes from my original reddit post here let me know what your experiences of SS have been...


SurvivalServers have always been a shady company I first dealt with them more than a year ago now. More on that later though. In the past SS have shown they obviously don't care about ethics or morals and only about making money. Back in May the Origins files were leaked and shortly after SS started sending out mails offering hosting on those leaked files - http://pbrd.co/17JvTSD


In the end the Origins guys DDOS'd SS in order to stop them making money from trying to host their mod. Presumably becuse they found talking to them not to be effective but who knows with Origins. They have a history of shady stuff themselves http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ecfve/criminal_actions_of_dayz_origins_developers/


Now Origins is a mod designed to make money and I won't defend their actions (Origins have also DDOS'd opendayz in the past) but SS were certainly in the wrong to be trying to make money hosting with their files. Whats far more alarming is what they have recently started doing...


Myself and many others over at opendayz.net write small server modifications which we share with the community. I'm sure many of you will have come across these countless times in the past on various servers. Scripts that let you do things like eat people, self bloodbag, remove vehicle parts, build bases etc. We share our work to help others learn before I wrote my own mods I learned from the work others had shared on opendayz. We do not however share it so people can use it for profit.


SS have started selling the installation of these simple scripts onto servers, everything you see listed here has been lifted straight from OpenDayZ - http://www.survivalservers.com/cart.php?gid=24 The service they are charging you for is essentially reading and understanding one of the opendayz release threads.


Now for one thing the installation of all these mods is trivial, and detailed fully in their original threads. Secondly my modifications and many other peoples state that they cannot be taken and used for profit -


http://opendayz.net/threads/random-clothing-parcels.12217/ http://opendayz.net/threads/cannibalism.12218/http://opendayz.net/threads/bury-corpses.13368/


"Terms & Conditions - When you download or copy this code you agree to not charge any money for installing this script."



Yet SS have them listed on their "modding service" page. This is completely unauthorized. It is distgusting that SS are trying to make money from "installation" of something so trivial. In my experience with the company I doubt they will even do a decent job of it either.


I actually hosted a server with SS over a year ago now. The server itself was terrible, it was only even accessible for 20 days out of the 31 I paid for I wrote some details last year on the dayzmod forums about that. I dealt with a few hosts before switching to dedicated hosting and doing the job myself. SS were certainly the worst company I dealt with in that time.


SS also stole the work of Hangender/Infistar, who made an excellent serverside antihack script, which SS also sell (without permission). It is not their work and AFAIK they have no permission from the authors to be selling it.

I wanted to make this thread not only to highlight the extremely underhand and immoral tactics they are employing to try to make money. But also to warn anyone thinking of hosting a server with their company to avoid them at all costs. There are lots of alternative hosts to SS for DayZ and all of them offer a better service.


SS use the crappy TCAdmin package for managing their servers. This is a generic package (surprise surprise not coded by them) which doesn't work properly or allow you to do many simple dayz server management tasks. Their hosting is lacking in many areas (including performance) compared to the other hosts. DayZ.st for example have a wealth of in house coded web-based tools to make server management easier. If you are considering hosting a dayz server and you aren't confident enough to be doing it on a dedicated box DO NOT chose to host with SS. If you have had similar bad experiences with SS please share them here.


If anyone has any advice legally on the best way to pursue this please let me know.


Edit - Some more information came to light from an ex customer:
If you host with them, they tell you that any server with mods loaded is not supported unless you have paid them to do it. Then they will tell you that you need to pay them again any time a dayz patch is released. Effectively you are paying for someone at SurvivalServers to read an OpenDayZ thread, one which would never have been made had the creator known they would be pulling crap like this. If you chose not to do that and there's a problem with your server too bad no support for you because it's your fault for not paying them to follow someone else's tutorial!
Edited by seaweed
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it's disgusting that any third party, be they a hosting company or the leech that made origins, should make any money from DayZ. they're all as bad as each other

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I'll go ahead and contribute to this, although I wore my fingers down to the bone creating posts about their corruption and awful customer service 6 months ago and nobody could be bothered to listen to me then. 



In short, 


"I dealt with them as a customer for some time, and I was even stupid enough at the time to fork over an additional $40 for various mods. When DayZ Mod updated 7 days later they told me my mods were "no longer compatible". No refund, no notice (I had to ask what the hell happened).

I could have done a fair bit of it myself of course, but they will actually refuse to give you support in any way to fix your server if you do anything to it yourself while experimenting with mods. This is how they get people to pay for this bullshit.

The experience with their customer service was the absolute worst I have ever had. After months of issues they finally gave me some measly credit that only covered part of one month's worth of services and I stopped paying them, plummeting my labor of love into darkness.

Fuck SurvivalServers.com"

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I was also a customer of SS and they are a joke, terrible servers and even worse support.

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Are they selling the mods or only charging to install them? Only asking because I'm not sure if you have a copyright claim or would be able to do anything about them breaking your TOS if they are simply installing the script for someone else. Although its sounds like a pretty shitty company, you might be hard pressed to convince a judge or jury that you have the right to tell someone they cannot be compensated for helping someone else if you yourself, (or your company or team), are not providing the service yourself. You can only generally sue someone with the hope of two outcomes: To regain lost or owed monies or to get them to comply with something in a contract but only if a judge thinks that part of the contract is legally binding. At best you might get a judge to issue a cease and desist order but their lawyers will argue they are simply trying to help their customers out due to a lack of help on your part. And while it would be ludicrous to expect a mod maker to offer installations of their mods to everyone who downloaded it I would bet their lawyers would go there first. I would if I was representing them. This would at least keep you from recouping any money they have made from your work. I would, however, find out from a lawyer in the state where you live what it would cost to help you out. They might get a response simply by sending a cease and desist request on their law firm's letter head. A lot of shady businesses know they are shady and hope they never have to explain themselves. The prospect of having to travel across the country to defend themselves and the cost of hiring a lawyer might be prohibitive enough that they stop offering your mods. 


On a personal note, if you hope to get people behind you in your cause, its not generally a good idea to state that you back people who are just as shady as the people you are up against yourself. Ignoring what I think about Origins to begin with as a mod, they DDOS'd a legal business. You might be doing more harm than good even mentioning that in your posts. 

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Never hosted a server or dealt with any hosters but this shit is stupid. They could be taken to court and sued for improper use of the scripts even with that Terms And Conditions that was written (you know what it is, if not look up in the original post) But they ought to be more smart and not open with such things. Just take em and sue. Ruin their hosting. Period.

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Are they selling the mods or only charging to install them? Only asking because I'm not sure if you have a copyright claim or would be able to do anything about them breaking your TOS if they are simply installing the script for someone else. Although its sounds like a pretty shitty company, you might be hard pressed to convince a judge or jury that you have the right to tell someone they cannot be compensated for helping someone else if you yourself, (or your company or team), are not providing the service yourself. You can only generally sue someone with the hope of two outcomes: To regain lost or owed monies or to get them to comply with something in a contract but only if a judge thinks that part of the contract is legally binding. At best you might get a judge to issue a cease and desist order but their lawyers will argue they are simply trying to help their customers out due to a lack of help on your part. And while it would be ludicrous to expect a mod maker to offer installations of their mods to everyone who downloaded it I would bet their lawyers would go there first. I would if I was representing them. This would at least keep you from recouping any money they have made from your work. I would, however, find out from a lawyer in the state where you live what it would cost to help you out. They might get a response simply by sending a cease and desist request on their law firm's letter head. A lot of shady businesses know they are shady and hope they never have to explain themselves. The prospect of having to travel across the country to defend themselves and the cost of hiring a lawyer might be prohibitive enough that they stop offering your mods. 


On a personal note, if you hope to get people behind you in your cause, its not generally a good idea to state that you back people who are just as shady as the people you are up against yourself. Ignoring what I think about Origins to begin with as a mod, they DDOS'd a legal business. You might be doing more harm than good even mentioning that in your posts. 


Thanks for the advice, apologies if you thought I was backing Origins but I really wasn't I've been extremely critical of them in the past too and have never supported their mod or their practices. In the case of Origins vs SS both were in the wrong but I wanted to use the example to show that SS are no strangers to acting like cunts and disrespecting software licensing. 


It is frustrating to know that if I had a botnet I could get this resolved a lot faster than using a lawyer though.

Edited by seaweed

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Origins is the cancer of DayZ in my opinion.

We don't need them.

But hosters aren't that bad if their services are good.

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Origins is the cancer of DayZ in my opinion.

We don't need them.

But hosters aren't that bad if their services are good.


This thread is not about debating who is worse.


It is about the actions of SurvivalServers and the fact they are breaking the licensing restrictions surrounding freely released scripts by forcing customers to pay for their "installation". 

Edited by seaweed

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get this shit stickied so no one else gives these fuckers any money

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We charge for the time and effort it takes us to install these mods on customer's servers. Our less tech savvy customers do not know how to install these mods and greatly appreciate the service of installing these scripts on their servers - we have to be compensated for the amount of time spent installing the scirpts. I don't see any harm in charging hourly for work installing scripts that are open source and freely available.


We don't have some sort of monopoly on script installation. We, like every other major DayZ host out there, provide full access to server files to add in custom scripts without going through our hourly paid installation service.


This topic is way off base and border-line witch hunt. There's nothing wrong in what we are doing, our customers are glad to pay the installation costs and understand they are not paying for the scripts directly.

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We charge for the time and effort it takes us to install these mods on customer's servers. Our less tech savvy customers do not know how to install these mods and greatly appreciate the service of installing these scripts on their servers - we have to be compensated for the amount of time spent installing the scirpts. I don't see any harm in charging hourly for work installing scripts that are open source and freely available.


We don't have some sort of monopoly on script installation. We, like every other major DayZ host out there, provide full access to server files to add in custom scripts without going through our hourly paid installation service.


This topic is way off base and border-line witch hunt. There's nothing wrong in what we are doing, our customers are glad to pay the installation costs and understand they are not paying for the scripts directly.



My provider installed my mods for free. *shrugs* even transferred my old DB into my server for free. *Shrugs* Nuff said.

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My provider installed my mods for free. *shrugs* even transferred my old DB into my server for free. *Shrugs* Nuff said.


For a $25 server we can't afford to spend the time to do it for free.. sorry but it just isn't a free service, it takes time to install custom mods on many different customers. When an update is released we have to update the mods to the latest version as well.

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Seaweed, I understand that you are upset that someone is "making money" from your scripts but I think you are little off base here.


With the view you have towards this you believe no-one should make any money what so ever from your code in any way shape or form, what if rocket thought the same thing? Should every single server host just be giving away hosting the DayZmod since DayZmod is free and you can setup your server anyways? Should people not be allowed to sell DayZmod hosting? No. I would argue hosting companies like SurvivalServers, Dayz.st, HFBservers, Vilayer,Game.de, etc helped to propel Dayzmod to the heights it was able to achieve. Without companies providing an easy way for people to have setup servers the initial days of Dayzmod hosting would of been a joke. Hosting companies charge you for a service they provide, not for the mod. I would say the EXACT same thing is true here. SurvivalServers does not sell your scripts, just the one time fee to install said scripts to most likely cover the cost of the time it takes to do so.


Could SurvivalServers do these installs for free? Sure they could, but that is not their business model. Their business model seems to be to provide a basic DayZmod server with possibly other mods installed as well. They designed their price and packages around this. Why should they do more than that for the same price if they do not want to? Hell they even link to almost every single script that they offer installation of on their site so that anyone with the knowledge to the install themselves could.


Hold on, what if the person does know how to do the install but doesn't want to take the time to do it because they have more important things to do? Should this person not be able to pay someone to install the service? Or should this person pay you (or any other of the original creators) to install this? Should they make a post on opendayz asking for someone to install the script? Then provide said person with a bunch of access to their server to do the install? No, probably not. I would take a guess that 9/10 times a client would rather just pay someone who they are already doing business with to install this script and not have to give their login details to some third party person.



"Terms & Conditions - When you download or copy this code you agree to not charge any money for installing this script."


I'd expect you will see a lot less servers using these scripts now because of this or more people posting asking for help. I can tell you from my experience in the hosting industry and the support team for the official DayZmod that people expect a lot for free in this community and you are only going to be shooting yourself in the foot. 




I actually hosted a server with SS over a year ago now. The server itself was terrible, it was only even accessible for 20 days out of the 31 I paid for I wrote some details last year on the dayzmod forums about that. I dealt with a few hosts before switching to dedicated hosting and doing the job myself.



Good for you, again not everyone even knows how to do this. Obviously the service they provided you should of always worked as described though, maybe their service is better now maybe it's not, I have no knowledge about their level of quality.  If you are expecting the same level of quality of hosting that you get from a having your dedicated server in a slotted game server then that's a bit ridiculous, compare apples to apples not the orchard. 




SS use the crappy TCAdmin package for managing their servers. This is a generic package (surprise surprise not coded by them) which doesn't work properly or allow you to do many simple dayz server management tasks. Their hosting is lacking in many areas (including performance) compared to the other hosts. DayZ.st for example have a wealth of in house coded web-based tools to make server management easier.

So they use a control panel that is different from some other host? Big whoop. Not every single person has the experience to be able to quickly code a backend and frontend system that will get deployed across multiple nodes. Obviously ersan does and he does it well, anyone who argues his panel is not superb should be committed. I would judge any host though that uses, what a bunch of other large hosts already use, as being lesser. I could give other industry examples where this applies as well but I hope I don't have to. 




If you host with them, they tell you that any server with mods loaded is not supported unless you have paid them to do it. Then they will tell you that you need to pay them again any time a dayz patch is released. Effectively you are paying for someone at SurvivalServers to read an OpenDayZ thread, one which would never have been made had the creator known they would be pulling crap like this. If you chose not to do that and there's a problem with your server too bad no support for you because it's your fault for not paying them to follow someone else's tutorial!



No other market would people expect help with custom coded things. If I had a customer that had a broken server because of their custom coded database, WordPress plugin, program, etc do you know what I would tell them? Talk to the developer or you can pay us to do the extra work for you. This is how the service industry works. If you order a service it's almost always a one time deal. If the work needs to be re-done then you would need to pay again.



I think everyone who reads these kinds of threads and gets upset when people charge money for things needs to remember that these business are not your friend, a community guide, or anything else like that. They are a business that is here to make money, if you do not want to pay them for their services then that is your choice, spend your money elsewhere with how you think it should be spent. It's called capitalism. 

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