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Wanna know what really burns my ass?

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A few mins ago i was in a server, had about 8 people in it, i spawned in elektro, spent 20 mins looting the firestation found a M4A3 CCO with 3 clips on the top floor, looted the rest of elektro grabbed EVERYTHING i would ever need, alice pack, pretty much every toolbelt item, plenty of food drink med supply and was just leaving elektro, when i spyed a car on the road, a GAZ grey and i looked around, saw no one, so i ran up to it got in, perfect condition will almosed full gas, so i turned it around and drove it north, got to just south of stary when boom, i was kicked for "Exploiting" thats all it said, exploiting, looked in my favorites, server was locked, stayed locked for about 20 mins, when i logged back in, car was still there, so i got in, still perfect condition and gas was full, so i got in back and checked gear, 1 of every car part, 4 wheels, a AS50 with 10 five round NATO mags, 4 NVG, 3 Rangefinders, 1 GPS, and 2 large coyote backpacks, each had a DMR with 4 clips 5 drink and 5 food, so i took one and i replaced my AKM for the AS50 when all of a sudden i see 3 guys run up to the car, the fucking admin locked the server found where the car was and ran to it with his buddies, lucky for me when they got in and began driving they didnt know i was even there.

They brought me to their camp, a whole bunch north of pobeda dam, they drove it slowely up the hill, came to a grouping of tents, all got out went to different trees and logged out, so i looked through it, all these tents were duped, 50x satchel charges, 1 tent each with 50 of each ammo clip, 10 of every gun thats in dayz, and not in dayz (some kind of sniper AK 74, and a silenced GAS gun or something) i knew this stuff was hacked, but soon as i finished looking the stuff that was remotely legit, like guns that are actually in dayz i see out of the corner of my eye, every car in the fucking server, the URAL, V3S, a couple motorcyles and a couple ATV, like 3 or 4 UAZ, like every fucking vehicle, now i know what these greesy admins do, they take every vehicle in the server and hoard them, just because you pay money for a server doesnt mean everything on the server is yours you greesy fucking hacking shithead. Anyway so just as im picking out my ride to take me anyplace i hear movement, so i crouch down and go into the trees, i see those same 3 guys go around to the car, then one turns around and looks right at me but doesnt shoot, so i take this time to shoot him in the dick with the AS50 i stole, and the other 2 in the head while they were still in the car, then all of a sudden, i get banned from the server for hacking, so i rage remove the server from my favs and log into another server, after 25 mins of waiting in the loading screen to get the setup complete, i look and i was on the fucking coast with NO GEAR, not even the starting shit, so i come here to report that server for exploiting and hacking, and i realize i cant remember the name of the server, fuck me right?

It gets better, so i have nothing, i logged in at kamenka, and not the on rural right in town close to komorovo kind of kamenka, im talking the ass end of nowhere kind of kamenka, so i hightail it for 7 and a half minutes until i actually get to kamenka, then another 20 or so to balota, soon as i get there, 3-5 guys on the AC Tower, so i run up to it and in direct chat while hiding in a bush, i say im friendly, have no guns and would just like to pass through unharmed, next thing i know 3 of them bolt out of the tower and start running around looking for me, im well hidden but not ONE of them thought to at least try to decieve me, and while the 3 of them were searching i snuck into the AC tower, under the stairs? AKM with 2 mags, so i creep up the stairs, there is one guy looking out the window, so i shoot him in the head and start looting him, i got about 2 mins at best before eveyrone is on my ass, so i took his backpack, gun and his tools and stuff and head someone coming up or going down the ladder, so i quickly hid body and snuck as fast as i could to under the stairs right then while in 3rd person i see the doors open and 2 guys come in real slow like, so i wait and one turns around and lays down on the ground and my insides ruptured, such an easy kill, so the other goes up the stairs i creep up to him and stand up, perfect aim for the head and whisper in my mic "Hello Gorgeous" and put one shot to the head, 2 murders, so i move back into my stairs and hear movement, one guy comes down and starts looting the body, pop him in the head, 3 murders, the 4th guy turns out is on the stairs right above me and runs down, right as hes turning around the corner to see me, i shot him in the leg a few times, breaks it, he falls over, and then a couple shots to the body and hes down, 4 murders in 3 minutes. Oh and it gets better folks, cuz after looting, i have NVG, a M4A1 CCO SD with 4 clips, food drink large coyote, camo suit on, a DMR with 2 clips and a morphine and painkillers, not to mention the M9SD with 4 mags and 4 bandages, and heres the fun part, right as i leave the back door, a random noob with nothing but a fucking hatchet clips my back as im running out of the door, from around the corner, which brings me from 12000 blood to about 8000, and the bestestestest part? my gun wasnt raised, so the one chance i had to defend myself, was buried alive by bad engine mechanics, he takes me out with another quick hit to the head, what a bunch of shit.

So long story short i had some luck, got violated by a butthurt admin, then got really fucking lucky, then got bitch slapped in the dick with an electric fly swatter, what a fucking day.

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"then got bitch slapped in the dick with an electric fly swatter, what a fucking day. "

I lost it there.

But still, that sucks :I

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Admins are asses... i get kicked from servers for nothing just cause their whole clan is in there they let no one else join cause they know your so much better than them.

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Its not even the fact that they were duping and hacking weapons and shit, and hoarding all the vehicles, that isnt even the worst part, its the part where i somewhat skillfully take out 4 guys who all had better guns than me, M4A1 CCO SD, M16A2, AK-74u, and the other had a AKM with 1 mag which was the first guy i killed and just took his mag, spread out between all 4 of them was a full chars worth of gear, i had everything a guy could ask for, and it was all taken away by one noob with a hatchet, there was beyond more that enough to pass around, but the greedy prick just HAD to kill me and take what i had, its not like he helped or anything, everything i had was on those bodies i didnt even hide them, pretty much everything i picked off them was on another body, except mabey the gun, but come on really? and a new update, after server hopping and spawning in elektro again, i moved through the pitch black city and go to the far firestation, where the powerplant is, and right as i finish looting it and have a gun, a M1014 but whatever, i climb on the roof to make a quick getaway off the ladder to avoid zombies, and i get fucking shot by a bush turd with NVG and a DMR, and thats when i called it quits for the night.

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I thought you were going to say a camp fire....I suppose electric fly swatters could work, but I'm afraid your directions you were given were not clear, as you got your penis caught?

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We have all been there for sure...

I actually read everything in your post and it was pretty intense!

Sorry to hear, and I definitely feel for ya'! In days the ratio of luck seems to be, 20% good luck, and 80% bad. :lol:

:thumbsup: :beans:

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There is a physiological inquest as to why people pay for things that other people use more than them.

Apprently the study is to find out if some people do generally give up valuables, for authority/control over other people.

This has derived from (and I'm not kidding here) such things as: Low self esteem, Unfulfillment,Depersonalization. Other social

anxiety problems.

Now I say this, because people host/pay for hosting, to have more power over other people, we all do it (Having better weapons, but that is less extreme than hosting).

So you can be assured that its safe to say, 90% of admins have an anxiety disorder, therefore needed to fufill it by thinking they have

power over something.

(Trying to find link to Thesis paper, was studied by some kid in Norway or somewhere like that).

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Aside from the admin BS, it sounds like a good day for the most part. At least got a good story out of it.

The other day after getting shot and re-spawning near Cherno, I leave town with an akm and some food. I then find a fully repaired ATV on the west end of town, I hop on and book it out of town into the hills so I can safely see if it has any loot in it. I then find it has 2 AS50s with thermal scopes a bunch of jerry cans, 2 m249s and some grenades as well as other stuff. I had no idea the damned things could carry so much stuff... Anyway. I decide I don't want the gear as it seems fishy to me. So, I take the grenades and toss one at it. BOOM.. nothing happens... I try again... Nothing happens. I shoot out the tires and finally it starts smoking then I Get *YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED FROM THE SERVER* Was not able to get back in either...

Seems an admin was not happy I stole his ride and blew it up... Some of these admins are just as bad as the scripters...

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Yup Welcome to DayZ AKA MW3...

I have been fucked over many of times by those Asshats. The honest ones ALWAYS Gets fucked in the Ass.

90% of Dayz is just abunch of Fucktard 12year Olds with no common respect for anything or anyone and out to Kill anything that moves

or hack in an armory cuz they to lazy to loot and find lagit stuff from spawns. Punks! Go clean your rooms and get ready for School.

Well School has started so maybe things will clear up abit now these punks have Homework to do.


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MY Point is.....

You grown Men out there are acting like 12yr olds...Probably still living with mom aswell...



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Admins of these servers should be listed in a pinned thread and permanently banned...

yes Totally! Forever!

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Should of took those satchel charges and blew those hoarded items into Oblivion :)

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Not really.

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