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CerebralZombie (DayZ)

Never join a server with 40+ players online

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So I will keep it short n' sweet. Why never join a server with 40+ players on at a time? To start off it took me 5-10 minutes to loot one pile of items in a building, than after that I tried to loot a body and that also took 5+ minutes... So I'm in Elektro and I come across so many dead bodies laying around, so after looting the bodies that had supplies, I went to the little hill that's further in Elektro in front of the East Elektro Hill/Mountain with the trail around it. So I hear a guy running up to me, and I turn to see he has a hatchet and start to run. I was way ahead of him and turned around a corner into a small home. I get into the far corner and aim my AK at the door as he runs by the window. He runs right in so I unload on him with half a clip before he gets to me with a one chop kill. 10 bullets don't stop a man but one chop does? There wasn't any lag as there was when gathering loot, since right after he sliced me I took a couple steps and fell while the fracture and broken icon popped up right away.

So why have a player limit of 50+ when the game can't even handle 40. I know I've already done a thread about close quarter combat and how DayZ/Arma II isn't the best at having those types of encounters. There is just to much chance that the two players connections aren't aligned and can cause one player to kill the other even though he or she should already be dead. Of course this doesn't always occur as I have had great close encounter situations that have gone smooth.

So I guess this is just a little heads up when deciding to join a server with 40+ players if you don't want to lose you good gear. I did not have good gear at that time as I'd just spawned on the shore line 20-30 minutes before I was chopped into two. I don't get attached to my characters, but it was a bit of a nuisance.

Have a great night!


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I've encountered things like this--again in Elektro. A friend and I were looting the pub by the market when someone with an axe popped into the room down the hall. We set up and waited. All we had were 1911s each, but we figured a few well placed .45 rounds would finish him (pre nerf). I put two whole mags into this guy, and my partner put another whole mag into him. We could see blood spewing everywhere, but still he ran and got off a couple hacks, killing my partner before he dropped dead. (This was well before hacking, and he did die, so we weren't even thinking that.)

There was also another time I was looting the office in Elektro, had a couple good firefights, no lag, smooth shots, smooth kills (three shots max to center mass on a group of three) And next thing I know, as I'm looting, this guy runs down the stairs, and we exchange rounds. I run out of ammo, and so does my assailant, and we both dive for cover to reload. I'm feeling pretty good, because the whole time we were firing at each other, I'm not losing blood or anything, so I'm thinking I'm good. I reload, and suddenly my screen shift to grey scale and I hear the bone crunch sound, my blood plummets to 5k, and I'm bleeding hard and fast. I try to bandage, and it just does the animation over and over and over again. My murder count ticks up, and my group tells me to just abort from server--no need dying to something as silly as a lagging server.

It's just really odd sometimes what gets registered and what doesn't.

Edited by Baelethal

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Was expecting this to be another "dem hakerz" thread. Glad it wasn't. Ah well, this will hopefully be a thing of the past once the stand alone goes live.

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Yeah I can't really complain, as DayZ is the best zombie game made to date and it's only a mod in an early stage. I joined another server about 30min ago to find I was skipping while running, and I couldn't even pick up stuff. The yellow chain link kept showing up 20 minutes in so I just left. Not sure if it was the same server, but it only had 6 players. So maybe DayZ or certain servers are having troubles right now? It could even be my internet provider or something else. I'll keep playing n' see.

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Sure its got something to do with either your connection or his. On a server that had about 10-20 people on, i saw a guy just standing in the open. Popped him twice in the head with a m9sd and 40 seconds later it said he was killed, body wasn't at the same spot. So i assumed he lagged or dsync'd or w/e can happen, and on his screen he wasn't. Cant blame the server for that right?

There is one thing i agree with, it takes anything from 10 to 20 minutes to connect to a server with so many players on which sucks and is why i try to avoid joining one so full.

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