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Colten (DayZ)

Coordinates... for various camps...

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true enough Mr, angel just asking sarafan do you know the locations of any hidden tents like around cherno or elektro,

ps, i kinda wanted ask why the clan says come and get our gear new survivors? kinda grills me

I ran around looking in places and found a few. In electro there's a grass area on the map I found a tent down there with some basic gear and a dmr plus nvgs. Wasn't hidden just out of the way.

As I said nothing in this server seem hidden just out of the way. After looking at there YouTube video and there bases I'm more sitting on the side there not bandits and just like building bases as there's clearly a lot of work gone in to some of them.

The guy posting where all there gear just seems hurt he didn't get what he wants and I'm sure there better off without him.

To the group of people that own this server if you need anything clan BoB are here to help. And sorry if you logged in to all your cars wiped out. Was better to blow them up then have people steal them when your sleeping.

Edited by Sarafan
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As I said nothing in this server seem hidden just out of the way. After looking at there YouTube video and there bases I'm more sitting on the side there not bandits and just like building bases as there's clearly a lot of work gone in to some of them.

their main camp in pustahka looks like a trap my advice i'd avoid at all cost also found a little camp with a bike just past the end of the runway at nwaf only had a cz 550 an m9 and some food and drinks i needed plus it had a gps gonna head towards next base soon...

ps, bike is gonna make shit easier on me :)

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You actually stated the contrary to what I said.

I'm certain you're smart enough to understand what I said, even though you give everyone the impression you're not.

Actually, now that I remember what was going on, I had originally done it because there were a great deal of people posting in another thread about activity around Pustoshka, and how they were hearing "gun fire" in the distance, how it seemed like a "major firefight" had been going on, etc.

Although I call bullshit, sure, whatever.

Okay. Well, that is relative.

Sarcasm? I thought you didn't know what that was? Either way it is relevant to act not annoying if you want people on your side. Which you seem to want since you reply, but I'm sure you can still convince yourself you're just trolling. If not sarcasm, good for you. You understood me.

Yes, but the fact of the matter is, I had never really done anything to suggest that I would've stolen the vehicles, other than the conning incident, which happened about a month ago (and there was already a big stigma surrounding me prior to that).

I don't know how you acted in the clan, but you seem to have pissed people off with your behavior long before you posted this. For example: Not sure how valuable cars are to SoH, but when shit starts to disappear under your watch people in games people tend to suspect you but not do anything until it's proven. But the people who suspect you will treat you differently. If they didn't suspect you, then it's simply your personality which is easy to dislike.

I'm sure some people deserve it. :)

Typo? If not, I'm sure you're right. Some people probably deserved to get charmed by you then betrayed, however collective punishment is considered by pretty much everyone to be retarded and rude.

Keyword there - "generally". It wasn't really difficult to be "tricky" with them.

Having skill in something means you are above average in a specific field, being above average is difficult to do or accomplish for the average population. Ie, it is hard. Oh, and if you're going to interpret "generally" in that fashion one might as well just bash their head against the keyboard since it's just "generally" considered to be pointless.

It is up to them as to whether or not they get offended with what I say. I am not in control of their emotions, they are in control of themselves. If they find what I say to be "insulting", "defaming", etc... then that is their issue, not mine. Anything that anybody says could be taken in an offensive light by anybody else; even a certain tone can offend another.

Even so you seem to have offended a great deal of people (before this). Just saying that if you want people to actually like you, you should change your attitude. But I guess you simply do not care since you're too cool for that.

Edited by Traesket
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http://dayzmod.com/f...loc#entry729064 This is his new bandit clan if any survivor clan would like to have some fun with.

It's not that hard to figure things out when you are dealing with someone who thinks he's outsmarted everybody. ;)

Make it more challenging next time.

Edited by memothejanitor

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By friendly I mean I've never killed a player unprovoked in my DayZ career.

By friendly I mean like everyone in the clan has a hero skin.

By friendly I mean I love you and your family. :wub:

"Bandit" redirects here. For other uses, see Bandit (disambiguation).


http://bits.wikimedi...agnify-clip.pngA small band of brigands from Bisaccia, photographed in 1862.

Banditry refers to the life and practice of bandits which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as "one who is proscribed or outlawed; hence, a lawless desperate marauder, a brigand: usually applied to members of the organized gangs which infest the mountainous districts of Italy, Sicily, Spain, Greece, and Turkey. INCLUDING POST-RUSSIAN OUTSKIRTS DURING THE ZOMBIE-APOCOLYPTIC CHERNARUS" But the OED also states that in modern usage it may be used as a synonym for gangster, hence the term "one-armed bandit" for gambling machines that can leave the gambler with no money.[1]"

then you sir, are not a bandit! ^_^

Edited by .Ender.
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Ladies and gentlemen... we have a rager.

Also, for somebody who wasn't very "tricky", I certainly am making a great deal of you mad. CrissCrow posted a message on there with something along the lines of, "Hunt him, kill him, spawn kill him"... <--- indicates rage.

You people are like a bunch of ants scrambling. You're all extremely paranoid... you banned another person on the forums because you thought it was me, lmfao. How paranoid is that? Clearly what I am doing is working.

Lmao, I've literally seen like 2 of your comments colten, and I can already tell that you're a douche bag, and why they kicked you out !

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this is a classic example of 'it takes one to know one'. so let me get this straight....bandits..who go around killing innocent people and stealing things that dont belong to them (i wouldnt go as far as to say 'ruining' because its part of the game experience)....are upset/surprised that a 'fellow criminally minded bandit' did something untrustworthy/backstabbing?

I think its great. politics at its best!

I for one have never killed someone because i dont have to and can survive on my own. player killers add to the game play and i love it, because its realistic to shoot first ask later scenarios in a survival world.

its good to see there are 'gang wars' going on within the bandit ranks and clans..turkey vultures feasting on turkey vultures!

I couldn't have said it better myself! :thumbsup:

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I'm leaving whether or not what Colten did is fair or unfair unsaid, but... DAT CAMP. Have to commend you guys for taking your time building that up. Must have taken forever to first of all build it and then stock it.

If it is any consolation I did try to snag stuff but I got shot.

You have my beans.

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Hehe yeah it took quite some time to build the gear was actually the easy part as we have alot of active members so we go on raids pretty regularly as a group in high threat areas like NWA and Stary, and we just setup a tent outside town abit and loot cycle till we have a bunch of good gear there and then someone brings a car or atv over and we load it in and take it back to camp rinse repeat :) with 15+ regular members online from 8-12hrs a day each the gear banks up quickly and so does meds and food.

Your all welcome to that gear dont feel bad in any way just be careful trying to get at it as its going to be crawling with bandits and clan members over the remain time the server has, sadly if you had ever had the chance to meet our clan in game you would have found a group that wouldn't shot on sight but would rather send a diplomat out of camp unarmed with a bag full of meds and food, calling out in direct comms. had you shot that diplomat then you would find many many muzzles lighting you up :) if not then you would have been invited to join us or offered any gear you may need possible even a lift somewhere in a car if needed.

Thats still who we are but we are going to be far more careful and cautious of others now and thats kind of sad if you ask me cause i like working coop and looting and killing zombies with random people, its always great for a laugh, the odd bandit comes along and the stakes get higher but thats still fun sometimes ( if their not using damn hacks at least ). anyways good luck to you all and watch out for those immoral bandits and dont let any coltens ruin your day :P

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Colten, well done. I love the first posts these guys made on the reaction of your attack. It's awesome stuff man.

Even with the post above, your name comes up all the time in their mind. "Don't let any coltens ruin your day". It obviously shows that they got messed up.

But, you do sound like an asshole, Colten. And you're not very smart....

Why didn't you take all their stuff with your other bandit group?

Why didn't you organize the coordinates well enough?

x.x You half-assed the post.

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Was playing last night and found someone driving around in your green truck. I took it from them and moved it some where safe for you. If you pm me ill give you the cords

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You call it "immature", however... I call it "smart". As another player blatantly stated, I couldn't give less of a fuck as to what happens, hence why I posted all of this information. What more would you expect from somebody who left the clan? Really? It's not about "immaturity", it's about simply not caring....

It'll be fun to see how this all turns out.

EDIT:: FYI, I have been planning on leaving for a while now. I have been playing on other servers with other bandits for quite some time. Funny thing is, none of you ever suspected it. LOL.

This is exactly like when a really bitter chick breaks up with you and is like oh and btw I've been cheating on you with everybody because yes I am a whore so in reality you're relieved to be rid of me and I will continue my empty and pointless existence of utter and complete neediness and complaining.

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Van thief's location

062, 028

Our base

073, 011

Vehicles (near base)

069, 010

New base (near Zelenogorsk)

102, 011

008/009 line, 081


018, 091


005, 077m


009, 071


004, 068


111, 012


140, 009


138, 010

NE CAMP (White truck)

138, 009


134, 014

010, 065

114, 007

131, 029

014, 086

007, 055

000, 040

000, 027

THERE IS A MAIN BASE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN PUSTOSHKA. Literally, IN PUSTOSHKA. They have vehicles, tents, etc... the town of Pustoshka is barricaded off..... plenty of goodies inside...

Skalisty Island also has a great number of tents with items available. There is also a chopper on that island, as well..

This is all located in Seattle 123. Go there. Have fun. You should all make a new home on that server, and bombard their bases constantly. It will be easy to follow their trends. It is becoming quite limited in terms of finding new spots to place their tents, so it shouldn't be hard to plot their new locations judging from their past camps. . . . . . . . . . .

~{SoH}~ is the clan. They told me to join a bandit crew, so I did. I don't think they expected me to actually post these coords. Enjoy it while you have them

They also have tents up around Guba, and black lake.

Alot of these tents are abandoned.. a LOT. Some may have some items in them, some may not... however, you will find high tier weaponry in some of them... (AS50s, M14s, M4s w/ silencer, etc etc etc). Anything you can think of. LITERALLY. RGO grenades, even...

Go to PUSTOSHKA first, then go from there. They will be waiting, I am almost certain... they are probably moving everything out as we speak. Move quick!

*** TIP ***

SCOUR THE OUTSKIRTS OF CHERNO/ELEKTRO/BEREZINO... they have tents set up in many areas... tents are EVERYWHERE...

I always knew you were the weakest of the group and going to betray everyone.

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Colten, this is Roller, and I really did not expect that from you. You might have bad blood between other clan members, but I at least expected you to respect some of us. I'd expect maturity from somebody your caliber. I still can't believe you did this.

Haha, really? You're in a bandit group. You kill people all the time. You have no maturity or morals. I'm glad this was posted - enjoy losing all your gear you turd. Just quit DayZ.

It's a silly video game. Calm down you raging nerds.

This thread makes me happy.

Edited by Big Skrimpin'

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I have to admit I went to the camp. Not as a looter looking for that easy haul or as a bandit looking for fish in a barrel to shoot but as someone who was interested in the layout you guys used in fortifying that town. I have to say I was very impressed with how well everything was set up and at how hard it was to get in and around. I went back yesterday with some friends to show them this modern wonder I had found but I assume the server had been reset because nothing of that post apocalyptic wonderland remained. If you guys decide to set up a new camp I would be interested in seeing the set up you use.

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Well, actually... I don't think that's immaturity, I think that is called a smart move - interrupting communications between everybody.

Secondly, I think you are mad. Quite mad, in fact... you are still taking the time to respond to what I am saying.

Thirdly, I have been giving shit from our clan to bandits all along. When vehicles went missing, do you honestly think that it was always some random hacker, or "random" bandit? I am responsible for some of the vehicles going missing. I am responsible for most of what went on (in terms of vehicles being jacked), actually... but you never had the slightest clue. None of you did. I was probably the least suspected in the clan to do something.

I hope you have fun while your camps will be constantly raided by onslaughts of bandits. I have posted the coords in other forums, as well. I think you guys bit off a little more than you could chew when you let me go.


lol, ofc they didnt suspect u why should they ? u where a part of their clan and they thrusted u... and all their items/camps/tents etc. will be back after a restart -.- dont think u have started armageddon, cuz this is nothing near a problem -.-

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Popcorn! $4,- for a big bucket!

I'll take two and a soda, it's been a while since I saw a frustrated 15 year old posting stuff like this to "get back" at them, reminds me of my time playing WoW

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Lmao you still think this clan is a bunch of bandits?? really? bahaha!! you've been playing Dayz solo to much me thinks, SoH is a pretty chilled group and mostly friendly, if your so worried about bandits all the time its probably cause your rooting around in people's tents without asking.

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Van thief's location

062, 028

Our base

073, 011

Vehicles (near base)

069, 010

New base (near Zelenogorsk)

102, 011

008/009 line, 081


018, 091


005, 077m


009, 071


004, 068


111, 012


140, 009


138, 010

NE CAMP (White truck)

138, 009


134, 014

010, 065

114, 007

131, 029

014, 086

007, 055

000, 040

000, 027

THERE IS A MAIN BASE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN PUSTOSHKA. Literally, IN PUSTOSHKA. They have vehicles, tents, etc... the town of Pustoshka is barricaded off..... plenty of goodies inside...

Skalisty Island also has a great number of tents with items available. There is also a chopper on that island, as well..

This is all located in Seattle 123. Go there. Have fun. You should all make a new home on that server, and bombard their bases constantly. It will be easy to follow their trends. It is becoming quite limited in terms of finding new spots to place their tents, so it shouldn't be hard to plot their new locations judging from their past camps. . . . . . . . . . .

~{SoH}~ is the clan. They told me to join a bandit crew, so I did. I don't think they expected me to actually post these coords. Enjoy it while you have them

They also have tents up around Guba, and black lake.

Alot of these tents are abandoned.. a LOT. Some may have some items in them, some may not... however, you will find high tier weaponry in some of them... (AS50s, M14s, M4s w/ silencer, etc etc etc). Anything you can think of. LITERALLY. RGO grenades, even...

Go to PUSTOSHKA first, then go from there. They will be waiting, I am almost certain... they are probably moving everything out as we speak. Move quick!

*** TIP ***

SCOUR THE OUTSKIRTS OF CHERNO/ELEKTRO/BEREZINO... they have tents set up in many areas... tents are EVERYWHERE...

hahahhah, thanks bro you have my beans :beans: :beans: :D

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