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How can you even call this a game?

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You have no idea how much i want to quit, today has been the exact worst day in Dayz history for me.

Earlier on i had everything, and i get killed by a server hopper, lose everything, spawn in and get killed by a sniper in elektro, so i spawn in again, meet a nice guy and we talk, right before i get his skype a guy snipes the both of us, spawn in again, i found a gun and a large coyote and 3 guys run up to me and tell me to drop everything or they kill me, even if i wanted to log out the one guy shot me in the leg giving me shock and broken bone, so they kill me and take my stuff, spawn in again, cherno, i run to the firestation, 4 guys in there i call friendly, they invite me in gave me a gun and stuff, and then tell me to leave, soon as i leave they shoot me in the back and then bandage me and bloodbag me, then kill me, why? why the fuck do people have to be so fucked in the head?

Then i got pissed and left that server and went to a new one, soon as i log in i find a guy with a M16 and a revolver, and we get to talking and hes really nice and right before we were going to add each other on skype a guy come up and kills him with a M14 AIM and then holds me up at gunpoint, i explain whats going on and he tells me to add him, but gives me a dummy skype name, when i came back to tell him i couldnt find it, im fucking dead.

This isnt a fucking game, this is a place where all the trash of the world go to jerk each other off, there is absolutely no chance of this mod becoming a real success unless this is fixed, sure its got a million people playing, but unless battleeye gets their asses in gear and fixes hacking, and the various exploites and admin abusers are dealt with, this shits just going to fall apart, if you really think about it, right now you could think that if you wait it out it will be fixed, but what about the next 5 times you find a car, then your kicked and when you log back in its gone? or when you make a camp and some server hopper bitch takes your car and flattens your tents and leaves? what about when you are fully geared and ready to go and your get killed because some guy saw you, switched servers real quick and hid behind you, killed you with a hatchet and took all your stuff, then hid your body? thats the kind of shit that needs to be fixed, i got no problem dying, i got no problem running into people, but the few people who are actually friendly and wont shoot on sight are eventually going to simply because of the majority of other players, just 2 minutes ago as i spawned in for the last time tonight i found a hatchet and a alice pack, and lo and behold i found a pair of NVG on a dead body, he had nothing but NVG and the starter gear, and i took em off his body and ran into elektro on a borderline empty server, i met a guy looting in the coffee shop, i said i was friendly and he gets out of the backpack turns around and attacks me, i hit him 3 times with a hatchet and he starts bleeding, i start backing away and he just walks up to me hits me once and i go down from 12000 blood to under 6000 fall unconcious and then eventually die, he gets hit 3 times and just shrugs it off, i get hit once and im dead, what the fuck is that shit?

This has been a real shitty day in dayz for me, im about ready to quit unless next patch has some serious fixes for all these exploits and shit, i feel violated right now....

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wow rant much, realize that Elektro and Cherno, and all the starting areas area a death trap whether you meet nice people or not.

best thing is get out of the starter areas asap, find food / supplies in deer stands and barns. I'll take your beans for that ty.

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cbb reading a rage eassy atm

but, atm we call it a mod

an alpha of a mod

but mks

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Please. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. <_< This shit is pointless and boring, get the fuck over it, I just had a 27 day old character with l85aws and m249 saw and lost him due to people who deleted their tree and foliage files. Don't see me crying, I ran 14km back to base and then headed out to nw and geared up again. Now go back an start playing again, because you will.

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cbb reading a rage eassy atm

but, atm we call it a mod

an alpha of a mod

but mks

This...didn't even read OP because I don't call it a game. I call it an alpha mod of a meh game.

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No one calls it a game but you. We call it an alpha. The game comes out in Q4 2012.

I personaly think thats hopeful, but to be honest its less buggy than most MMO releases. As far as ass hats go... every think about joining a private hive with an active comunity forum?

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ArmA II and OA are the games DayZ runs on, so if you want to blame them for something they weren't built to handle, feel free (just don't make a new thread, keep it in this one).

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exactly what i was thinking.

Also..sounds like you keep running to the same places ? You know there is more than Cherno and Elektro right ?

I like how whenever someone has a game session they dont like it instantly means that everyone else who plays the game must be the trash of the world.

...Meanwhile in the forest above Berezino..

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Sounds like you are just getting killed :emptycan:

How about just shooting people instead of making them a friend B)

Yeah Nawwww much more fun killing people. I just love hearing people raging after they make it all the way to the city and find heaps of good stuff then i kill em and they go "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU" hehehehe :D

I may seem like an asshole but I love been an asshole so i win no matter what :beans: :beans: :beans:

give it a try :thumbsup:

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You're playing in a mod that's in Alpha, in a community which you know better than to trust not to kill you the moment it seems opportune.

The life expectancy of your life is avg of an hour last time I checked, and the game isn't supposed to be surviving, you're going to die one point or another, deal with it.

Never get attached to your possessions. Not even if you've been alive for 30 days.

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How is you being stupid enough to try and make friends and running to high-risk buildings in 1 of 2 major cities, bugs or exploits?

As for the rest, there is this thing called 'DayZ Standalone...' Seems you're not cut out for playtesting.

Edited by Hyp3r

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The hacker shit really does need to stop though. I will refuse to buy the standalone until the hacker issue is dealt with.

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spawn in again, cherno, i run to the firestation, 4 guys in there i call friendly, they invite me in gave me a gun and stuff, and then tell me to leave, soon as i leave they shoot me in the back and then bandage me and bloodbag me, then kill me, why?

I need to get some gear and try that <_<

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This has already been said, but you're an idiot

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I can hook ya up with some good shit if u need some military items. I play by myself and raid others tents and vehicle's. Its actually fun to do when your bored. I currently have every gun in the game right now by doing this tactic. Just pick a server that you know the tents and vehicle are spawning in. Some server restarts erases all of the tents and vehicles till the next server restart. All u need is a map and maybe compass and just head out to the edge of the map and start looking for the tent cities. You'll find them. Trust me. Found 2 vehicle camps last night and one of the best weapon loot tent cities I've ever seen. Im set for life in this game when it comes to looting. Found a ton of hacked guns too. Just have to be prepared to run for hours till u really hit a jackpot

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The creators of this MOD, from what I have read never called it a game. Rocket has gone out of his way to say it is something like a social experiment almost, a digital world people are dropped into and left to fend for themselves. You should read some of rockets posts, or look for news articles on the internet if you would like to learn more about this Alpha mod.

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Best thing you can do is find a group to play with, you will enjoy the game a lot more and have some backup when you get into trouble.

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Not a game by definition, it's a simulator

Hiking simulator for all of you overweight virgins that have never set foot outside.

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