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[PvP] Flag

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There is a lot of controversy with the current pvp system and how pkers are killing everyone.

So here is my two cents worth.

Instead of creating safe zones or removing pvp, why not give individual players the option of whether they want to pvp or not.

And in order to lessen the confusion of pvpers wasting ammo on non pvpers, people who choose not to pvp could have a green name tag or a green glow on their bodies when the targeting reticle is hovered over them.

However, for those that choose not to pvp there would still be consequences. Players who choose not to pvp will take added damage from zombies.

So it could be up to you. Increased damage from zombies, or are you willing to take your chances with other players?

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If you or whoever else doesn't like the element of suspense PVP adds, this mod is not for you. I'm rather tired of seeing everyone complaining. If you don't want to die, stay away from cities and stay out of sight..

I've encountered 2 players in my last 20 hours of playing. One was a bandit that suddenly appeared after I heard a crossbow bolt whiz past my head, and he claimed to not have shot it or heard anything. I survived by staying low in tall grass and waiting for my chance to shoot.

It's all about being aware and not being stupid.

PS: I've been alive for about 21 gameplay hours now.

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The current PvP system adds a lot of "fun" to the game, and a bit more realism. The zombies, at least, are predictable: All they want to do is eat your (blood) brains. Players add that uncertainty to the game. You never know if the bandit you meet is going to be your best friend for the next hour, or if the regular looking player has two friends with rifles trained on you, ready to take you out if they deem you worth less what you're carrying.

Having a PvP mode would diminish from this experience, and make the game entirely too forgiving, like all too many games in this day and age.

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What if you put some few server with No pvp and the rest with PVP?

The problem would be resolved. Pussies go for non-PVP server and guys (or girls :D) with BALLS go for PVP server (PVP server are like 90 percent of all servers.)

I see mainly the reason of no PVP. They just want to have a COOP with players which seems reasonable. But the realism is missing.

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What if you put some few server with No pvp and the rest with PVP?

The problem would be resolved. Pussies go for non-PVP server and guys (or girls :D) with BALLS go for PVP server (PVP server are like 90 percent of all servers.)

I see mainly the reason of no PVP. They just want to have a COOP with players which seems reasonable. But the realism is missing.

With that though, loot would be much easier to obtain and one could just hop to a PVP server with stuff from areas that tend to be heavily populated. This mod just doesn't fit with no PVP. It would be vastly boring.

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I support this idea or at least non-pvp servers. Bandits just like to say "this isn't the game for you", but really it isn't a game for them. That's like saying they should take pvp out of MMO's because it's meant to be a pve game. Some people prefer not to fight others. It's not about shooting other people, it's about surviving and getting better loot. I shouldn't have to fear for my life when I enter a city because some coward wants to kill me for my items. I have enough trouble with running into a random zombie and than having a horde on me. I shouldn't have to disconnect from a server when a guy from an unknown location starts shooting at me. I worked for my stuff and they shouldn't be able to kill me for my loot. I want to enjoy the experience of looting town and walking around the world. I don't want to be scared to move from a building because I found an Alice pack and a map. Another things bandits like to say is, "in a real zombie apoc, people would kill each other". No they wouldn't, they would help each other survive and if there were murderers, survivors would kill them, problem solved, no more murderers.

I would like to see a pvp flag system, a non-pvp server (which would always be full), or a server with no pvp, but twice the amount of zombies.

@Bernardusaurus. You could always stay flagged for pvp. Everyone gets what they want.

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  'Abomination713 said:
Another things bandits like to say is' date=' "in a real zombie apoc, people would kill each other". No they wouldn't, they would help each other survive and if there were murderers, survivors would kill them, problem solved, no more murderers.


Most of the people you call murderers are just normal people trying to survive, "survivors". People will kill you over your AKM and/or your backpack full of food, tools and ammo.

"I don't want to be scared to move from a building"

You got to be scared to survive.

The system OP suggested would take away the feel of tension when interacting with other survivors or having expeditions to places such as the NW airfield. Its not too hard to stay alive as long as you are extremely careful in urban areas, nobody is forcing you to go to airbases or firestations.

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So pretty much what you are saying is that everyone has to kill each other for tension. Every time I see someone, I should shoot without warning just so the game will have more excitement. I should kill him, take all his stuff and tell him to piss off when he complains and taunt him for not being able to fight back.

We shouldn't be scared to walk up to another human. I shouldn't have to worry about crossing the street. I've had chances to kill people, but I give them a chance and don't shoot since they are just trying to have a good time like me.

If you have to have everyone shooting each other for excitement, this isn't the game for you.

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  'Abomination713 said:

So pretty much what you are saying is that everyone has to kill each other for tension. Every time I see someone' date=' I should shoot without warning just so the game will have more excitement. I should kill him, take all his stuff and tell him to piss off when he complains and taunt him for not being able to fight back.

We shouldn't be scared to walk up to another human. I shouldn't have to worry about crossing the street. I've had chances to kill people, but I give them a chance and don't shoot since they are just trying to have a good time like me.

If you have to have everyone shooting each other for excitement, this isn't the game for you.


No, im in no way telling you to do that. The atmosphere comes from that someone else might do that to you. Which is why you watch your ass.

Its a goddamn zombie apocalypse, not your average day when you can get food from the market/kiosk and medical care in hospital.

I move with in a group of 2-3 about half of the time. Ive encountered numerous bandits and sometimes ended up to trade with them after mutual trust is gained. And i oppose unnecessary PvP (i.e so called Bean wars).

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The [PvP] flag would be optional. It wouldn't be forced on anyone. If someone wants to be a pvper, that is fine. If someone doesn't want to be a pvper and wants to hang out with people and explore the world, that should be fine to.

The [PvP] flag doesn't hurt anyone, and it would give those who don't care much for pvp a chance to play as well.

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Been reading and lurking the forums, so much complaining about being killed by players. There should be no flagging system, no safe zones and no way to prevent/avoid PvP. Welcome to an open world sandbox game that I've been searching possibly years for. If the Devs ever touched PvP to make it more carebear friendly I may have to move on :/

There are also a lot of carebear orientated PvE apocoplypse games out there with designated PvP zones and such, Fallen Earth for example. If you want a more MMO safe haven experience I suggest you play that; you can also flag yourself for PvP if you really want too.

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For those that keep saying "don't like PvP, this game ain't for you":

Please suggest me another survival apocalypse-style FPS game with fast zombies, where I can just play with a bunch of people with the same goal of surviving against the harsh hardcore PvE elements ?

A simple PvP switch for this great mod would bring me closer to my dream game.

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  'Alex said:

Just mentioned one' date=' Fallen Earth.


That's a grindy MMO.

It isn't even a fast paced FPS, or even survival based with zombies.

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I got carried away typing, cause I hardly ever post... so scroll down to the tl;dr part cause I don't want to start deleting stuff... even this part of the post is just an excuse to type more.

The problem with the PVP system is that there is no punishment for being a jerk everytime you play.

Some survivor who is carrying around an AK-M for example has to worry about any idiot who just spawned with a makarov. An if they die, they don't care... they respawn and come for you again. I understand the realism of the pvp scenario, but having people who are able to constantly come after you with no risk to themselves is not very realistic at all.

The bandit model is not efficient, my recommendation is for a higher respawn time based on who you killed (there humanity, how many people they killed, etc.) In a realistic zombie apocalypse, people would have more to lose, which would probably affect whether or not they are going to shoot people for no reason.

/End Idea

/Start Example

Yesterday I was playing, walked all the way up to berezino from cherno with my brother. Wandering, for sure we were alone, walked into a house, nothing good was there. Left, zombies caught onto us and we retreated back to the house to see a bandit sitting in there collecting stuff.

He effectively scared the crap out of me. An I was aiming at him with my shotgun rather then preventing the hoard from breaching the house. He asked for a bandage ... I asked what he had to trade (and I stupidly said nope I got that already), to almost everything he had said. We let the bandit go.... had he later on then sniped me in the head, That would of been a fair and in my opinion a great RP experience. He needed a bandage, I told him I had one but didn't pass it on...

It is moments like that, which we should be trying to create in this mod, not constant player verses player conflict. It simply isn't realistic, I let that bandit go even though he scared the crap out of me because he wasn't after me, he caused no immediate threat to me. The most realistic thing that would of happened there was me stripping him clean of every weapon and supply he had, and leaving him for the horde.

Meh, my thoughts. I know I like to type, sue me.

/End Example


Make the life of the characters have more meaning, to prevent the constant want of fire fights.

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Why not just have an "intent" flag that the player sets himself? To be able to shoot another player, you have to intend to.

This would not be visible to anyone else, would be able to be turned on instantly, but take longer to turn off (however long is fair).

You can still be killed by other players whether this flag is on or off, but if you murder someone who did not intend to harm anyone, then

whatever the ramnifications of PKing fall on you. However, if you kill someone who has had their flag on LONGER than you have,

then the game could consider it self-defense.

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Rocket has already said that he's not going to remove or even restrict PVP. The PVP flag system (or any kind of system limiting PVP) is a bad idea within the context of this mod and won't ever happen, sorry.

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I shouldn't have to disconnect from a server when a guy from an unknown location starts shooting at me.

You shouldn't be disconnecting at all when someone shoots at you.

Here's hoping the devs fix this so I can take your precious items.

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  'Abomination713 said:

So pretty much what you are saying is that everyone has to kill each other for tension. Every time I see someone' date=' I should shoot without warning just so the game will have more excitement. I should kill him, take all his stuff and tell him to piss off when he complains and taunt him for not being able to fight back.

We shouldn't be scared to walk up to another human. I shouldn't have to worry about crossing the street. I've had chances to kill people, but I give them a chance and don't shoot since they are just trying to have a good time like me.

If you have to have everyone shooting each other for excitement, this isn't the game for you.


No one is saying that. Of course there would be bandits and thieves in a post-apocalyptic setting. The whole idea is that you don't know who to trust.

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You're saying this mod ISN'T based around PVP, but there's a large system in place to promote PVP (becoming a bandit) and promote being stealthy and careful (permadeath)

I don't know why people keep thinking this mod is supposed to be entirely carebear where everyone hugs one another and then goes skipping down the road to chernogorsk to shoot npc zombies and scavenge for the rest of their time playing, but a large portion of the fun in this mod is the fact that hunting other players isn't nearly as predictable as shooting zombies who function on "run to the side then run at them."

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I think rocket understands that the environment of suspense is impossible with a carebear game with artificial tools to make players live easier and predictable, this is the main element in the game that makes it so emotional, unpredictable and unique in almost every situation

It's that element that depends on players personal choice in every situation, it's a human experiment, taking away this freedom and replacing it with some well known carebear elements will ruin the game imho.

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To quote rocket in such a way that sums up this thread:

  'rocket said:

Just because I did not script rules' date=' doesn't stop anyone from making their own in game.

Are people so used to games shoving rules, tasks, stories down their throats that they can't handle it when something doesn't? Or would you like a world where the players actually get to do this? Not a structured and controlled environment that is "dressed up" as post-apocalyptic?

I hear what everyone is saying, and yes - its cruel and unsporting when you get killed 10 seconds into the game. But that's what this is, it is brutal, it is cruel. This is not fair. Maybe you will hate this game. Maybe you already do. It is an unforgiving environment with no structure. It is up to you to decide what to do next.

I would rather let the project die (and maybe it will, I accept that) than take over the role of establishing rules and punishments and structure. Instead I am going to work on the world's framework. It is up to the inhabitants of that world, you guys, to decide what kind of world you want it to be.

Is this actually possible? Fuck knows. But I really want to find out, and I've got nothing at all to loose. And to be honest, neither have you because you haven't paid me a cent and I haven't been paid a single cent for any of this.

So here's the challenge - just take a moment and think about what you are asking me for, with alot of these requests. Balancing, structure, rules, protection. These are what the game industry has shoved in your face for the last twenty years. Even the game industry itself can't escape it. EVE-Online tried briefly but caved in. Why? Money. They needed subscribers.

I don't.

This is going all the way, to whatever end that is.


I'm glad the game will end up in this way. It's hard to find games outside of Roguelikes, MUDs, MOOs, or similar, small, text based games where you can have a fear of losing it all. That alone is what gives this game so much flavor even in an alpha state. It's not unique, but uncommon enough that it has very little competition in similar games.

To quote one of those text based games: Losing is fun. Expect to die, expect to lose everything you have. For a weaker willed player, or someone too wrapped up in the comfort of modern gaming, this screams unfair! Nerf! Hold my hand!

For someone willing to learn from their past experiences, it becomes a challenge. Survival. Exhilaration. Fun. And learning to beat the game by being better, not by having advantages due to arbitrary rules and limitations set in place just so people keep hugging the infinite money machine keep getting a chance to play with all their shiny toys, a la World of Warcraft.

Nobody is at an advantage or disadvantage unless they took the time to get to that point, and they can be killed just like anyone else. Losing is fun.

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