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US 2123 Teamliquid TL server suspicious individual

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at 4pm PST i killed an individual named Tom outside cherno. Looted his m14 aim and some other advanced gear as fast as I could because while stalking tom i noticed he had a friend and it wouldn't be long for his friend to come around. I then left the immediate area to get a better position to over look the body. I waited for his friend to come around for about 10 min. I then noticed another player (not in a ghillie suit so wasn't his friend) with a sniper rifle running around the area. I then killed that player and it was Tom again! This time with an M107, m9 SD, alice backpack full of food and 2 drinks. So again this happened around 4pm PST and you can probably find in your logs some one spawing in all the gear mentioned above.

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