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Killed my first Bandit

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Finally got my first Bandit, i agro'd a load of zeds and ran to the supermarket in Cherno. He must of heard me and asked, "Hello you friendly" to which i said, "yes and i donn't have a gun". He popped a couple zeds, told me to be cool and thats when i clapped eyes on him and his head scarf. :o

Took me two seconds to start chopping him up with my axe, what mad me laugh is when he said "Ow!" He would of done me as soon as my back was turned, so no hard feelings. lol

Anyway i thought i was supposed to get plus Humanity for killing Bandits, it was 2500 before and is now and i do have one bandit kill??? :huh:

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murder is murder cannot take law in own hands even in a zombie apocalypse =P

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sucks that you lost humanity for that :( I was hoping you'd gain from it but haven't tried yet...

I didn't lose any but I had thought you gained humanity, thought I had read as much here but obviously I was wrong.

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sucks that you lost humanity for that :( I was hoping you'd gain from it but haven't tried yet...

I didn't lose any but I had thought you gained humanity, thought I had read as much here but obviously I was wrong.

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Just because we have a head scarf doesn't mean we're cold-blooded killers.

Just because we have a head scarf doesn't mean we're going to shoot you as soon as you turn your back.

Skins don't mean a damn thing. You scarf-less players are just as likely to be cold-blooded killers and backstabbing murderers--look what you did. That player helped you, and you just chopped him down, no questions asked.

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Maybe so but he had obviously killed more than one person, so had a history and i've been shot so many times in the back without so much as a word. I'm not gonna take the risk.

Also after I panicked and killed one guy my humanity soon went back up, he should of sat in a bush and waited lol. ;)

Edited by DazTroyer

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How many chops to kill another player?

1-3, depending on their blood level.

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This is the main reason why the skin was removed in the first place. To stop people from immediately going "AH HA! I can kill this guy and not feel guilty about it because he is an evil murdering bastard!".

Now whether or not bandit skins should be in the game, I don't know and that doesn't seem to be the point of this thread.

As to the humanity thing, I'm pretty sure its "suppose" to only subtract humanity from you equal to the amount of humanity your target had upon his death. There might also be something about the number of times you shot them, I'm not sure. In any case, the way I understand it, killing a bandit player (which usually but not always means they have 0 humanity or less, if it is possible to go into the negatives.) does not gain you humanity, it just means you wont lose any.

Keep in mind, the humanity system likely has bugs in it and isn't working properly anyway so who can say for sure one way or the other.

Anyway here is a Link to the Day Z wiki humanity page which is where I get most of my info:


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I have no quarrels about shooting someone with a bandit skin. Not because I can shoot someone and not lose anything, but because he is one of the fucktards who shoots people for fun MOST PROBABLY.

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This is how I deal with bandits. I just stay outside a city and watch, that guy that goes around shooting everyone? That is the guy you want to kill.

Yesterday I got a Kobra,water,food and a bunch of other things off 2 retards that thought they good bandits. They got in a little shoot out and basically I scared the other one off with a few warning shots, i think he was already low on healther but he was also bleeding. So right there i got to take all the loot he killed for and then all i had to do was follow at a distance and wait for him to bleed out.

So I never killed anyone but got all the benifits. Stay out of the major cities unless you wanna play death match. You get a lot more done by just watching from outside the city. Why go in when the bandits will practically deliver the loot to you.

Snipers are always bandits, no exceptions. If you want to kill a player for fun, kill a sniper. They are not snipin zombies up there on the hill.

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i ran into a guy with a bandit skin in cherno. missed with my axe and panic-fired a clip of makarov ammo. he told me to calm down, that he wasn't gonna kill me (he had an m1014). it was a server that had REALLY bad frames for me so it was even more stressfull kowing i couldn't aim with the frame lag. he killed the Z that was aggro'd on me, transfused me and gave me his shotgun. we parted ways and i moved out of the city before logging out and changing servers to one where i got a decent frame rate again. the short of it? whatever the skin, you have to decide who you can trust. i don't think that the guy you killed was going to kill you... he turned his back to you because you lied and said you were friendly. behavior like that is going to earn you your own bandit skin before too long. then you get to get to experience lots of distrust and uncertainty.

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Looks like you were the real bandit here boy

Well I won't lose any sleep over it, been shot in the back by quite a few retards already.

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Maybe so but he had obviously killed more than one person, so had a history and i've been shot so many times in the back without so much as a word. I'm not gonna take the risk.

Also after I panicked and killed one guy my humanity soon went back up, he should of sat in a bush and waited lol. ;)

news flash..

you sir are a Bandit..

your entire thought process lead you down the road to being yet another DayZ bandit

enjoy the trip to hell.

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Funny that the bandits, the ones that predominantly prey on other people, get defensive when one of their own get killed.

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