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another solution to logout

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Instead of the not implementable logout timer, would it be possible to limit logout only to certain areas/stances?

I.e. you can only logout when you are sitting down and if you are in a forest area. (Was thinking about near campfires at first but that would make it impossible for fresh spawns)

That would at least put a short delay to logging out, while being in a forest area would completely prevent it in towns or near loot spots.

However this would not prevent alt+f4 so i guess this is not really usefull at all.

Also, i could not find any similiar suggestions on the search, although this has probably been already suggested.

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here was my idea

The mechanic is simple, your player needs sleep just as he needs food or water, if some one has been playing for a long period of time such as 15-20 hours the player gets tired and experience things which degrade his characters ability to shoot or do certain tasks. The in game character will go to sleep when you log out but it will take a short or long time to log out (go to sleep) depending where and what condition he is in:

(The amount of actual time should be left up to rocket and the team)

Outside: he will take a fair bit of time to go to sleep e.g. 30 seconds

Outside with a sleeping bag: obviously a shorter time

Outside with a sleeping bag and tent: shorter again

Inside: medium time

Inside with a sleeping bag: very short time

Inside with a bed: shortest possible time

This brings in more thinking and decision making for the player, for you know that there is a higher chance that humans will be inside seeking shelter to log off.

There are more factors to take in account such as temperature or fear (if the players can hear zombies from where they are sleeping or have been shot etc.) And it will increase the time it takes to log out for the player is in pain/shock. I can’t imagine some one who has just been shot going to sleep (loging out) instantly.

So this will stop people who disconnect from the game during pvp encounters, as most people will not be able to get to sleep through sheer pain and fear, certain things might help the player get to sleep if they need to log out quicker bringing in items such as sleeping tablets if it seems a viable mechanic.

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yea been covered quite largely this topic, but interesting ideas, especially ye stealer of identities!

but i dont think any kind of system for logging out will work that isnt quick and easily atainable, unless theres the threat of not saving items/gear at all.

youd have to have fail safe for if peeps got disconnected/comp shut down, which measn alt f4 would still log you out fine. + I reckon peeps would still do it anywayz so they wouldnt have to carry a sleeping bag.

even if you introduced a form of penalty for alt f4 youd still have it happening for unjustifiable scenarios.

sorry to the OP, but has defo been covered in lots of threads.

Edited by 3rdParty

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