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[Video] Short Sniping Montage

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Here's a short sniping montage. I got the gun from killing a cheater, it wasn't more powerful than a .50 cal so I thought it was OK to use it. I no longer have it as I died from the 3rd guy in the group we were attacking.

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Det är fan jag och mina vänner som är där uppe vid stary , du skjuter två av dom så skjuter jag dig sen när ni sprungit fram XD

trodde du var hacker pga vapnet, vet att jag logga men efter att jag såg vapnet så var jag säker på att ni var hackers , ville fan inte dö ännu en gång åt en hacker jävel...

So what I said in SWE was that it was my group of three people named FunT that they killed, however I stayed up in the bushes and waited them out. I eventually managed to get one of them.

Edited by MartinCB

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Det är fan jag och mina vänner som är där uppe vid stary , du skjuter två av dom så skjuter jag dig sen när ni sprungit fram XD

trodde du var hacker pga vapnet, vet att jag logga men efter att jag såg vapnet så var jag säker på att ni var hackers , ville fan inte dö ännu en gång åt en hacker jävel...

So what I said in SWE was that it was my group of three person named FunT that they killed, however I stayed up in the bushes and waited them out and managed to get one of them.

Edited by MartinCB

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Let's keep it in english for the sake of everyone :)

Yea I figured, my friend shot you just as you logged out and was severly pissed, I got it on video aswell. I was thinking of banning for alt+f4 but I figured you thought we were cheating so I let that disconnect slip. Just don't do it again ;)

Do you still have the gun? If so, I'd like to trade it back, it's fun having a different and unique gun that isn't OP.

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I never disconnect if there isn't a hacker, I mean even when you had taken out 2/3 I was logged in till I saw the weapon. Feel pretty bad for alt+f4:ing now that I know you weren't hacking thoe.

Nope I dropped it by a heli crash for an as 50 , didn't want to get banned.

Anyhow the story behind us up there was that me and the other sniper whom you killed first had been waiting there for our last mate who had died from a hacker in a previous battle.

Anyhow, the sniper guy also had an M4SD which the new guy took from the sniper's backpack and he was trying to get it back. So that is why they were running around like crazy.

Although we could meet up, sometime.

Edited by MartinCB

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Alright, feels kind of good that the gun is gone instead of me not having it ;)

We probably could meet up sometime. We're quite a large group me and my friends but alot has been away for a while now and it's not as fun playing only 2-3 as it is when you're a full squad of 6+

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