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Nerdcore Gaming | Recruitment thread

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Nerdcore Gaming is now recruiting. We are a Bandit clan and will use anything against survivors to ensure our survival. This includes using the knowledge of survivals against them, and attempting to make them believe we are NOT bandits. Being a bandit is not killing everyone you see on-sight, it is about stealing whatever you can, any way you can. This does not mean that we do not shoot on sight.

We are looking for new and experienced players to join our clan., we are a national clan which means we have a lot of different time zones, which usually means someone is on almost all the time.

We are a growing clan, as such over time if we gain more members there will be moderator/admin spots available. We hope that you will help our clan grow as a whole :).

Also we are a multi-gaming clan, that means we don't only play dayZ.

We have a dayZ server (us 1208) and we are planning on getting more servers :)

Requirements -

Be mature

Have Teamspeak 3 and the ability to use it

Don't expect super seriousness/We mess around a lot

Play to have fun, not to win

Respect all members

Joining - If you are interested in joining you can head towards our forum for application info: http://www.nerdcore-...read.php?tid=84 After posting a application in the dayZ section hop onto our teamspeak ( ts.pcrpg.org:9989 ) for the interview process so we can get to know you.

Other Games

We are putting together a CS:GO competitive team and LoL ranked teams as well.


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