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Quisari (DayZ)

The current dayz mod

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hey i'm gonna whine abit now so if you don't want to hear another player whine about the current dayz, then please just jump out and find something else to do..

okey so i started today with a hacker teleporting me up in the air.. fair enough i can easly find same gear... but the matter of fact is that i have spawned several places in the map and everytime i encounter a sniper or a another player who only know how to kill on sight.. yea if im a threat sure kill me but when im walking alone trying to kill zombies and then get sniped or ambushed from behind it ain't even fun... all i ask about is just.. let me spawn once in a while and actually be able to run around with out getting sniped the first 5-10 min...

Dayz have just lost it's charm... in any zombie outbreak that "could" happend, you would never shoot everyone you see... and how can dayz be a zombie survival game when you ain't surviving the zombies but the players them self...

There is allways gonna be some people who just wanna ruin it for others but i don't think everyone should just kill on sight... that said..

If the Dayz standalone comes out the same way Dayz the mod does right now, i for one is gonna throw it out of the window... not worth my time to get sniped every single time i spawn from some kiddo with an m107/as50...

feel free to flame on me but remember... it ain't i who get the warnings/bans.

Just my 2 cents about current Dayz

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Why wouldn't i shoot everyone I see? They give me precious supplies and gear and if this was real, how are you to know if they are infected or not and just not turned? Turn your back and BAM bitten by an infected. It's kill or be killed my friend.

Edited by Sylex

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Why wouldn't i shoot everyone I see? They give me precious supplies and gear and if this was real, how are you to know if they are infected or not and just not turned? Turn your back and BAM bitten by an infected. It's kill or be killed my friend.

you wouldn't shoot a person in real life with having alot of emotions that follow the act.. and why the heck would you shoot someone in a town infested with zombies that outnumber you by maybe 20.000? no way you would actually think about shooting a gun in a city in that situation...

when im stading ingame with an axe or no weapon at all it doesn't realy say i got plenty of loot... i can easly find weapons but still didnt have any ranged weapons, so how much do you gain by sitting on a hill sniping a player in the other end of the city? nothing because you wouldn't be stupid enough to actually go down to loot him... there are no benefit for doing so. The only thing your doing is just ruining others gameplay because you got the sniper on the hill.

If you could see that i had a decent weapon and a big backpack, i would mind it, but the fact is that there is no reason to shoot someone that haven't seen you and that doesn't have any ranged weapon. I am no threat to a sniper, i'm doing my buisness and then leaving town..

Again.. if you could actually kill another human being in real life with no reason it's no benefit for you. I for one would either hold him at gun point and tell him to put his hands in the air and check if its a zombie or another human being. You would need people to survive in a city, to watch your back and help you in a bad situation.. not kill them on sight to no use

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