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Massive Lag since 1,7,0,0

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Hear Hear!

Same problem as all of you describes.

Was "prone'ing" in a tent when apparently my character had moonwalked right out in front of a sniper...:@

Kinda' unplayable right now.

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I'm surprised to not see more activity in this thread since yesterday. Is anyone having better luck today? From what I've seen, this is a widespread issue. Is there another or more appropriate thread on this forum to follow?

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Huge world lag issues' date=' even though ping seems fine.




My guess is it's a CPU problem, not a network problem.

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Bumping, been happening the last couple of nights to my friend and me. Really unplayable when we're running on the spot and teleporting everywhere, ping is fine but lag is not

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I just got the game today after all my guildies wouldnt stop talking about it on TS. Ive been having issues with a frozen character but everyone are having issues with the lag since the latest patch. Even when they play on the local servers they are experiencing lag spikes from the server

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It's not unplayable. Remember guys it's an alpha. I do agree that it's very frustrating that the performance sucks right now. Hopefully in the next update that these issues will be resolved, or at lest less lag and improved frame rate. A lot of it has do with getting lucky and finding a good server.

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Dude it is not about the servers, it is the friday/saturday security patch that made everything fucked up.

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Dude it is not about the servers' date=' it is the friday/saturday security patch that made everything fucked up.


That would make sense. Can you post a link to where this was explained?

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Same problem. Massive lag. Teleporting players in my group, unplayable.

Right now it's even more extreme than yesterday.

Dude it is not about the servers' date=' it is the friday/saturday security patch that made everything fucked up.


That would make sense. Can you post a link to where this was explained?

Seems that this was the reason:

http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/arma-2/news/arma_2_dayz_mod,43597,2568803.html (german)

http://kotaku.com/5917211/security-breach-turns-dayzs-servers-into-a-giant-botnet (english)

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Same problem here. Started experiencing it from last saturday's evening. Game is unplayable during prime time hours. There's no lag only at times like morning by GMT when less people are playing. So I guess it has something to do with handling tonns of servers\players from central hive. Hope rocket can do something about that.

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Same problem. Massive lag. Teleporting players in my group' date=' unplayable.

Right now it's even more extreme than yesterday.


Dude it is not about the servers' date=' it is the friday/saturday security patch that made everything fucked up.


That would make sense. Can you post a link to where this was explained?

Seems that this was the reason:

http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/arma-2/news/arma_2_dayz_mod,43597,2568803.html (german)

http://kotaku.com/5917211/security-breach-turns-dayzs-servers-into-a-giant-botnet (english)

Thank you for this. Shit makes a lot more sense now. Here's to hoping something might be done about this in the hive before all the players hit the servers tonight, I definitely need to get my DayZ fix soon!

By the way, since the servers are full every night anyway there's bound to people it's working for, right? Can someone attest that they have been able to play without any issues during peak hours since Saturday?

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Same problem. Massive lag. Teleporting players in my group' date=' unplayable.

Right now it's even more extreme than yesterday.


Dude it is not about the servers' date=' it is the friday/saturday security patch that made everything fucked up.


That would make sense. Can you post a link to where this was explained?

Seems that this was the reason:

http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/arma-2/news/arma_2_dayz_mod,43597,2568803.html (german)

http://kotaku.com/5917211/security-breach-turns-dayzs-servers-into-a-giant-botnet (english)

Hold up, can anyone else PLEASE tell me if they have found any viruses on there computer, because this comes straight from the German link (translated obviously):

"In an official position, name of Dayz team says that the hacker uploaded a file named "dayz_auto_updater.exe". Loading the player can download this file, which the hacker to access the infected system, without the user being aware of it. The file has now been removed and there should be no danger anymore. However, all players are asked to examine your system for viruses or malware. "

I just checked my computer for viruses, and I only play DayZ on this thing. Trust me on this, I don't do anything else or go to shady websites with my expensive computer.

I already found 2 virus threats.

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Hold up, can anyone else PLEASE tell me if they have found any viruses on there computer, because this comes straight from the German link (translated obviously):

"In an official position, name of Dayz team says that the hacker uploaded a file named "dayz_auto_updater.exe". Loading the player can download this file, which the hacker to access the infected system, without the user being aware of it. The file has now been removed and there should be no danger anymore. However, all players are asked to examine your system for viruses or malware. "

Here's an Austrian link, which describes the issue a bit better:


It says, that at the US download mirror of DayZ there was a file called 'dayz_auto_updater.exe' between the seven proper dayz-.rar-files.

So, if you have not downloaded and not executed the 'dayz_auto_updater.exe', there should be no problem.

Somebody correct me, if I'm wrong.

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me and my 7 friends have got this problem too: high ping, alot of lag ...

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You're wrong, the lagg is horrible on all servers for all players during peak hours. I never ran no auto_updater

If you haven't noticed it then you probably play alone and/or during the day.

It's pretty much unplayable during peak hours now, it can take up to 30 seconds for the positions of players to be updated.

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Just wanted to chime in here as well. I've been experiencing a fair amount of lag during prime time as well. Most noticible when playing with friends. It'll constantly appear as though they're running off into the distance, then they'll disappear and turns out they were waiting right next to me.

Would love to see this issue addressed soon, as its the only major hiccup myself or any of my friends have experienced.

It tends to happens more at peak times, and doesn't matter what server we're playing on either. Most stable time seem to be the wee hours of the morning (1AM GMT onwards)

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Yeah all the people I play with have the exact same problem. (4 of us). I was playing today fine from about 11am till 5pm GMT with a friend. We had a couple of de-syncs but nothing huge. Tried again about 10pm GMT, and its awful. Its taking about 1/3 minutes for our positions to update. The player will just run and run although their actually stood still. This is why people are just dying " for no reason". Your lag is getting shot while you yourself are in the middle of nowhere, your lag could be legging it through cherno. :) Seems like its during peak hours its at its worst.

Also its totally HORRIBLE if you're in a vehicle. I was on the back of a bike, still with zombies around me but actually we were doing 40mph down the road. TBH i think vehicles should be removed until properly fixed.

I'm running the latest beta 93666 and 1.7 version of Dayz.

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3 of us had this issue today. A ton of rubber banding, looting takes 15-20 seconds, zombies don't die right away and can actually hit you as you unload 4 magazines of your AKM in their face. We tried with beta patch 93666 and 93348 (or 93398 can't remember now). Patched to 1.7.

Almost all of the high-population servers are half empty right now, so I assume it is a widespread issue.

Tried about 40 servers, maybe 8 of which we actually were able to log into and all of them had this lag issue. Tried mostly Dallas, TX, Seattle, US and Germany servers.

Hope this help. If we can get this stickied with an official response, all the better, too.

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Yesterday I was playing with a buddy of mine, around 2pm till 6pm gmt+1 timezone. It was fine then, but 2 hours later weve experienced lag on every server we tried to play on. It was just unplayable so we quit for a while. Hope it get fixed soon!

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There are defiantly some bottleneck filling up over the weekend. We gave up last night and dropped dayZ all together.

Seeing some 'feedback burps' with players trying to connect and getting kicked off again by Battle Eye, might have something to do with Battle Eye and not 1.7.

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Hold up' date=' can anyone else PLEASE tell me if they have found any viruses on there computer, because this comes straight from the German link (translated obviously):

"In an official position, name of Dayz team says that the hacker uploaded a file named "dayz_auto_updater.exe". Loading the player can download this file, which the hacker to access the infected system, without the user being aware of it. The file has now been removed and there should be no danger anymore. However, all players are asked to examine your system for viruses or malware. "

I just checked my computer for viruses, and I only play DayZ on this thing. Trust me on this, I don't do anything else or go to shady websites with my expensive computer.

I already found 2 virus threats.


The hacker had nothing to do with all the lag everyone's getting, it just happened to coincide with some additional security added to the database which is causing problems. No need to worry :)


(06-10-2012 12:22 AM)WildGunsTomcat Wrote:

Tonic, is what this kid did causing all the server lag?

(06-10-2012 12:27 AM)Tonic Wrote:

No, that was a additional security thing added to the database server for DayZ this morning and it's causing problems.

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