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Things that should reduce banditing

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  • Weapons are more rare
  • There are no one-hit-kill sniper rifles
  • There are no thermal scopes or thermal vision
  • Quantified humanity level is not shown to the player, OR
  • Quantified humanity level is shown to player as 0 when it is <= 0
  • Number of murders and bandit kills are not shown to the player

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Weapons being more rare wouldn't stop me shooting people. It would just take longer to gear up.

So you're saying you expect to survive a .50 bullet to the chest? LOL.

Thermal scopes are really hard to find.

The rest, I don't see why that'd stop anyone shooting people.

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1. Yes, ammo too.

2. No.

3. No.

4/5. Get rid of humanity. Its a broken impossible mechanic.

6. I dont think debug will be in standalone anyway.

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I think weapons should be realistic , sniper rifles are normally one hit kills or at least crippling depending on what rifle it is .

.50 cal shot anywhere waist or head = Death

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I think maybe you are playing the wrong game. Perhaps rather than trying to get the game changed to suit you, you should adapt to the game? I like the weapon mechanics in this game, if yah want it so weapons damage like spit wads, go play BF.

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I hate when people try to make points to reduce banditing, it's a play style just like a medic or survivor is. you guys get your loot by finding it, we get our loot by taking it from your cold, dead fingers or raiding an entire city. don't like that? Don't let us kill you then.

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Keep in mind, I am suggesting these changes as a bandit. I kill other players for fun.

Weapons being more rare wouldn't stop me shooting people. It would just take longer to gear up.

Agreed. The risk/reward gets even steeper for a bandit :]

So you're saying you expect to survive a .50 bullet to the chest? LOL.

The .50 caliber rifles should be taken out of the game. They are too powerful to bandits.

Thermal scopes are really hard to find.

Yes, they are hard to find. When someone has them, they have a ridiculous advantage over other players, especially if they pair it with a .50 caliber sniper rifle. Being hard to find just makes it an advantage over more players. I use it all the time, and I'm saying its way too overpowering.

Edited by unholycrap

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I hate when people try to make points to reduce banditing, it's a play style just like a medic or survivor is. you guys get your loot by finding it, we get our loot by taking it from your cold, dead fingers or raiding an entire city. don't like that? Don't let us kill you then.

Except that banditry is a low risk activity, which doesn't reflect reality. It's low risk because it doesn't take long to gear back up if you do die. Also it's pure griefing right now, because it's unlikely the less experienced players you kill have anything you want.

As it is, the game will descend into KoS deathmatch.

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Only one thing needs to happen to make banditing a lot less common:

Some kind of incentive to stick together.

The main thing that would help is zombies become a LOT stronger. Watch most zombie shows/movies, 1v1 a zombie still has a decent chance to outright kill someone if they're in close range, even if the person is armed. Some kind of infection from being hit, where you need an antidote or you eventually die and become a zombie (not like the current infection/antibiotics). Something that makes it so you can't take out a horde of zombies solo. But as-is, you're no more likely to die to zombies alone than with a group, so there's no reason to group up other than blood bags.

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No banditing is part of the game BUT they need to better incentivize the act of co-operation. So IMO this should include stuff like:

  1. having an evolving ‘end game’ (say a server event that occurs every 2 weeks on average) that will affect all players on a server is one way to meld humans vs zombies. i.e. being completely overrun vs finding a cure or carving out/cleansing enough group territory that is held by the players on the server to claim group victory.
  2. The concept of 'friending' and the reward for creating/keeping/helping ‘friends’ – i.e. this might mean much greater chance of spawning in or close to territory held by your group, especially so if killed by other players so you can exact revenge. This doesn't mean there can't be bandit vs bandit, clan vs clan or cartel vs cartel action on servers.
  3. strictly camping bandits have subtle triggers to give away their positions after some time in the same vicinity, I heard a good one like circling vultures thinking they are dead, etc..
  4. The names of a player who kills another player is made known to the person killed. Players could post a bounty for the capture/killing of said bandit, with reward paid. Posters could be put on building walls, and deals struck (possible over radio or something if not face to face) etc.
  5. Killing other players (or especially ‘friends’) reduces humanity significantly. Low humanity has counter effects. I.e. “going mad” Examples I’ve heard are - seeing fake other players, seeing players as zombies, seeing zombies as players, decreased accuracy, permanent shaking, etc
  6. Sniper weapon ammo drops are made rarer.

Edited by Magnum1978
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1. Pointless as people will just dupe and thus get an advantage over other players.

2. Most sniper rifles would kill you if they hit yo

3. No, its an effective way to hunt snipers and other players, they are becoming increasingly more common due to duping though.

4. No.

5. No.

6. No.

All of these suggestions make it sound like you had a bad experience with a sniper in Cherno.

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hey, smart guy, how about you suggest players something to do, other then banditry?

Even when more features are added to the game that won't reduce banditry. People say that the only reason players become bandits is because you run out of things to do after a few days of play. I don't think that's true... I think at the point it stops being fun most people will simply stop playing and wait for new stuff to be added (that's what I'm doing). The players who resort to banditry obviously enjoy the griefing playstyle and there are so many right now because in the current state of the game, there are no repercussions to being a bandit. Permadeath is not a deterrent since getting back to where you started doesn't take much time once you learn the game.

So simply adding more stuff to do won't help, the concentration of bandits will keep increasing to the point that new players are discouraged from continuing the game. There needs to be effective ways to counter bandits. It should be a playstyle that is allowed for sure, but it should be something that only the most experienced players would be willing to risk.. and they should be risking a lot... then at least you can say being a successful bandit is actually a status symbol.

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The names of a player who kills another player is made known to the person killed. Players could post a bounty for the capture/killing of said bandit, with reward paid. Posters could be put on building walls, and deals struck (possible over radio or something if not face to face) etc.

This would most certainly encourage players to kill each other rather than cooperate.

I guess I picked the wrong title for this thread. It's a little misleading. A better one might be "Some things that I think would help even the balance between banditing and cooperative playing styles."

Edited by unholycrap

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Even when more features are added to the game that won't reduce banditry. People say that the only reason players become bandits is because you run out of things to do after a few days of play. I don't think that's true... I think at the point it stops being fun most people will simply stop playing and wait for new stuff to be added (that's what I'm doing). The players who resort to banditry obviously enjoy the griefing playstyle and there are so many right now because in the current state of the game, there are no repercussions to being a bandit. Permadeath is not a deterrent since getting back to where you started doesn't take much time once you learn the game.

So simply adding more stuff to do won't help, the concentration of bandits will keep increasing to the point that new players are discouraged from continuing the game. There needs to be effective ways to counter bandits. It should be a playstyle that is allowed for sure, but it should be something that only the most experienced players would be willing to risk.. and they should be risking a lot... then at least you can say being a successful bandit is actually a status symbol.

well adding stuff that makes survival harder like additional ingame threat(carnivores, zombies hordes at snipers spots, food poisoning things like that), will reduce banditry. because wasting supplies to kill player, will increase chance that environment will fuck you.

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Think I just had deja vu with this thread...

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well adding stuff that makes survival harder like additional ingame threat(carnivores, zombies hordes at snipers spots, food poisoning things like that), will reduce banditry. because wasting supplies to kill player, will increase chance that environment will fuck you.

Yes, survival becomes trivial once you learn how to play. The problem is, if you make the environment threatening enough for experienced players, then new players would find it so hard they wouldn't get into the game. There needs to be some way of scaling the difficulty so that experienced players and that's quite difficult without resorting to the crappy RPG idea of the world levelling with you.

Perhaps something like some areas of the map have the kind of environment that exists now, where it's challenging for a new player but still something they can master... but these areas don't have any of the coolest loot and you can't do many of the cool stuff that gets added in the future. To do the cooler stuff you have to go deeper into the map where the environment is much more threatening (dangerous animals, less food sources, even diseases, etc) and the other players you encounter are more experienced (so more of a threat). With that you don't need safe zones, but you still make it such that if you want to get the best loot you have to take more risks than the inexperienced players... once you go to that effort you're unlikely to wander back and kill newbs for nothing. You'll be taking on people who are able to match you in experience and equipment.

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agreed - high-grade military weapons are far too common and out-of-place in this game. .50 cal sniper rifles(that can be fired without mounting!), thermal sites, nvg's...really!?! i thought this was a survival game with emphasis on LACK of equipment, not some cod deathmatch.

anyways people have been suggesting for the removal of OP weapons since the very beginning but they've only made them more common. hopefully they balance everything out in the standalone because it looks like dayz mod will just remain a deathmatch until then

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Thermal scopes are really hard to find.

On the contrary, they are far too easy to find if you look in the right places, the amount of them going around in-game is ridiculous and although I have access to several of them, it is true that they should be removed altogether.

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A .50 will blow a chunk into a wall, so really what you should be doing is making them environmentally damaging so people can't hide in that goddamn building all the time.

And on topic:

1. No

2. No

3. No

4/5. No

6. Take a guess, no.

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I personally think most players play for the adrenaline and challenge of the game so right there - there is a really strong desire to bandit already. Most of my experience with bandits goes something like;

*Me in direct chat*:

"Hello I'm friendly! I have no weapon on me! You can third person through the wall and see that I have nothing on me. I have just spawned on the beach if you kill me you will gain nothing, you'll only inconvenience me. I'm coming around the door, ok?"

And then I die.

I think the another big reason people bandit - is for that possibility that someone will have something on them. From there I'd say another reason is I I first stated, the challenge of getting and having kills. But for the most part, I have been killed because people were terrified of me! Even if I had just spawned and had no weapon on me at all! I am entirely with xFortune and Magnum1978 in saying that there should be an incentive to work together. - Not be around people who are sniper fodder but actual intensive to grouping. Right now, the cons /for/ banding outweigh the cons.

And also, who trusts players when it's so easy and rewarding to just kill others?

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You cant make it harder to be a bandit, but you can make it more fun and rewarding to be a group of survivor/vigilantes. Not saying how cos ill let the devs surprise you. One thing i dont get is PvP on servers with nametags. Why would that be fun/challenging to you, to take out someone you know is there cos there name is flashing on your screen. I think PvP should be off on those servers so we can properly test the game and not get shot whenever we get to areas we are checking for bugs. Gotta admit its very cheap to PvP on a nametag server.

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