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Last night I bought Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead online ( on Gamestop ) I downloaded both clients using the Gamestop app, I created the @dayz folder in my Arrowhead folder and I put the Dayz beta info inside ( downloaded through utorrent ) then I started Arrowhead using the gamestop app, went to expansions, changed it to dayz, it won't let me join a server and it says I need patch 1.62, so I downloaded 1.62, but I have no idea where to put patch 1.62 in my Arrowhead folder, someone please help me, email me so we can talk quicker, [email protected]

Edited by legitben

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Patches are installers.

I hear alot about DayzCommander, im not using it but it seems to update and such.

Try download that and see if you can get it to work.

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You should just use six launcher if you don't know how to Internet.


Sometimes if you are having issues running arma2 and CO in administative mode through steam can solve issues too.

Good luck sir.

Edited by Nalyid

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You should just use six launcher if you don't know how to Internet.


Sometimes if you are having issues running arma2 and CO in administative mode through steam can solve issues too.

Good luck sir.

Wait but some things say I need to have the combined thingy, but for me, they're two separate things, also, Dayzcommander doesn't help for shit, i have it downloaded and i have no idea how to work it

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I have not used commander, but that seems to be the popular vote. When you need to run arma 2 and co to make sure they are updated, you run one just to the menu, then the other. Six launcher may not work for you because you tried to make the @arma folder thing. You have to try one method at a time. I would suggest uninstalling stuff, picking a method and going for it. I am really bad at all this mod installing crap, but using this forum and others I was able to make it happen, just read some help post or try commander. hopefully someone feeling bad for your plight can help better then any of us.

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Get DayZCommander (http://dayzcommander.com)

Okay so what it tells me to when i try to join a server is to remove some 'keys' i remove the keys, like for an example in the OA folder>expansions> rock.pbo so i removed all the pbos that it told me to remove, including ui.pbo and it completely fucks up the entire ui of the game as expected, so i can't play if it's removed but it wont let me play if it's there. the six thing isn't doing anything to fix it and neither is the dayz commander. I have no idea what to do. can you please email me?

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