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ZAS Recruitment Re-opening

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ZAS Recruitment has now Re-opened

If you havn't seen our previous recruitment posts, we are a UK based clan with 20+ members ranging from 16+ years of age, we are a semi-serious clan who loves to play DayZ and even play other games on the side. If you are bored playing on your own then we are the clan for you, we dont mind if your a well skilled player or just starting it out, we will help you anyway.

All you need to do to apply to need to meet certain requirements:

You Need to Be 16

Have a Mic and Teamspeak

Be Mature and Respectful

And Most Importantly...Have Fun!

And also you will need to Fill out an application form with the following included:

  • Name

  • In-game Name

  • Age

  • Location

  • What Games you Play

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming

  • Why do you want to join?

The application will be either read by me or one of the senior members of the clan, if we accept your application we will PM you on this forums with the Teamspeak and website Details and our Home server Info.

If you are still Unsure about the clan, watch this Recruitment Video!

We hope to see you soon


Edited by Jenga22

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Edited by samdf

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name: dominic

in game name: dom but will be changing it to babbleshack shortly

age: 18

Location: Manchester, UK

experience: about 10/12 hours i ahve died a whole bunch of times XD

I wanna join because i have been playing on my own so far and have never actually played this game with anyone else.

when i get a new game and play online i normally find a small social group to play with whether it be a clan or a group of friends as i find this enables me to get the most out the game.

anyway hit me up if u wanna play

my steam acc is hatakescreams

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Name: quiggyy

In-game Name: Quigg

Age: 17 (18 in a month)

Location: Australia QLD

What Games you Play: only dayz right now.

Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Have played fps's since i was about 11 along with a lot of other games and have had dayz for a few months now though i've been busy with work so im okay at it.

Why do you want to join: Have not teamed up before so would really like to try living for more then a few hours for once.

Edited by quiggyy

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name - dario

ingame - freshy

age - 21

location - croatia

what games you play - dayz

experience on dayz/gaming - been playing fps games since 2005, solid 7 years, and 1 week on dayz

why do you want to join - bored of playing solo and getting sniped by bandits, wanna do some tactical plays

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Name - Nick

In-game Name - Jimmy'z

Age - 16 (10/02/96 - DD/MM/YY)

Location Eastern - Canada

What Games you Play - DayZ, WoW, BF3

Experience on DayZ/Gaming - DayZ - Newby Gaming - Experienced.

Why do you want to join? - I want to join ZAS because I need some people to play with, also I've heard it is a lot more fun with multiple players.

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Name: Hayden

Age: 17

Location: California, United States

What Games You Play: CoH, SWTOR, BF3, Total War Shogun 2, X3, Civ, STALKER, RO2, Men of War, Mount and Blade, Elder Scrolls, Crisis 1 & 2, Arma 2, etc.

Experience on Day Z: Been playing for few weeks now. First time I played I lasted about 50 hours before I died of a bug. (turned in a door way while prone and broke my legs, didn't have morphine)

Why do you want to join: I really want some other people to play with. I'm sick of running into to everyone and either they try and kill me, or we become friends and then they die and I never see them again. I am very good at the game. I can hold my own as well as help other people out. i think I can offer a lot.


Hope to hear from you!

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  • In-game Name Tristan (but will be changed if need be)

  • Age 16

  • Location ontario canada

  • What Games you Play: CS:GO, DAY Z, Battlefield 3

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming I am quite experienced on day z

  • Why do you want to join? because im tired of rolling by myself and want to join a clan to play with people im also tired of playing with my friends that constanly troll

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I hope not all of you guys are 16, I don't want to join a immature clan. I hope I don't offend anyone with this and I know age doesn't mean shit because I saw 13 year old's who act more mature then actual matures lol

With that being said here is my info:

  • Name: Bob

  • In-game Name: - Valkyrie -

  • Age: 24

  • Location: Serbia

  • What Games you Play: At the moment Dayz Only. Played MW3 and got bored of it. I also play Leage of Legends from time to time.

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: I play games since I was 11, I got plenty of FPS experience and I play DayZ for almost 3 months. I also played ArmA 2 before DayZ so I know the game well.

  • Why do you want to join? I want to join because I am bored of solo play. I want to have people around me in which I can trust, people that I can have fun with. I have a lot combat tactic knowledge and I hope you guys have too. Now, I am not a serious guy who can't laugh. Hell, I even love to fool around and joke but I know when I have to be serious, if the situation needs it. I hope you understand. I got a mic and I can install TS right away if I am qualified to join. My English is pretty good I'd say, but you can judge for yourself on TS :)

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Name: Dylan

in-game name:kakashi<3


Location: Melbourne/Australia

what games i play hmm well anything i can get my hands on from stronghold 2 to battlefield 3 been gaming since the days of halo when i was a little kid even remember playing some n64 games :")

Experience on day/gaming well i been playing dayZ for bloody ages now i started off like a nub like everyone else expect i had a edge, i play arma 2 alot in my spare time and i love it so while everyone was figuring out what button does what i knew what did what, further more i would have to say i have been around the whole map around 30+ times (im normally a solo player) but sometimes i play with a friend of mine we work well as a team, know most of the car and boat spawns of by heart (not that i have been able to get a dam car every thing has been hoarded,

why i want to join: well being a solo player (sometimes one or two people join me) can get really boring after all ive done pretty much all there is to day in dayZ even partyed with a few clans to help do operations like raiding camps and such and trading although im not the perfect dayZ player in a allright one i like to let noobs live last thing we need is they rage quiting and never coming back i only kill other players if they shoot at me first, and ive gotten off topic abit >.> sorry i do that. Well i would like to join so i could be part of something bigger something like if you were to play blue hohei without all the tkers and whatnot. and there it is hope you enjoyed reading this shit of not balls to you -kakashi <3

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  • Name: Taylor

  • In-game Name: Taylor

  • Age: 17

  • Location: United States

  • What Games you Play: DayZ, Arma II, (Previously played WoW and Runescape), Diablo 3, ROTMG, I own but usually don't play Minecraft, Terraria, Cs:s, and I occasionally play League with friends.

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: I've been in a few bandit clans on Dayz, also been in a few hero clans, but they all end up dying down. Looking for a new mature group.

  • Why do you want to join? Let's leave it at walking for 3 hours to be shot down by a clan is no fun, I'd much rather have a team to help me with that. xD

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Name - Zachary

In-game name - Cocoa

Age - 20

Location - USA (EST)

Games I Play - DayZ, Combat Arms, Minecraft, PS3, and other single player games.

Experience on DayZ/Gaming - DayZ is nothing new to me. I went from being shot and not understanding why to knowing the original map easily and now also Utes. I have my own rules of engagement but on Utes its SoS.

Why Do You Want to Join? - Well even with my experience and all running around for days then being sniped or a hacker killing you, well it gets to you.

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  • Name : Kevin

  • In-game Name : QuviNe

  • Age : 16 (I sound younger but believe me i'm 16)

  • Location : Sweden

  • What Games you Play : Black Ops 2, DayZ, MW2, TF2, Some minecraft.

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming : Helicopter flying, Sniping, Shooting, Cooking, Looting, Driving, Planning..

  • Why do you want to join? : I've been looking for a team for years, it seems so much more fun than going solo.

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Name: Zerbly

In-game Name: Zerbly

Age: 16(17 in 4 months)

Location: United States

What Games you Play: for PC, BO2

Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Have played fps's since I was young, rather good at them. Also I've been playing dayz since one of the first patches

Why do you want to join?: I want to join a team, have been playing solo for awhile.

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  • Name: Cameron

  • In-game Name: Nitro

  • Age: 15 (Mentally mature for my age)

  • Location: UK - England

  • What Games you Play: Counterstrike:Source, DayZ, Minecraft, TF2, Terraria, APB Reloaded, Ace of Spades, Tekkit, L4D2 + more on Xbox (with Gold Live membership)

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Experienced. With over 2000 hours on CS:S and having played DayZ since it's early stages I would like to think that I am a fairly experienced gamer. I've also played Minecraft for around a year as well.

  • Why do you want to join?: A big clan with experienced members who are well established sounds just like my thing! I know I am under the age restriction (by about 5 months) but I'd like to hope that wouldn't be a problem since it's such a small amount of time, and I am an experienced player.



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