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About quvine

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. You know you don't really sound any older than 14 either? Go learn english.
  2. Recruitment: Open (Un-named :( ) Is a new clan that's currently hiring players. We'll be doing all kinds of stuff like raiding the main cities, airstrips, killing people, YOU NAME IT! Currently we have 0 people. We need snipers, planners, pilots, cooks and close-range people The recruitment form: Age: What will you be doing?(sniping etc.): Your name: In-game name: Skype: Why do you wanna join?:
  3. quvine

    ZAS Recruitment Re-opening

    Name : Kevin In-game Name : QuviNe Age : 16 (I sound younger but believe me i'm 16) Location : Sweden What Games you Play : Black Ops 2, DayZ, MW2, TF2, Some minecraft. Experience on DayZ/Gaming : Helicopter flying, Sniping, Shooting, Cooking, Looting, Driving, Planning.. Why do you want to join? : I've been looking for a team for years, it seems so much more fun than going solo.
  4. quvine

    [SC]Summi Conquestum: Open Recruitment

    Age: 15 Country: Sweden. How long of you been playing?: a couple of months. What 2 Classes/Jobs would you want to be?: Sniper or planner How good do you think you are on a scale of 1-5: I would say 3. Don't know about others tho.
  5. Name: Kevin (QuviNe In-game) Age: 15 How long have you been playing DayZ: A couple of months Your Roll: Sniper, pilot or close-range. Skype: quvin4 Why should I pick you: I've wanted to play with a team for a very long time, i've only been playing solo for all this time. I'm a good pilot also good at tactics and stuff. Do you have a mic: Yes sir.