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Admin rant : Part 1

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[Disclaimer: This is a rant, not a troll thread, simply a rant. You can reply if you like, I honestly won't be bothered to reply to directed comments telling me how awful I am and how I made a bad call. I'm not looking for your input, i'm not looking for your slaps on the back. This post was simply to voice my frustration to this forum and give some insight into how the life of a server admin goes.If you feel you are a special snowflake and that this may in any way be directed at you then I strongly urge you to close this thread and go on about your day. Fair warning, continue to read at your own risk.]

I honestly see this becoming a multi-part rant simply because there is so much happening in the world of my server right now. I want to reach out and choke some of the people who play on my it and give their 'input' on how it should be run when you can tell on a glance that they've clearly never hosted a server / community before in their life.

You people have some nerve to stand up in a chat group we specifically made for this server and tell us how shitty of admins we are because we do such things like restart the server when it's slow and restart it when tents / vehicles / deployable wire and such don't come up on start. Really brilliant genius. I mean we spend our collective money on a place for you to come in and play and the only thing you can do is bitch about how it runs?

Granted, there are those who like and appreciate the fact that we are doing this and they say so in the chat, but some of you cocksuckers have a lot of nerve. I've seen everything from people ESP hacking finding our camp and then for days on end logging in to mark it over and over for days on end until we literally gave up and completely moved camp. We haven't been hacked quite as bad as everyone else and I consider this a bout of luck, but we've got our share of dumbass's that's for sure.

When will people figure out that just short of admins using hacks themselves that we can't spawn vehicles, weapons, gear of any kind. We are normal players on the server with the ability to restart it now and then to make it go smoother. We can't see you on the map, we can't teleport to you and kill you with a button. We can't see your camp, we can't see your truck, we can't see anything except what every other Tom, Dick, and Harry can see.

And we make mistakes. God forbid.

Couple of days ago we had a duo from Brazil come on our server and were server hopping till they found a chopper. We frown on server hopping but it's not a ban offense for us. We had just updated to and little did we know all vehicles that were destroyed on the map reset when the server is updated. So our chopper had crashed a few days prior and we had been checking almost every hour at both spawns to see if it had come back. We updated the server and these two hopped in and boom, free chopper. They fix it up and fly it to the NW airfield. I get to NW airfield and see it hovering there and shoot the hell out of it with a DMR, after two clips the pilot says "Shit i'm being shot!" and flies off. We figure, shit, choppers up already? Must be spawned in. So we say to the people online "If you're flying the chopper please come to chat." We then tell them how to get to the chat room and give them 15 minutes to get there. We update this every 5 minutes and at 15 minutes on the dot we shut the server down.

After the server shut down of course the two people come into the chat channel and start complaining. We ask where they got the chopper and they dick dance around actually telling us where they got it, they said - Oh you don't know where it spawns so we won't tell you. What kind of brain dead moron thinks he gets asked to come to a chat channel only so we can ask you where the chopper spawns? Dude have you ever heard of Google? Do they not have this in Brazil? We're giving you a chance to explain where the shit came from. How hard is it to say "Oh we found it on the island spawn.". Done, thanks, continue on, your chopper is probably back on the island because you didn't save it. Shit, we would have even LOCKED THE SERVER so you could go get it back and therefore be A-O.K. after that, but nope they nerd rage about how they've lost the chopper now because we brought it down.

They then start being racist saying how fucking Americans and Canadians are useless and how this is a shit community and oops, now your ass got banned.

Admins get a shit rap sometimes, we really do. We get our good and we get our cheese dick majority who seem to think we're a bunch of useless fucks with nothing better to do then ruin your free time on a free server that you connect to and don't even OFFER to fork a fucking penny over. Not that i'm asking for it, but it would be thoughtful for someone to say "Hey man if I wanted to donate, how would I do that?" Shit man I wouldn't take the money but you know damn good and well I would appreciate the offer. I know there are some people who could give two damns about a server and how it is running. I know there are people who could care less if hackers are ruining your game or not. I know there are admins who spawn cheat weapons and shit and use them on players.

News flash.

We're not one of them.

We ban for barracks hopping.

We ban for combat logging, combat dodging, Alt F4'ing out of combat.

We ban for racism and racist names.

We ban for hacking, scripting, duping gear.

Our ping limit is set to 150 and will kick anyone above that.

We try to run a very tight ship because we want our server to run smoothly. I'm not asking for your sympathy, i'm asking for you to not lump every admin you encounter in with the rest of these retards.


TL;DR : Get off the balls of the admins. Thanks.

Edited by Tandwan
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I'd give you beans, but it appears DayZ doesn't want me too. Reached my quota of positive votes it seems.

Beat the system by stabbing some poor guys post in the back and taking the beans back. Its like I am a bandit, but on the forums.

You seem like a pretty cool and straightforward admin. I hope noone decides to report you guys for banning individuals for combat logging-- Which currently can get your servers black-listed.

Best wishes.

A fellow Admin.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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You forgot to mention the hours upon hours of not playing and scrolling through logs trying to find the little turds teleporting and thunderdoming players.

You also forgot to mention the butthurt teenagers that lose a vehicle and then blame the admins, and who then post that the server admins are cheating on 4chan and Reddit, causing the server to receive ddos attacks and floods of cheaters "looking for revenge."

Then there are the players who do receive bans posting locations of all the camps and vehicles on the server, regardless of who owned them or not, just to get revenge against the admins.

Bloody difficult to admin a server and a thankless task at that. Looking forward to the standalone.

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For every admin like you and server like yours, there are two run by immature, lazy ne'er-do-wells who abuse their players and exploit their position.

There are certainly entitled, loud-mouthed players who walk all over admins, but if you really want to clean up the dialog then you need to be just as worried about the admins are out there giving you a bad name by running their servers like shitheads.

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I know man, I know some dick will cry that his character can't play on one of over a thousand servers but fuck them. Man I seriously do not care anymore about the 'feelings' of this people who think they can run the server better then us. We work for the community, everything we do is for the community and we treat our players like we want to be treated. If we make some mistakes then so be it, if we get fucking black-listed then oh well, we will just have our own server for us few to play on. Going to play now, have fun with the thread guys.

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All admins of the world: thank you for paying for our servers, but do not expect people to thank you, appreciate, or acknowledge your work in any way. Just don't expect it.

People are assholes, you should know that by now.

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You forgot to mention the hours upon hours of not playing and scrolling through logs trying to find the little turds teleporting and thunderdoming players.

This is Part 1. I await eagerly for Part 2.

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I ultimately empathize with your plight, but you honestly got a server for the public, or did you get one for you and your friends to play on, with the added benefit of being open to the public?

not that one is worse than the other, but if you're going to rant, honesty goes a long way towards empathy.

before I'm flamed, I'm not trying judge anyone, and fellow admin for servers of other games, I respect you all for what you have to put up with as I've been there too, lol although not on this scale of riduculousness.

Edited by ptk

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Have my beans sir. It's a shame that a lot of people base admins on the minority of idiots who ban you if you're within 10 metres of them.

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Finally, an admin that actually fucking admins and restarts the server now and then.

Poor admins are ruining Dayz.

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Did you get it all out buddy? You know that a huge percentage of people who play this game are retarded right? Accept this and you can love life again.

Remember Allah loves you.

Heil Satan.

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While I would never complaint to someone who's donating his money in order for me to play, but you made it look like server owners cant realy do anything, and dont.

Locking/reseting/changing the settings to show vehicles and so on, not to mention that some owners hack too.

I wont say most of them do that, but a big part of them have it on their normal day agenda.

Just yesterday I found a tent city, with almost all of the vehicles of the server, the tents looked legit so I figuered its the owner's and left it as it is (give or take)

not 15 minutes later the server kicked everyone but the owner's clanmates and of course how not, locked.

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Nice rant, and I see your points. I was expecting the usual profanity ridden vomit post but I can see why you felt the need to rant.

TBH, the reasons you have vented in the OP are the ones that stop me coughing up and running a server. I am, however, always grateful to those who do and those who are.

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