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Banned for Trying to Steal UH-1 Huey

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Since there is no way to revert my ban in that server the purpose of this topic will be to warn everyone out there to not mess with the admin and his crew in FR 88.

My team and I found one of their Huey had crashed near Krustoy Cap, one of our men who found it while travelling with his tractor :) was quicly taken out by the 4 Ghillie suit crew surronding the Huey.

We gathered our squad and car and head out to steal their chooper since it needes repairs it was essential to take out their 4 man squad. After an intense fire fight we had lost 3 of our men and they 2. Me and my remaining team member were now facing a 2on2 situation. I was able to spot both of them the admin equiped with an L85 and his friend with a M4A3 CCO, I take out his buddy and nade the admin that was on the far side of the hill after a few shoots from him I Give away his possition for my team mate to take him out....I run and sneak behind a tree while he was shooting randomly into the pine trees and I abort and disconnect to lobby I am then banned a few moments later for alt-F4 for 12 hours after two days I am still banned ...if you guys want to know what happened while I was banned ....my buddy heard the Huey take off and tried to bring him down with the AS50, he and all the remaining players were immediately kicked off the server whille the admin took the Huey to a safe location and then restarted the server after this to avoid any of us to take our stuff back. What should I do now they keep banning me everyday to avoid me ingame...my team members changed their names and tag to avoid losing our precious camp in the server. :o

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Bloody douches you miss the point, I was leaving the area I was not taking fire I was at least 50 meters from that position you bloody turds.I expected my friend to kill the guy and take the huey since I was not the pilot

Edited by Pur3

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Edited by Pur3

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No. You shouldn't've Alt+F4 anywhere near combat. Even '50 meters' away. You can hit someone with a crossbow at 50 m! If you want to leave the game, try something more along the lines of 500 m from last contact. If you're being persued, be prepared to fight to the death or "Abort" once in cover. Sometimes you've got to leave, and there's nothing wrong with that.

But yes, the server admins definitely did something wrong by kicking non-friendlies off the server to recover and move their chopper.

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No. You shouldn't've Alt+F4 anywhere near combat. Even '50 meters' away. You can hit someone with a crossbow at 50 m! If you want to leave the game, try something more along the lines of 500 m from last contact. If you're being persued, be prepared to fight to the death or "Abort" once in cover. Sometimes you've got to leave, and there's nothing wrong with that.

But yes, the server admins definitely did something wrong by kicking non-friendlies off the server to recover and move their chopper.

I didn]t know about that, but they had clearly made a mistake by crashing their chooper wand waiting for a friend to come back with the parts....they just didn]t expect we would know about that and that]s why they tried to get rid of us to secure the precious chooper. The most irritating part of this is that I can not play after the 24 hour ban in the server for a stupid mistake. Edited by Pur3

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Temp ban? If so I don't see the problem tbh

Temp ban? If so I don't see the problem tbh

It Edited by Pur3

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Gonna have to say the admin made the right choice. And your story is full of holes and other things that point to the alt+f4 ban being the correct choice.

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Your an idiot. You alt-f4/dc in the middle of combat... 50 meters away, thats nothing. Enjoy your ban and i hope people like you are perma banned soon.

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Your an idiot. You alt-f4/dc in the middle of combat... 50 meters away, thats nothing. Enjoy your ban and i hope people like you are perma banned soon.

Your an idiot. You alt-f4/dc in the middle of combat... 50 meters away, thats nothing. Enjoy your ban and i hope people like you are perma banned soon.

I got the choppa asshole, I have enjoyed my ban thank you very much.

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Gonna have to say the admin made the right choice. And your story is full of holes and other things that point to the alt+f4 ban being the correct choice.

Gonna have to say the admin made the right choice. And your story is full of holes and other things that point to the alt+f4 ban being the correct choice.

If trying to explain the whole situation it´s not good enough so be it.

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sorry man, but if I were the admin I would have banned you too.

The guy knew your approximate location and was actively engaged in trying to kill you, and you logged out. That is battle logging in the most direct sense.

If you had to log out you should have ran a few hundred meters and a few minutes out first. If you were not in danger of dying and absolutely had to log out.. the choice comes down to having your friend cover you while you AFK for a second or accepting the consequences for a battle log.

You logged out while engaged in combat so these are the consequences. You can try to contact the admin and ask for forgiveness (he may consider lifting your ban after time.. but it may be a month or more) but it doesn't sound like you had a very good reason at all for doing it.

I would start looking for a new server to fool around on. You can always have your friends transfer the camp if it's that important.

On the subject of the Admin resetting the server.. it sounds like a really crappy admin to do that. He's probably not going to work with you if he's that crappy of a person. You'll just have to suck it up and find somewhere better to play. I wish there was more to say but there is no way to punish him or make it right.. that's it. DayZ justice is rarely nice so good luck

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Disconnecting to lobby isn't ALT+F4

Maybe.... he had to shit?

Maybe.... he has a kid and had a emergency?

Maybe.... just maybe, his internet went out?

Server logs and reports don't log this crap, all they show is USER <A> connected, USER <A> disconnected. Keystrokes are not recorded.

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Once again some hypocrites who probably do alt-f4 keep coming here, I do not alt-f4 but who says otherwise clearly dosen´t give shit about that and is some frustrated hacker that keeps letting those alt-f4 pussys get away when they are engaged by their marvelous teleporting skills.

Once again The intent of this threat is to inform people about what Admin groups will do to protect their stuff. If aborting 50 meters away from a fight is the same as clicking in alt-f4 so be it my mystake.

Edited by Pur3

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If aborting 50 meters away from a fight is the same as clicking in alt-f4 so be it my mystake.

Has it really taken you this long to see that it is

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Has it really taken you this long to see that it is

Has it really taken you this long to see that it is

No I just didn´t have the chance to see the comment yet , I´m not trolling around trough the forum like you all the time.

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For all he knew you were planning on joining another server, moving around behind him and then rejoining his server. I would have banned you too. And saying that you didn't know that leaving when in combat is frowned upon just shows what kind of person you are. Shit, shit where is he....fuck it, I'll log out.

Go play Wii, you suck.

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No I just didn´t have the chance to see the comment yet , I´m not trolling around trough the forum like you all the time.

Listen carefully, I am not trolling when I tell you that you are an Alt F4 coward.

cry more

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Listen carefully, I am not trolling when I tell you that you are an Alt F4 coward.

cry more

Listen carefully, I am not trolling when I tell you that you are an Alt F4 coward.

cry more

Had enough with you sir trying to make me something I am not all your comments on my future threads will be blocked other users might see it but I will not nice knowing you are a true alt-f4 pussy and you need somebody else to blame to make you feel better but no me I won´t be that guy fool goodbye asshole !

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