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Running/sprinting really slowly, but can drive at normal speed. FPS issue?

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I'm running DayZ on an early MacBook Pro 2011 (I KNOW, I KNOW..) and I'm basically not running/walking at normal speeds. My friends tell me that I'm on a running animation, but I'm basically running on the rate where my mates are running backwards, which is pretty damn slow. Zombies don't catch me if I'm running though but will get left behind when running with friends without fail.

Weird thing is, I would be driving any vehicle at normal speeds.

Would this be a GPU/FPS issue or what? 'Cause turning down the range of visibility seemed to help the problem but it's still pretty slow.

I'd appreciate any feedback/possible fixes.

Thank you!

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This is a horrible bug that a few players (Including me) are plagued with, no explanation or solution sadly.

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Oh, well that sucks.

Sorry for the childish sounding post, it was about 4pm when I posted that and I haven't had any sleep yet.

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