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Good deed for the day

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So i spawned down the road, near Baloto airfield, went to the airfield and done a quick scavange, with little to find cept a m1911, then headed to the medical tents with the deerstands and found a new spawn body near the entrance, so avoided staying too long around the body and preceded carefully to check out the area and loot some goods from the deer stands - found an AKM and some smoke grenades (which i used to distract the zombies and get out quickly)

Was heading off down the side of the road, but still in sight of the airfield hangars, when i seen some Zombies aggro near the industrial buildings a bit further down from the airfield hangars. Sure enough, i spotted a player legging it into the shed, and fending off Zeds with an axe.

So i headed over to give a helping hand, using ingame mic to talk to him, asking if he needed help, i could hear the panic in his voice as he responded "friendly! friendly!".

I then told him about the body i found near the medical tents, could be worth scavenging for some stuff.

So off we went, the guy with the axe running beside me across the airfield. We got to the body, i stood watch as he took whatever he could, and then we headed over to the hangars to check them again. The guy with the axe, checked the com tower as i looked in the hangars, and at the bottom of one of them i found an M4A1 CCO. Picked that up, and told the guy with the axe that i had an AKM for him in the hangar, which he gratefully took.

Then we headed off down the road to Cherno where my new friend got kicked with high ping. Sometime later on, after id arrived at Cherno and was lying low, i seen he was back on the server, and shortly after that i seen his death message. I felt sorry to see that he had only been alive a short time. But Im hoping he will tell his friends the tale of a mysterious stranger that came to lend a hand, helped him get stocked up with weapons & equipment, and didnt kill him.

That my friends, is my good deed for the day.

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Nice! You sound like a good person, happy playing in DayZ!

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A true samaritan.. people like you are very hard to come by these dayz on dayz.

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Too bad your in the bandit forum. Keep the nice guy stuff in the survivor threads! We kill people aroun here!

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