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How do so many ppl have snipers and top guns?

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Majority of weapons you see these days will be hacked in and passed on from person to person via looting dead bodies.

Mod is fucked these days, I'd love to go back to the early days where actually seeing an AS50/M107 was the bees knees.

I don't know what you people are talking about, i found 2x AS50s, NVGs and an M107 on two choppers just this morning. Im done with the NWAF, i can fully gear up at deer stands, and a run or two at the Stary tents. Get geared, store it in a tent, rinse and repeat.

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Consider the fact that once the sniper rifle is spawned in, it is in the game for good. When you die, chances are some one else will pick it up. So yes it takes "all night" to farm a sniper rifle from NWAF. But as time goes on, more and more sniper rifles are being spawned into the game, and very few are being flushed out via unlooted players and bugs.

The best way to "farm" gear is to look for PLAYER CAMPS. Take what you need, don't be greedy, and many camps won't even bother moving (they'll chock it up to bugs, a buddy must've taken it, etc). There is so much gear floating around the map now I'm surprised when I encounter a player who's NOT in military gear.

Well, except that I don't play anymore, the game is crashing and burning from hacking and bad designers/developers, etc. From 220k players to 150k, and falling. GJ rocket, the players basically HAND you a game of the year by setting up shop in your bug infested shithole (read: only sandbox on the market), and you can't deliver.

Edited by SeptusCap
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Consider the fact that once the sniper rifle is spawned in, it is in the game for good. When you die, chances are some one else will pick it up. So yes it takes "all night" to farm a sniper rifle from NWAF. But as time goes on, more and more sniper rifles are being spawned into the game, and very few are being flushed out via unlooted players and bugs.

The best way to "farm" gear is to look for PLAYER CAMPS. Take what you need, don't be greedy, and many camps won't even bother moving (they'll chock it up to bugs, a buddy must've taken it, etc). There is so much gear floating around the map now I'm surprised when I encounter a player who's NOT in military gear.

Well, except that I don't play anymore, the game is crashing and burning from hacking and bad designers/developers, etc. From 220k players to 150k, and falling. GJ rocket, the players basically HAND you a game of the year by setting up shop in your bug infested shithole (read: only sandbox on the market), and you can't deliver.

That's a little harsh isn't it?

The guy and his "team" are working on a mod designed for a few thousand players which currently has over a million that have at least tried it.

What did you expect? This thing has all kinds of potential and I don't mind sweating some terrible shit now if it makes the standalone that much better. Every hack/skiddie that infests this mod now will help them make the standalone that much tighter security-wise. Every glitch/shitty build gives them more experience... even if it is currently what not to do.

Hang in there.

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There are many hackers on DayZ but people still don't realise its still in Alpha. Rocket even said "We haven't scratched the surface of looting yet" in an Interview which probably means there is going to be more ways to loot, more city's, villages. Better textures more detail. There is still alot to come in DayZ including there Stand-alone game they are creating which might be similar to The Arma II Mod but even better, no-one knows. Just stop moaning and play the game, you get killed? You get killed simple as that. Nothing is better than the thrill of Raiding, looting and killing Heavily Geared players. Errors, Dupes and Glitches will happen. There is nothing we can do.

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You know, a lot of idiots go to the barracks already kitted out with hi-end gear- most times i go there the best weapons i get are not spawned but what i take off dead bodys.

Its really stupid even thinking about going to those places, just unnecessary risk when you can get DMR/M14/M24's from a fucking deerstand.

I used to think the barracks and the NW airfield were dangerous, once you know what you're doing they are actually safer than Cherno or Elektro. I go there all the time with no problems. The only danger is from people server hopping.

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By repairing a vehicle, and driving around tent hunting...

End up finding everything, even more vehicles hidden.

Servers need to be reset when duping/hacking is fixed.

I've found plenty of legit weapons, in tree stands (M107's). I've seen at least 4-5 crashed helis in the 2 weeks I've played and I haven't found an AS50, but I've killed tons of people using them.

I've never found rangefinders or entrenching tools, but I've kill people with them.

Most of the loot I find is in tents, and I'll grab peoples shit and stick it in my vehicle and disperse between my group and wreck havoc.

You shouldn't be able to play for less than an hour and have all this... (this was today btw)


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Found my AS50 at a helicopter crash site which was pretty easy to find.

This. Run around in open fields looking for choppers. I find AS50s at them fairly often. Though it's true that they are more plentiful than they should be due to duping and scripting, not everyone with an AS50 is a scripter. The one my buddy has right now, is from a helo crash. My m249, helo crash. All of our NVGs... helo crash.

I used to think the barracks and the NW airfield were dangerous, once you know what you're doing they are actually safer than Cherno or Elektro. I go there all the time with no problems. The only danger is from people server hopping.

This. I died there for the first time today. No one there, only a few people on the server as it was dead of night, another guy joins the server and within 30 seconds I am dead, then he is gone. Funny part is I found a corpse with almost my same load out at Electko when I went to meet up with some friends.

Edited by Buick72

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A better standard of judging the amount of duping that is going on is ghillie suits. They can't be looted from bodies like the weapons can, yet there seems to be almost as many of them as there are AS50s.

Hardly. I find ghillie suits all the time in castles, apartments, heli crashes, just about any residential location (even doorsteps to buildings)... but I've never found a .50 at a spawn location. There are a ton of low risk places ghillie suits can spawn, so they are far more common.

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I think weapons in general need to be harder to find. Civilian weapons like the double-barrel are pointless because it's so easy to get an AK right from the get-go. I don't think firestations should be spawning military weapons in the first place, it makes it too easy to make Cherno and Elektro an even bigger warzone than they already are.

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Yes. One hit at 1250m in the toe scores you a kill. "Legitimate" cheating.

You realize that if you get shot with a .50 on the leg, or the arm... you're going to lose that limb, right? You take one in the foot, you're going to lose that foot... it's coming off in pieces immediately. There won't be enough of it to reattach it, shock and blood loss will take care of the rest quickly. That's why it's an instant kill. There's no reason to have a game treat such a wound otherwise... because you are combat ineffective right away, a casualty. You're out of the fight and will never return to the fight.

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First you accuse me of justifying for simply having it, and now you jump to me justifying using it? Make up your mind.

Did I say everyone should script? Did I tell everyone to be like me and use scripted or duped guns if they find them? It's partly my fault for wording my point wrongly but you're twisting the meaning behind it. I happened to find a gun, that's usefull, but unfair. But the WHOLE game at this point is unfair. I do not need an unfair advantage to make me feel better, but I won't go out of my way or change my opinions or principles just to cater to other people who have their own opinions and principles.

At this point we're just arguing semantics.

Edit; Still wording it wrongly. I say the whole game is unfair at this point and that sounds wrong. I mean that shit happens and that you should take things in stride and make up your own mind on what to do in unfair situations, like finding duped/scripted weapons or vehicles.

A PVP player is going to kill you, take it, and head right on down to cherno with it. Simple as that.

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died and respawned first house i went to in electro had ghillie alice pack and enfield in it

moral of this story gear isnt rare you just have shitty luck:D

Edited by dinoSF

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That's a little harsh isn't it?

The guy and his "team" are working on a mod designed for a few thousand players which currently has over a million that have at least tried it.

What did you expect? This thing has all kinds of potential and I don't mind sweating some terrible shit now if it makes the standalone that much better. Every hack/skiddie that infests this mod now will help them make the standalone that much tighter security-wise. Every glitch/shitty build gives them more experience... even if it is currently what not to do.

Hang in there.

Haven't seen a single legit feature change since they started this "experiment." Weapon/ammo/food/zombie spawns + sandbox.

I am a huge sandbox fan, but ArmA was always a shitty game (everyone I knew put up with it for the sake of zombie sandbox), and the development has basically been at a stand still, with rocket talking out of his ass here and there.

If Bohemia knew not to trust the client there'd be less prolific hacking. If they knew how to code there'd be fewer physics glitches. If they weren't total retards we wouldn't be wrestling with THE worst UI in gaming history.

If we're lucky, the industry will notice the demand for sandbox gaming and assign competent developers to this starving genre.

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You realize that if you get shot with a .50 on the leg, or the arm... you're going to lose that limb, right? You take one in the foot, you're going to lose that foot... it's coming off in pieces immediately. There won't be enough of it to reattach it, shock and blood loss will take care of the rest quickly. That's why it's an instant kill. There's no reason to have a game treat such a wound otherwise... because you are combat ineffective right away, a casualty. You're out of the fight and will never return to the fight.

Internet kids are always overhyping the .50 cal weapons. IRL it depends how you get hit, and whether the bullet can spread it's force. If you get hit in the hand, it's not going to blow your hand off--it will most likely go straight through and leave the rest of your arm intact. Torso shots will generally leave you in pretty critical condition, but with arms/legs it really just depends where and how the bullet hits.

Edited by derrida
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Sniper rifles seem pretty common as soon as you get further north, the real rarities are things like the M240, MK48, M4A1 CCO SD, M16 Acog. The only really rare rifles are the AS50s and Dragunovs and even then I have seen plenty of AS50s because people never leave these on the people they kill. Have seen one Dragunov which I looted from a player I killed, this seems to be the rarest weapon in the game.

Hopefully with the ammo changes these high end snipers will start to be used less, 107 rounds aren't exactly that rare though, be nice if they moved these to barracks/HCS spawns.

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I have aan AS50 found at a Heli crash site, whenever we find a crash site with an AS50 there is always 2 of them plus an M107. But the other day we found 3 crashed Heli`s in the south east of the map near Polana, 1 had a Med box, 2xCamo Clothing and a Fal, 1 had an M107 and an NV fal and the other had a Bizon, Fal and some other stuff. No AS50. Its all just random just keep looking. Like for instance when I first started playing this game the first chopper I found had 2xNVG`s. Then from then on for weeks I never found a single NVG. You just gotta get lucky.

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AS50 and M107 are off limits, only hackers uses these weapons


How are you not locked in a windowless room?

Edited by Stworca

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I think Ive picked up 2-3 AS50s of heli crash sites and like 200 off dead players I didn't even kill. I tend to avoid players and I loot heli crash sites regularly. Its pretty obvious they come from hackers and dupers.

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Internet kids are always overhyping the .50 cal weapons. IRL it depends how you get hit, and whether the bullet can spread it's force. If you get hit in the hand, it's not going to blow your hand off--it will most likely go straight through

.50BMG is not going to leave a clean wound channel through a hand it's going to destroy it.

This is from the detonation alone. Considering the width of hands by comparison to the width of elbows/knees forearms etc the .50BMG is capable of borderline limb serverence.


Edited by ih8

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if you run between polana and the nwaf (just start at polana and run over the fields to the west), you will easily find one or two heli crash sites. that's my sleeper to all of you. nearly everytime i start at polana, i see some crash sites. once i saw two crash sides just side by side. 2x camo-clothing for me :D

so i found a LOT of crash sites but NEVER an as50/l85 and the m107 just once... but a shitload of bizons, m14s and fn fals.

also i never found gps or rangefinder. if you're not lucky enough to loot it from other players, i guess you will have hard times to loot it from buildings. especially the rangefinder - i think it's easier to find the holy grail or the cure against cancer, than finding a rangefinder in the barracks...

i've looted the airfield like a million times, but found m4sd (my current gun <3), nv-googles, m4 holo, svd, and m136 just a SINGLE time.

Edited by drunkenteddybear

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.50BMG is not going to leave a clean wound channel through a hand it's going to destroy it.

This is from the detonation alone. Considering the width of hands by comparison to the width of elbows/knees forearms etc the .50BMG is capable of borderline limb serverence.

A round exploding in your hand is VERY, VERY, VERY different than an already fired bullet hitting your hand. Please tell me you're not serious.

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