[email protected] 10 Posted August 19, 2012 I'll start off; will also try to keep it short.After spawning in electro and looting it I started hearing explosions coming from the western side of town. I worked my way to the tree line west of electro and spotted three players all in guile suits. All were equipped with As50s/M4s. I didn’t have the firepower to take them on so i just sat down in the brush and wait to see what they would do. I was kind of confused because they were standing in the middle of the road, not even trying to be hidden. Suddenly a helicopter appeared in front of one of them. Two more appeared in front of the other two. All three got in them and started to hover. One of them left going east above electro. The other two didn’t fare so well, one crashed immediately, the other crashed into the ocean after a few minutes. Guess script kiddies can't fly well? I went to go check the wreckage of one of the heli's and was immediately teleported to the middle of the NWA. All three of them where surrounding me. Under me was a Bear trap. I then started to float. Slowly i made my way into the sky. After floating about 200m in the air i ALT F4'd and was instantly killed before my game could close. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
U.B.C.S. Ravin 326 Posted August 19, 2012 The other day I was ontop of the Hospital with MONSTER and Ryan, we were armed with a DMR and two AS50's.We saw some guy running through Elektro with a MK48 just mowing down Zombies, so I peeked up to shoot him in the back. He instant dodged the bullets with reactions I have never seen before and movement not possible. He dodged to the right like he was running straight but did it to his right, then left. He went into the general store and teleported under us."You faggots are the ones sniping new players?" We hear him say. We all kinda stop and wonder what the hell he meant, as we were on the hospital to shoot people on sniper hill and counter sniper. A second later the hospital explodes and two of us die. Monster managed to log out in time.I spawn near Elektro and run back to my body, the hacker is still there and he doesn't kill me. Instead he attempts to berate me. As if somehow it justifies his hacking."You must like to kill new players." He tries to sound like a white knight of a sort."...No, actually we kill snipers on the hills-- but you know a thing or two about killing new players with your scripts to insta-dodge bullets, right?"He shuts up as I am collecting the gear from my body. Not caring if he shoots me at this point. Zombies start to swarm him and he just unloads with the MK48 to kill them. I take running off to the side and kneel down to double check and make sure I got everything away from him. Somehow he manages to find me, I assume through ESP, not even three seconds later. Spawning an ammo crate. I don't know why he did this, but I turned from it."No thanks." I proceeded to log out from there. Hoping I made some hacker feel a bit guilty about himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 19, 2012 (edited) 2 back to back entries I made in the DayZ Stories thread involving hackers:1: "9 day survivor lost to hacker.I was running along the north western perimeter looking for camps and vehicles when suddenly someone took a shot at me.I could not hear where the shot came from so I tried to run for the nearest row of trees.Next thing I know, large explosions are erupting from the treeline I am running towards, and the first thing I thought was, "Satchel charges", (now I believe this to be artillery), so I still think I am in a legit PvP run for my life and don't Alt-F4.Now my assailant starts firing with a different gun and I am shot dead.Heart pounding and now beginning to get the slight inkling that I may have just ran into a hacker, I respawn near Cherno.I run in the general direction of my first possible loot location when I am suddenly teleported to the wilderness up north with a large group of other new spawns mostly barehanded, some with hatchets. People are generally bewildered running around yelling.Suddenly cows parachute down from the sky.And then what I believe was a serious of bombs or nukes went off.After aborting and switching servers I spawned in the wilderness bleeding knocked out and with legs broken.Needless to say I respawned when I could.I dont feel I have it in me to play more right now. I might fire it up in an hour or two....The only consolation I take from this is a full reset of my kill count now that ammo limits are now in place.From now on, the kill count will mean more.Edit: I found a low pop server and gathered some basics and headed to the NE AirstripAfter clearing the control tower, I found what I would describe as a "survivor tent" pitched directly in front of the first hangar.Inside was mostly lower tier weapons, but the remington was better than the crossbow I had. Also inside that tent, to my surprise, was a GPS! Which I had not found up until now."2: "Today I was picked up by a whitehat hacker on an ATV. I was running through the woods towards the airfield and heard a horn honking, and yelled "Friendly" over the direct chat.When he picked me up I did not know he was a hacker, I only knew he didn't shoot me and was willing to drive me to my destination, the airfield, where I hoped to trade my remington for an ak or an m16.As we are driving I feel as if he is taking a route that didn't make sense, and I started to think something was fishy. I asked him if he was taking me to some trap or thunderdome and he said if he wanted to kill me i would have been dead already and that since I was friendly, he wanted to help. It was at this time I told the story of how a hacker killed me yesterday and I lost my M16 and NVG's.Moments later we pull up to a barn, and now I know something is amiss. He urges me to enter the barn where he says I will find some supplies. I enter the barn to find it empty, no loot, no zombies. It seemed a zombie was about to spawn and as soon as it popped up, it disappeared.Now my spidey senses were going wild and for no particular reason I thought to check my backpack. My remington now an M16ACOG, My revolver an M9, NVG's, morphine, everything I had lost to the hacker the previous night (except my M16 was not an ACOG).Next thing I know he comes over the chat with, "hey wow look at that, this must be the best barn ever!".Now I tell him that I appreciate the fact that he is trying to help, but the items aren't legit, and that instead of gearing up guys like me, he should be out hacking the black hat scripters down.He agreed to this and promptly teleported us to NW airfield. Here he displayed the ability to merely walk up to zombies and kill them and when I tried to tell leave using the night time as an excuse, he turned on the sun.Finally I conceded to him that playing with someone with godlike power removed all of the fun and challenge from the game for me and that I appreciated the fact that he used his powers for good and not evil but I still could not play with him.Next thing I know, he teleported away, and I aborted from that server which was beginning to fill up and lag terribly."Edit: to say, not only did the white hat return the gear I had lost, he also gave me an AS50, 6 clips, and a ghillie suit which I burned in the nearest fireplace I could make as soon as I respawned. Edited August 19, 2012 by BioHaze Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benjeh 0 Posted August 19, 2012 My story is more of a server wide hack than a personal one, I was venturing towards the N/W Airfield with a friend of mine and as we got close suddenly we were teleported to an Arena of some kind, we lost our weapons at this point, but kept skins (not sure about equipment etc...) It was made up of military tents and towers in some compound which was completely surrounded by H-Barriers. I immeditately though Hungergames... A message came up in the chat box, something like 'Guns in ammo crates'. Ten seconds or so later, shots were ringing out all around me, I jumped into a military tents where another message came up. 'Helicopter will arrive in 5 minutes'. I wasn't going to wait 5 minutes, I told my friend to abort straight away like I did. We joined another server and found ourselves in the middle of the N/W Airfield runway. I legged it to the nearest trees and decided as I was there I would loot it!Anyway, I thought exteme hacks like this were almost impossible, not only because it's so big and easy to spot, but also because wouldn't the BattleEye kick the hackers before anything extreme like this could happen? I still had all my guns and stuff when I logged back in so wasn't all bad. Just wish hackers weren't around! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites