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DayZ Medic Lets Play! (saving players anywhere)

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1st vid of me saving a random player from the forums

just add me on steam "paintball2x1" and let me know your medical situation and ill come help

thanks for watching!

Edited by paintball2x1
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Mate theres nothing to watch... the link you gave is to Youtube Account controle panel :)

Tho' Thanks, i had two videos which did not upload as they should have been... 3 years ago ..

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gd vid, when I saw the bandit skin an 6 murders I was scepticle, but you really went out of your way. Gd equipment, nice headshot to kill ratio, you seem like a competent player. Keep it up

Edited by Criminal

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  On 8/19/2012 at 11:40 PM, Criminal said:

gd vid, when I saw the bandit skin an 6 murders I was scepticle, but you really went out of your way. Gd equipment, nice headshot to kill ratio, you seem like a competent player. Keep it up


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Nice to see something positive going on, only thing I would suggest is maybe start a bit closer to the action, although you did mention that in the video yourself. If there was more going on, ie you had to fight your way to the survivor your helping then fine. Anyway keep it up, good to see people helping others. :)

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  On 8/20/2012 at 4:10 AM, Fortran said:

Nice to see something positive going on, only thing I would suggest is maybe start a bit closer to the action, although you did mention that in the video yourself. If there was more going on, ie you had to fight your way to the survivor your helping then fine. Anyway keep it up, good to see people helping others. :)

thanks man

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Glad you are helping, pitty you have -164K humanity so no hero skin for you in near future (would be so much cooler instead of having towel wrapped around your head, that will get honest people worried).

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  On 8/20/2012 at 1:24 PM, Hombre said:

Glad you are helping, pitty you have -164K humanity so no hero skin for you in near future (would be so much cooler instead of having towel wrapped around your head, that will get honest people worried).

ya to towel head sucks

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I'm in kamenko with a broken leg, just left of it anyway, crossing the small metal bridge by the shore, I'll be happy to trade anything in my inventory for a morphine

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We'll I haven't played since I'm waiting for a response from ya ...I'm at the NW airfield South barracks with 500 blood ,I have like 10 or so hours invested in this character and all I really need is NVGs to be where I want.. Wouldn't be asking for help if that damn tower ladder didn't kick me off when I got to the top and dropped me causing broken legs, I had morphine for that but it was night and I was using the chemlight to get around. As I got to the South barracks A zombie came out of nowhere and smacked me knocking me out, barely got out of it alive...500 blood isn't enough to hunt and if I tried it would be suicide passing out every minute or so. Would really appreciate the help , I've already subbed to your channel. Hope to hear from ya soon ...need my Dayz fix

Edited by Calistyle4life

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  On 8/22/2012 at 3:23 AM, biggy101 said:

On top of a hospital, needs medical assistance?

lol seriously go down and help yourself lol

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  On 8/22/2012 at 3:23 AM, biggy101 said:

On top of a hospital, needs medical assistance?

He had under 3k blood. You cannot give yourself a blood bag.

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