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nerves (DayZ)

Clan(?) Camp Discovered, Coords + Screenshots inside.

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Just running along the hillside between Cherno & Elektro and I discovered some tents with some pretty decent gear inside of them.


Here are the coords.


Server is US 734

EDIT: I'm not camping it, just passing along a useful find.

Edited by nerves

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and what did they do to you? or are you just a dick that thinks posting peoples bases is going to make you cool or w/e inane pointless thing that drives you.

Get a life kid, and perhaps your own base, you obviously have base envy.

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I hope there's a good reason why you're posting this...

Edited by CyberTyrant

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Ok, so I have to be the one to ask this: Why are you completely geared up an hanging around the starting areas? Oh... I get it... how many newbz did you pwn with your uber 1337 sniping skillz today, good sir?

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Ok, so I have to be the one to ask this: Why are you completely geared up an hanging around the starting areas? Oh... I get it... how many newbz did you pwn with your uber 1337 sniping skillz today, good sir?

My character is pretty much a fresh spawn, but I just run around hillsides and look for tents. I always find them and have Ghillie/NVG/AS50/etc etc within 30ish minutes of spawning.

Actin' like gear is hard to get brah?

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My character is pretty much a fresh spawn, but I just run around hillsides and look for tents. I always find them and have Ghillie/NVG/AS50/etc etc within 30ish minutes of spawning.

Actin' like gear is hard to get brah?

Those clans must really like you by now.

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