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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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This server is running an incorrect... The same here..

I m sorry, i know u have lot to do! If u can, help me pls..

Arma X

Name: PsyCo

ID : 6398210

Thank you!

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Read this > http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085

ArmA X users have letters in the player ID and they are not supported :(

There are options that have had success for some but not all players by following this guide > http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085&pid=212654#pid212654

If it dosn't work then you just have to be patient and wait for Rocket and the team to come up with a fix.

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Please help!

I have Arma X and DayZ worked for a few days but now i always get "the server is running an incorrect ..." message

Name: Draco5991

ID: 306497

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im german, tryin to get DAYZ running for hours now.


This server is running an incorrect version of server

> Arma X Retail

player: MJay

ID: 181762AX

can you help me?

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Hi, @pk richie. Not all ARMAX users have letters in the id m8 myself an example


id 370689

just clarifying

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Arma 2 Reinforcements and arma 2 free

This server is running an incorrect version of server side application.



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cant u tell us how long it might take ? days...a week ...maybe a month? cuz i rly wanna play this weeked again ...and i would just buy arma2oa in single version...but i dont wanna go buy it now and then today or 2morrow its fixed ...

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Help me!

"This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff."

name: Noggano1337

id player: 3935620

please help!!!!!!!!!

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This server is running an incorrect version of server side application

name: Chief


Plz help guys!

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When i try to join it says "Bad version, server rejected connection" but when im actually running the required version. If i run it from the six launcher thing, it says something about needing CA Building Parts. I've reinstalled both. Another thing it says something error creating Direct 3D 9 graphics engine...wtf

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Please help. Been happening non stop for me.

Username: TheBeastVIII

id: 1244736AX

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ArmA X buyer here. Only got the Game for DayZ and its not working.

Username: revO

ID: 26242

(Why do i got this short ID? And why do others got an AX at the end and me not? anyways.)

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