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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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It's thursday today so in four days it will become monday. They haven't fixed it yet because there hasn't been any patches released...

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The release date was meant for last monday :) It's 4 days overdue with no new eta of the patch release.

Proberbly due to new features being added (bear traps etc) and new bugs to fix (ArmA X retail problems etc)

It will happen soon hopefully but keep asking when when when won't make it happen any faster

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thx for the advice triple but didnt work :D

w8ting for update on monday.... oh sry its already friday...

P.S. give a shit on 1.7.2.... -.-" just give us the hotfix now :@:@:@.....


ID: 349634AX

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Name: Rush

ID: 93188RFT


Please, Please help me

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Incorrect Server Version pls help me' date='i have Arma 2 X Retail Version

ID: 206338

Name: Ibrahim



Same problem, i have the annerversary edition but without letters

Name: wolf (new charackter)

ID: 462018

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I seem to get this problem every time the game updates. Last time, deleting then reinstalling my beta folder seemed to fix it. This time it didn't however.

Id: 573248AX

Name: Jake

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Whenever i join a server it says "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server"

I understand it has to do with the servers not updating there "Hive" whatever that is' date=' but I'm confused WHY does this only happen to some people. WHY CAN OTHER PEOPLE PLAY AND WE CANT

In the update of 1.6.0 they put.

[NEW'] Players will receive an error message if the server they are on is running an incorrect HIVE version

But why is the servers only running an incorrect Hive version for me. WHY NO ONE ELSE!!!

This doesn't make sense because if Hive is updated Everyone should have this freaking problem not just some.

Please someone clarify why this is only broken for some (including me) and how i can fix it, there has to be a way for me to fix it if its only like this for some people.

Posting a pic of what I'm talking about below. Click it to view larger

I don't know if anyone has given this response yet as a fix. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to read all 44 pages of the thread.

I encountered this problem with my server, US 47 and the way I fixed it was to run the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributale on the server again.

10) Download and install http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=29 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package's

As soon as I did this and brought the server instance up again, the problem was gone.

Hope this helps some of the server operators squash this problem.

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Pleas Help me ;-(

My In-Game name is = RoyalSoulFX

My ID is = 299650

Pleas Help me

My In-Game name is = RoyalSoulFX

My ID is = 299650

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Acount No.: 378498AX

This Server is running ...


Arma X

Six Updater V

arma2oa File Ver

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Arma X

Ingame name: Sithis

Player Id: 49602

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still wont work for me :( ...did the update fix it ? or still no fix?

what i have 2 do? i wanna play again w8ting nearly since a week...

and what i would need 2 buy again for normal ip...arma2 oa or arma2 ??

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I have the same problem. I played only four days. Please Help me!

I have Arma X


Name: Seby

ID : 13126AX

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